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FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT,\r\nINDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM\r\nLOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR\r\nOTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR\r\nPERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.\r\n***************************************************************************** */\r\n/* global Reflect, Promise */\r\n\r\nvar extendStatics = function(d, b) {\r\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\r\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\r\n function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\r\n return extendStatics(d, b);\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __extends(d, b) {\r\n if (typeof b !== \"function\" && b !== null)\r\n throw new TypeError(\"Class extends value \" + String(b) + \" is not a constructor or null\");\r\n extendStatics(d, b);\r\n function __() { this.constructor = d; }\r\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport var __assign = function() {\r\n __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {\r\n for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {\r\n s = arguments[i];\r\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];\r\n }\r\n return t;\r\n }\r\n return __assign.apply(this, arguments);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __rest(s, e) {\r\n var t = {};\r\n for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)\r\n t[p] = s[p];\r\n if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === \"function\")\r\n for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {\r\n if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))\r\n t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];\r\n }\r\n return t;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {\r\n var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;\r\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.decorate === \"function\") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);\r\n else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;\r\n return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {\r\n return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {\r\n if (typeof Reflect === \"object\" && typeof Reflect.metadata === \"function\") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __generator(thisArg, body) {\r\n var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;\r\n return g = { next: verb(0), \"throw\": verb(1), \"return\": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === \"function\" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;\r\n function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }\r\n function step(op) {\r\n if (f) throw new TypeError(\"Generator is already executing.\");\r\n while (_) try {\r\n if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y[\"return\"] : op[0] ? y[\"throw\"] || ((t = y[\"return\"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;\r\n if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];\r\n switch (op[0]) {\r\n case 0: case 1: t = op; break;\r\n case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };\r\n case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;\r\n case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n default:\r\n if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }\r\n if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }\r\n if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }\r\n if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }\r\n if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();\r\n _.trys.pop(); continue;\r\n }\r\n op = body.call(thisArg, _);\r\n } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }\r\n if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n});\r\n\r\nexport function __exportStar(m, o) {\r\n for (var p in m) if (p !== \"default\" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __values(o) {\r\n var s = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;\r\n if (m) return m.call(o);\r\n if (o && typeof o.length === \"number\") return {\r\n next: function () {\r\n if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;\r\n return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };\r\n }\r\n };\r\n throw new TypeError(s ? \"Object is not iterable.\" : \"Symbol.iterator is not defined.\");\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __read(o, n) {\r\n var m = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && o[Symbol.iterator];\r\n if (!m) return o;\r\n var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;\r\n try {\r\n while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }\r\n finally {\r\n try {\r\n if (r && !r.done && (m = i[\"return\"])) m.call(i);\r\n }\r\n finally { if (e) throw e.error; }\r\n }\r\n return ar;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/** @deprecated */\r\nexport function __spread() {\r\n for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)\r\n ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));\r\n return ar;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/** @deprecated */\r\nexport function __spreadArrays() {\r\n for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;\r\n for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)\r\n for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)\r\n r[k] = a[j];\r\n return r;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {\r\n if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {\r\n if (ar || !(i in from)) {\r\n if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);\r\n ar[i] = from[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __await(v) {\r\n return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {\r\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];\r\n return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n function verb(n) { if (g[n]) i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; }\r\n function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }\r\n function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }\r\n function fulfill(value) { resume(\"next\", value); }\r\n function reject(value) { resume(\"throw\", value); }\r\n function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncDelegator(o) {\r\n var i, p;\r\n return i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\", function (e) { throw e; }), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;\r\n function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: n === \"return\" } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __asyncValues(o) {\r\n if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError(\"Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.\");\r\n var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;\r\n return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === \"function\" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb(\"next\"), verb(\"throw\"), verb(\"return\"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);\r\n function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }\r\n function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {\r\n if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, \"raw\", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }\r\n return cooked;\r\n};\r\n\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport function __importStar(mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== \"default\" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __importDefault(mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {\r\n if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a getter\");\r\n if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n return kind === \"m\" ? f : kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {\r\n if (kind === \"m\") throw new TypeError(\"Private method is not writable\");\r\n if (kind === \"a\" && !f) throw new TypeError(\"Private accessor was defined without a setter\");\r\n if (typeof state === \"function\" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError(\"Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it\");\r\n return (kind === \"a\" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;\r\n}\r\n", "/**\n * Taken from from https://github.com/reduxjs/redux\n *\n * (This file used to be a TypeScript port of the `compose` function, but since\n * Redux has been ported to TypeScript, it's now an exact copy)\n */\n\ntype Func = (...a: T) => R\n\n/**\n * Composes single-argument functions from right to left. The rightmost\n * function can take multiple arguments as it provides the signature for the\n * resulting composite function.\n *\n * @param funcs The functions to compose.\n * @returns A function obtained by composing the argument functions from right\n * to left. For example, `compose(f, g, h)` is identical to doing\n * `(...args) => f(g(h(...args)))`.\n */\nexport function compose(): (a: R) => R\n\nexport function compose(f: F): F\n\n/* two functions */\nexport function compose(\n f1: (a: A) => R,\n f2: Func\n): Func\n\n/* three functions */\nexport function compose(\n f1: (b: B) => R,\n f2: (a: A) => B,\n f3: Func\n): Func\n\n/* four functions */\nexport function compose(\n f1: (c: C) => R,\n f2: (b: B) => C,\n f3: (a: A) => B,\n f4: Func\n): Func\n\n/* rest */\nexport function compose(\n f1: (a: any) => R,\n ...funcs: Function[]\n): (...args: any[]) => R\n\nexport function compose(...funcs: Function[]): (...args: any[]) => R\n\nexport function compose(...funcs: Function[]) {\n if (funcs.length === 0) {\n // infer the argument type so it is usable in inference down the line\n return (arg: T) => arg\n }\n\n if (funcs.length === 1) {\n return funcs[0]\n }\n\n return funcs.reduce((a, b) => (...args: any) => a(b(...args)))\n}\n", "import type { HashMap, HashMapValue } from \"@appsignal/types\"\n\n/**\n * Converts all values in a flat object to a string.\n *\n * Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46982698/how-do-i-convert-all-property-values-in-an-object-to-type-string\n */\nexport function toHashMapString(\n obj?: HashMap\n): HashMap | undefined {\n if (!obj) return\n\n Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => {\n if (typeof obj[k] === \"object\") {\n obj[k] = JSON.stringify(obj[k])\n }\n\n obj[k] = String(obj[k])\n })\n\n return obj\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts any non-string, boolean or number value in an object to a string\n */\nexport function toHashMap(\n obj?: HashMap\n): HashMap | undefined {\n if (!obj) return\n\n Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => {\n if (\n typeof obj[k] === \"string\" ||\n typeof obj[k] === \"boolean\" ||\n typeof obj[k] === \"number\"\n ) {\n return\n }\n\n obj[k] = JSON.stringify(obj[k])\n })\n\n return obj\n}\n", "/**\n * Check if the given object is an error-like object.\n *\n * @param {Error | T} error An `Error` object or an error-like object\n *\n * @return {boolean}\n */\nexport function isError(error: Error | T): boolean {\n return (\n typeof error === \"object\" && typeof (error as any).message !== \"undefined\"\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * Get backtrace from an `Error` object, or an error-like object\n *\n * @param {Error | T} error An `Error` object or an error-like object\n *\n * @return {string[]} A backtrace\n */\nexport function getStacktrace(error: Error | T): string[] {\n if (\n typeof (error as any).stacktrace !== \"undefined\" ||\n typeof (error as any)[\"opera#sourceloc\"] !== \"undefined\"\n ) {\n // probably opera\n const { stacktrace = \"\" } = error as any\n return stacktrace\n .split(\"\\n\")\n .filter((line: string | undefined) => line !== \"\")\n } else if (error.stack) {\n // an Error or a plain object that resembles an error\n const { stack = \"\" } = error\n return stack.split(\"\\n\").filter(line => line !== \"\")\n } else {\n // probably IE9 :(\n return [\"No stacktrace available\"]\n }\n}\n", "/**\n * Encodes given object into url-friendly format\n *\n * @param {object} object: [object: An object that contains serializable values]\n *\n * @return {string} [Encoded URI params]\n */\nexport function urlEncode(object: { [key: string]: any }): string {\n return Object.keys(object)\n .map(key => `${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(object[key])}`)\n .join(\"&\")\n}\n", "/**\n * Returns `true` if the function is an async function.\n *\n * Adapted from https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-detect-async-function\n */\nexport const isAsync = (fn: Function) => fn.constructor.name === \"AsyncFunction\"\n", "/**\n * Checks whether we're in the Node.js or Browser environment\n *\n * Originally from https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/\n */\n\nexport function isNodeEnv(): boolean {\n return (\n Object.prototype.toString.call(\n typeof process !== \"undefined\" ? process : 0\n ) === \"[object process]\"\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * Safely get global scope object\n *\n * Originally from https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript/\n */\nexport function getGlobalObject(): T {\n return (isNodeEnv()\n ? global\n : typeof window !== \"undefined\"\n ? window\n : typeof self !== \"undefined\"\n ? self\n : {}) as T\n}\n", "export default function(url, options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\treturn new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {\n\t\tconst request = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\t\tconst keys = [];\n\t\tconst all = [];\n\t\tconst headers = {};\n\n\t\tconst response = () => ({\n\t\t\tok: (request.status/100|0) == 2,\t\t// 200-299\n\t\t\tstatusText: request.statusText,\n\t\t\tstatus: request.status,\n\t\t\turl: request.responseURL,\n\t\t\ttext: () => Promise.resolve(request.responseText),\n\t\t\tjson: () => Promise.resolve(request.responseText).then(JSON.parse),\n\t\t\tblob: () => Promise.resolve(new Blob([request.response])),\n\t\t\tclone: response,\n\t\t\theaders: {\n\t\t\t\tkeys: () => keys,\n\t\t\t\tentries: () => all,\n\t\t\t\tget: n => headers[n.toLowerCase()],\n\t\t\t\thas: n => n.toLowerCase() in headers\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\n\t\trequest.open(options.method || 'get', url, true);\n\n\t\trequest.onload = () => {\n\t\t\trequest.getAllResponseHeaders().replace(/^(.*?):[^\\S\\n]*([\\s\\S]*?)$/gm, (m, key, value) => {\n\t\t\t\tkeys.push(key = key.toLowerCase());\n\t\t\t\tall.push([key, value]);\n\t\t\t\theaders[key] = headers[key] ? `${headers[key]},${value}` : value;\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tresolve(response());\n\t\t};\n\n\t\trequest.onerror = reject;\n\n\t\trequest.withCredentials = options.credentials=='include';\n\n\t\tfor (const i in options.headers) {\n\t\t\trequest.setRequestHeader(i, options.headers[i]);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\trequest.send(options.body || null);\n\t});\n}\n", "module.exports = self.fetch || (self.fetch = require('unfetch').default || require('unfetch'));\n", "import fetch from \"isomorphic-unfetch\"\n\nexport async function validatePushApiKey({\n endpoint = \"https://push.appsignal.com\",\n apiKey\n}: {\n endpoint?: string\n apiKey: string\n}) {\n const { status } = await fetch(`${endpoint}/1/auth?api_key=${apiKey}`)\n\n switch (status) {\n case 200:\n return true\n case 401:\n return false\n default:\n throw new Error(\n `Invalid ${status} response from server when authenticating`\n )\n }\n}\n", "export class Serializable {\n protected _data: T\n\n constructor(data: T) {\n this._data = data\n }\n\n public toJSON(): string {\n return JSON.stringify(this._data)\n }\n\n public serialize(): T {\n return this._data\n }\n}\n", "// Utils\nexport * from \"./utils/functional\"\nexport * from \"./utils/hashmap\"\nexport * from \"./utils/error\"\nexport * from \"./utils/url\"\nexport * from \"./utils/async\"\nexport * from \"./utils/environment\"\nexport * from \"./utils/push-api\"\n\n// Classes\nexport { Serializable } from \"./serializable\"\n", "// Do not touch this file, auto-generated by scripts/create-version\nexport const VERSION = \"1.3.25\"\n", "import { getGlobalObject, isNodeEnv } from \"@appsignal/core\"\n\nexport class Environment {\n /**\n * Serializes the current browser environment into an object.\n */\n public static serialize(): { [key: string]: string } {\n return {\n transport: this.transport(),\n origin: this.origin()\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the origin of the current context.\n *\n * @return {string} The origin URL\n */\n public static origin(): string {\n const globals = getGlobalObject()\n\n // environments like nodejs or react native where an origin isn't relavent\n if (!globals.location) {\n return \"\"\n }\n\n return (\n globals.location.origin ||\n `${globals.location.protocol}//${globals.location.hostname}`\n )\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the best currently available API that the current browser supports\n * for making HTTP requests.\n *\n * @return {string} The name of the best availble HTTP transport\n */\n public static transport(): string {\n // we throw out the typechecking here as the transports aren't exported\n // using TS' `Window` type\n const globals = getGlobalObject() as any\n\n // we ignore jest here, as it's a false positive for a node\n // environment and breaks the tests\n if (isNodeEnv() && typeof jest === \"undefined\") {\n return \"NodeHTTP\"\n } else if (globals.XDomainRequest) {\n return \"XDomainRequest\"\n } else if (globals.XMLHttpRequest && !globals.fetch) {\n return \"XMLHttpRequest\"\n } else {\n return \"fetch\"\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Indicates whether promises are available in the current browser\n * or environment.\n *\n * Adapted from https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/blob/master/feature-detects/es6/promises.js\n *\n * @return {boolean} A value indicating if Promises are supported\n */\n public static supportsPromises(): boolean {\n // we throw out the typechecking here as the transports aren't exported\n // using TS' `Window` type\n const globals = getGlobalObject() as any\n\n return (\n \"Promise\" in globals &&\n // Some of these methods are missing from\n // Firefox/Chrome experimental implementations\n \"resolve\" in globals.Promise &&\n \"reject\" in globals.Promise &&\n \"all\" in globals.Promise &&\n \"race\" in globals.Promise &&\n // Older version of the spec had a resolver object\n // as the arg rather than a function\n (function () {\n var resolve\n new globals.Promise(function (r: any) {\n resolve = r\n })\n return typeof resolve === \"function\"\n })()\n )\n }\n}\n", "import { Transport } from \"../interfaces/transport\"\n\n// Fixes TypeScript complaining about this class\n// not existing\ndeclare var XDomainRequest: any\n\nexport class XDomainTransport implements Transport {\n public url: string\n\n constructor(url: string) {\n this.url = url\n }\n\n public send(data: string): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const req = new XDomainRequest()\n const rx = new RegExp(\"^https?:\")\n\n req.onload = () => resolve({})\n\n // XDomainRequest will only make a request to a URL with\n // the same protocol\n req.open(\"POST\", this.url.replace(rx, window?.location?.protocol))\n\n setTimeout(() => {\n try {\n req.send(data)\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e)\n }\n }, 0)\n })\n }\n}\n", "import { Transport } from \"../interfaces/transport\"\n\nexport class XHRTransport implements Transport {\n public url: string\n\n constructor(url: string) {\n this.url = url\n }\n\n public send(data: string): Promise {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n try {\n const req = new XMLHttpRequest()\n\n req.onreadystatechange = () => {\n if (req.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {\n resolve({})\n }\n }\n\n req.open(\"POST\", this.url)\n req.send(data)\n } catch (e) {\n reject(e)\n }\n })\n }\n}\n", "import { Transport } from \"../interfaces/transport\"\n\nexport class FetchTransport implements Transport {\n public url: string\n\n constructor(url: string, headers?: { [key: string]: string }) {\n this.url = url\n }\n\n public async send(data: string): Promise {\n const res = await fetch(this.url, {\n method: \"POST\",\n body: data\n })\n\n const { statusText, ok } = res\n\n return ok ? Promise.resolve({}) : Promise.reject({ statusText })\n }\n}\n", "import https from \"https\"\nimport { Transport } from \"../interfaces/transport\"\n\nexport class NodeTransport implements Transport {\n public url: string\n\n constructor(url: string) {\n this.url = url\n }\n\n public send(data: string): Promise {\n const options = {\n method: \"POST\",\n headers: {\n \"Content-Type\": \"application/json\",\n \"Content-Length\": data.length\n }\n }\n\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const req = https\n .request(this.url, options, () => {})\n .on(\"error\", error => reject(error))\n\n req.write(data)\n req.end()\n\n resolve({})\n })\n }\n}\n", "import { urlEncode } from \"@appsignal/core\"\n\nimport { Environment } from \"./environment\"\nimport { Span } from \"./span\"\n\nimport { XDomainTransport } from \"./transports/xdomain\"\nimport { XHRTransport } from \"./transports/xhr\"\nimport { FetchTransport } from \"./transports/fetch\"\nimport { NodeTransport } from \"./transports/node\"\n\nimport { PushApiOptions } from \"./interfaces/options\"\nimport { Transport } from \"./interfaces/transport\"\n\nexport class PushApi {\n private _uri: string\n private _apiKey: string\n private _clientVersion: string\n private _transport: Transport\n\n /**\n * Creates a new instance of the Push API client.\n *\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {object} options An object of options to configure the Push API client\n */\n constructor(options: PushApiOptions) {\n this._uri = options.uri || \"https://appsignal-endpoint.net/collect\"\n this._apiKey = options.key\n this._clientVersion = options.version\n\n this._transport = this._createTransport(this._url())\n }\n\n /**\n * Pushes a transaction to the Push API.\n *\n * @param {Span} span A single API `Span`\n *\n * @return {Promise} A single API `Span`\n */\n public async push(span: Span): Promise {\n await this._transport.send(span.toJSON())\n return span\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an instance of a new `Transport` object. A `Transport` is a\n * browser API that is able to sent HTTP requests to an endpoint. A\n * transport is selected based on the best available in the current\n * environment.\n *\n * @return {ITransport} A Transport object\n */\n private _createTransport(url: string): Transport {\n switch (Environment.transport()) {\n case \"XDomainRequest\":\n return new XDomainTransport(url)\n case \"XMLHttpRequest\":\n return new XHRTransport(url)\n case \"NodeHTTP\":\n return new NodeTransport(url)\n default:\n return new FetchTransport(url)\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Constructs a complete URL for accessing the Push API.\n *\n * @return {string} A Push API URL string\n */\n private _url(): string {\n const auth = this._authorization()\n return `${this._uri}?${urlEncode(auth)}`\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates an object of API credentials.\n *\n * @return {object} API credentials\n */\n private _authorization(): object {\n return {\n api_key: this._apiKey,\n version: this._clientVersion\n }\n }\n}\n", "import {\n Serializable,\n getStacktrace,\n toHashMapString,\n isError\n} from \"@appsignal/core\"\nimport type {\n JSSpanData,\n Breadcrumb,\n HashMap,\n HashMapValue\n} from \"@appsignal/types\"\n\nexport class Span extends Serializable {\n constructor(span?: Partial) {\n super({\n timestamp: Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000),\n namespace: \"frontend\",\n error: {\n name: \"NullError\",\n message: \"No error has been set\",\n backtrace: []\n },\n ...span\n })\n }\n\n public setAction(name: string): this {\n if (!name || typeof name !== \"string\") {\n return this\n }\n\n this._data.action = name\n return this\n }\n\n public setNamespace(name: string): this {\n if (!name || typeof name !== \"string\") {\n return this\n }\n\n this._data.namespace = name\n return this\n }\n\n public setError(error: Error | T): this {\n if (!error || !isError(error)) return this\n\n this._data.error = {\n name: error.name || \"[unknown]\",\n message: error.message,\n backtrace: getStacktrace(error)\n }\n\n return this\n }\n\n public setTags(tags: HashMap): this {\n this._data.tags = { ...this._data.tags, ...toHashMapString(tags) }\n return this\n }\n\n public setParams(params: HashMap): this {\n this._data.params = { ...this._data.params, ...params }\n return this\n }\n\n public setBreadcrumbs(breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[]): this {\n this._data.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs\n return this\n }\n}\n", "import { Span } from \"./span\"\n\nexport class Queue {\n private _data: Span[]\n\n constructor(data?: Span[]) {\n this._data = data || []\n }\n\n public clear() {\n this._data = []\n }\n\n public values(): Span[] {\n return this._data\n }\n\n public push(item: Span | Span[]) {\n return Array.isArray(item)\n ? this._data.push(...item)\n : this._data.push(item)\n }\n\n public *drain() {\n while (this._data.length > 0) {\n yield this._data.shift()\n }\n }\n}\n", "import { getGlobalObject } from \"@appsignal/core\"\n\nimport { Queue } from \"./queue\"\nimport { PushApi } from \"./api\"\n\ntype DispatcherOptions = { limit: number; initialDuration: number }\n\nexport class Dispatcher {\n public options: DispatcherOptions\n\n private _queue: Queue\n private _api: PushApi\n private _retries = 0\n private _timerID = 0\n private _duration = 0\n\n constructor(\n queue: Queue,\n api: PushApi,\n options?: Partial\n ) {\n this._api = api\n this._queue = queue\n\n this.options = {\n limit: 5,\n initialDuration: 1000,\n ...options\n }\n\n this.reset()\n }\n\n public schedule(time = this._duration): number {\n const globals = getGlobalObject()\n\n // @TODO: make this configurable?\n const BACKOFF_FACTOR = 1.3\n\n const cb = async () => {\n for (let span of this._queue.drain()) {\n if (!span) return\n\n try {\n await this._api.push(span)\n } catch (e) {\n // when the first promise fails, reschedule a timer\n const expDuration = Math.floor(Math.pow(time, BACKOFF_FACTOR))\n\n this._retries = this._retries - 1\n\n if (this._retries === 0) {\n this.reset()\n } else {\n this._queue.push(span)\n this._timerID = this.schedule(expDuration)\n }\n\n return\n }\n }\n\n // reset once all promises are cleared\n this.reset()\n }\n\n return globals.setTimeout(cb, time)\n }\n\n public reset() {\n const { limit, initialDuration } = this.options\n this._retries = limit\n this._duration = initialDuration\n }\n}\n", "/**\n * The AppSignal client.\n * @module Appsignal\n */\n\nimport { compose, toHashMap } from \"@appsignal/core\"\nimport type { Breadcrumb, JSClient, Hook, HashMap } from \"@appsignal/types\"\n\nimport { VERSION } from \"./version\"\nimport { PushApi } from \"./api\"\nimport { Environment } from \"./environment\"\nimport { Span } from \"./span\"\nimport { Queue } from \"./queue\"\nimport { Dispatcher } from \"./dispatcher\"\n\nimport { AppsignalOptions } from \"./interfaces/options\"\n\nexport default class Appsignal implements JSClient {\n public VERSION = VERSION\n public ignored: RegExp[] = []\n\n private _dispatcher: Dispatcher\n private _options: AppsignalOptions\n private _api: PushApi\n private _breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = []\n\n private _hooks = {\n decorators: Array(),\n overrides: Array()\n }\n\n private _env = Environment.serialize()\n private _queue = new Queue([])\n\n /**\n * Creates a new instance of the AppSignal client.\n *\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {AppsignalOptions} options An object of options to configure the AppSignal client\n */\n constructor(options: AppsignalOptions) {\n const { key = \"\", uri, revision, ignoreErrors } = options\n\n // `revision` should be a `string`, but we attempt to\n // normalise to one anyway\n if (revision && typeof revision !== \"string\") {\n options.revision = String(revision)\n }\n\n // starting with no key means nothing will be sent to the API\n if (key === \"\") {\n console.info(\"[APPSIGNAL]: Started in development mode.\")\n }\n\n this._api = new PushApi({\n key,\n uri,\n version: this.VERSION\n })\n\n // ignored exceptions are checked against the `message`\n // property of a given `Error`\n if (ignoreErrors && Array.isArray(ignoreErrors)) {\n this.ignored = ignoreErrors\n }\n\n this._dispatcher = new Dispatcher(this._queue, this._api)\n\n this._options = options\n }\n\n /**\n * Records and sends a browser `Error` to AppSignal.\n *\n * @param {Error} error A JavaScript Error object\n * @param {Function | void} fn Optional callback function to modify span before it's sent.\n *\n * @return {Promise | void} An API response, or `void` if `Promise` is unsupported.\n */\n public send(error: Error, fn?: (span: Span) => T): Promise | void\n\n /**\n * Records and sends a browser `Error` to AppSignal.\n *\n * @param {Error} error A JavaScript Error object\n * @param {object} tags An key, value object of tags\n * @param {string} namespace An optional namespace name\n *\n * @return {Promise | void} An API response, or `void` if `Promise` is unsupported.\n */\n public send(\n error: Error,\n tags?: object,\n namespace?: string\n ): Promise | void\n\n /**\n * Records and sends an Appsignal `Span` object to AppSignal.\n *\n * @param {Error} error A JavaScript Error object\n *\n * @return {Promise} An API response, or `void` if `Promise` is unsupported.\n */\n public send(span: Span): Promise | void\n\n /**\n *\n * @param {Error | Span} data A JavaScript Error or Appsignal Span object\n * @param {object | Function} tagsOrFn An key-value object of tags or a callback function to customize the span before it is sent.\n * @param {string} namespace DEPRECATED: An optional namespace name.\n *\n * @return {Promise | void} An API response, or `void` if `Promise` is unsupported.\n */\n public send(\n data: Error | Span,\n tagsOrFn?: object | ((span: Span) => T),\n namespace?: string\n ): Promise | void {\n if (!(data instanceof Error) && !(data instanceof Span)) {\n // @TODO: route this through a central logger\n console.error(\n \"[APPSIGNAL]: Can't send error, given error is not a valid type\"\n )\n return\n }\n\n // handle user defined ignores\n if (this.ignored.length !== 0) {\n if (\n data instanceof Error &&\n this.ignored.some(el => el.test(data.message))\n ) {\n console.warn(`[APPSIGNAL]: Ignored an error: ${data.message}`)\n return\n }\n\n if (data instanceof Span) {\n const { error } = data.serialize()\n\n // using the bang operator here as tsc doesnt recognise that we are\n // checking for the value to be set as the first predicate\n if (error.message && this.ignored.some(el => el.test(error.message!))) {\n console.warn(`[APPSIGNAL]: Ignored a span: ${error.message}`)\n return\n }\n }\n }\n\n // a \"span\" currently refers to a fixed point in time, as opposed to\n // a range or length in time. this may change in future!\n const span = data instanceof Span ? data : this._createSpanFromError(data)\n\n // A Span can be \"decorated\" with metadata after it has been created,\n // but before it is sent to the API and before metadata provided\n // as arguments is added\n if (this._hooks.decorators.length > 0) {\n compose(...this._hooks.decorators)(span)\n }\n\n if (tagsOrFn) {\n if (typeof tagsOrFn === \"function\") {\n const callback = tagsOrFn\n callback(span)\n } else {\n console.warn(\n \"[APPSIGNAL]: DEPRECATED: Calling the `send`/`sendError` function with a tags object is deprecated. Use the callback argument instead.\"\n )\n const tags = (toHashMap(tagsOrFn) || {}) as HashMap\n span.setTags(tags)\n }\n }\n if (namespace) {\n console.warn(\n \"[APPSIGNAL]: DEPRECATED: Calling the `send`/`sendError` function with a namespace is deprecated. Use the callback argument instead.\"\n )\n span.setNamespace(namespace)\n }\n\n if (this._breadcrumbs.length > 0) span.setBreadcrumbs(this._breadcrumbs)\n\n // A Span can be \"overridden\" with metadata after it has been created,\n // but before it is sent to the API and after metadata provided\n // as arguments is added\n if (this._hooks.overrides.length > 0) {\n compose(...this._hooks.overrides)(span)\n }\n\n if (Environment.supportsPromises()) {\n // clear breadcrumbs as they are now loaded into the span,\n // and we are sure that it's possible to send them\n this._breadcrumbs = []\n\n // if no key is supplied, we just output the span to the console\n // and rethrow the error\n if (!this._options.key) {\n // @TODO: route this through a central logger\n console.warn(\n \"[APPSIGNAL]: Span not sent because we're in development mode:\",\n span\n )\n\n if (data instanceof Error) {\n throw data\n }\n } else {\n // attempt to push to the API\n return this._api.push(span).catch(() => {\n this._queue.push(span)\n\n // schedule on next tick\n setTimeout(() => this._dispatcher.schedule(), 0)\n })\n }\n } else {\n // @TODO: route this through a central logger\n console.error(\n \"[APPSIGNAL]: Error not sent. A Promise polyfill is required.\"\n )\n return\n }\n }\n\n sendError(error: Error): Promise | void\n sendError(error: Error, callback: (span: Span) => T): Promise | void\n sendError(\n error: Error,\n tags?: object,\n namespace?: string\n ): Promise | void\n\n /**\n * Records and sends a browser `Error` to AppSignal. An alias to `#send()`\n * to maintain compatibility.\n *\n * @param {Error} error A JavaScript Error object\n * @param {object | Function} tagsOrFn An key-value object of tags or callback function to customize the span before it is sent.\n * @param {string} namespace DEPRECATED: An optional namespace name\n *\n * @return {Promise | void} An API response, or `void` if `Promise` is unsupported.\n */\n public sendError(\n error: Error,\n tagsOrFn?: object | ((span: Span) => T),\n namespace?: string\n ): Promise | void {\n return this.send(error, tagsOrFn, namespace)\n }\n\n /**\n * Registers and installs a valid plugin.\n *\n * A plugin is typically a function that can be used to provide a\n * reference to the `Appsignal` instance via returning a function\n * that can be bound to `this`.\n *\n * @param {Plugin} plugin A JavaScript Error object\n *\n * @return {void}\n */\n public use(plugin: Function): void {\n plugin.call(this)\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a new `Span`, augmented with the current environment.\n *\n * @param {Function | void} fn Optional function to modify span\n *\n * @return {Span} An AppSignal `Span` object\n */\n public createSpan(fn?: (span: Span) => void): Span {\n const { revision = \"\", namespace } = this._options\n\n const span = new Span({\n environment: this._env,\n revision\n })\n\n // set default namespace from constructor if none is set\n if (namespace) span.setNamespace(namespace)\n\n if (fn && typeof fn === \"function\") fn(span)\n\n return span\n }\n\n /**\n * Wraps and catches errors within a given function. If the function throws an\n * error, a rejected `Promise` will be returned and the error thrown will be\n * logged to AppSignal.\n */\n public async wrap(fn: () => T, callbackFn?: (span: Span) => T): Promise\n\n /**\n * Wraps and catches errors within a given function. If the function throws an\n * error, a rejected `Promise` will be returned and the error thrown will be\n * logged to AppSignal.\n */\n public async wrap(\n fn: () => T,\n tags?: object,\n namespace?: string\n ): Promise\n\n /**\n * Wraps and catches errors within a given function. If the function throws an\n * error, a rejected `Promise` will be returned and the error thrown will be\n * logged to AppSignal.\n *\n * @param {Function} fn A function to wrap\n * @param {object | Function} tagsOrFn An key-value object of tags or a callback function to customize the span before it is sent.\n * @param {string} namespace DEPRECATED: An optional namespace name\n *\n * @return {Promise} A Promise containing the return value of the function, or a `Span` if an error was thrown.\n */\n public async wrap(\n fn: () => T,\n tagsOrFn?: object | ((span: Span) => T),\n namespace?: string\n ): Promise {\n try {\n return await fn()\n } catch (e) {\n await this.sendError(e, tagsOrFn, namespace)\n return Promise.reject(e)\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Registers a span decorator to be applied every time a Span\n * is sent to the Push API\n *\n * @param {Function} decorator A decorator function, returning `Span`\n *\n * @return {void}\n */\n public addDecorator(decorator: T): void {\n this._hooks.decorators.push(decorator)\n }\n\n /**\n * Registers a span override to be applied every time a Span\n * is sent to the Push API\n *\n * @param {Function} override An override function, returning `Span`\n *\n * @return {void}\n */\n public addOverride(override: T): void {\n this._hooks.overrides.push(override)\n }\n\n /**\n * Sends a demonstration error to AppSignal.\n *\n * @return {void}\n */\n public demo(): void {\n const span = this._createSpanFromError(\n new Error(\n \"Hello world! This is an error used for demonstration purposes.\"\n )\n )\n\n span\n .setAction(\"TestAction\")\n .setParams({\n path: \"/hello\",\n method: \"GET\"\n })\n .setTags({\n demo_sample: \"true\"\n })\n\n this.send(span)\n }\n\n /**\n * Adds a breadcrumb.\n *\n * @param {Breadcrumb} breadcrumb A valid breadcrumb\n *\n * @return {void}\n */\n public addBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Omit): void {\n const crumb: Breadcrumb = {\n timestamp: Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000),\n ...breadcrumb,\n metadata: toHashMap(breadcrumb.metadata)\n }\n\n if (!crumb.category) {\n console.warn(\"[APPSIGNAL]: Breadcrumb not added. `category` is missing.\")\n return\n }\n\n if (!crumb.action) {\n console.warn(\"[APPSIGNAL]: Breadcrumb not added. `action` is missing.\")\n return\n }\n\n if (this._breadcrumbs.length === 20) {\n this._breadcrumbs.pop()\n }\n\n this._breadcrumbs.unshift(crumb)\n }\n\n /**\n * Creates a valid AppSignal `Span` from a JavaScript `Error`\n * object.\n *\n * @param {Error} error A JavaScript error\n *\n * @return {Span} An AppSignal event\n */\n private _createSpanFromError(error: Error): Span {\n const event = this.createSpan()\n event.setError(error)\n\n return event\n }\n}\n", "import Appsignal from '@appsignal/javascript';\n\nexport const getMetaElementContent = name =>\n document.head.querySelector('meta[name=appsignal-frontend-'.concat(name, ']'))?.getAttribute('content');\n\nexport const appsignal = new Appsignal({\n key: getMetaElementContent('token') || '',\n ignoreErrors: ['OT.Publisher Access Denied: Permission Denied']\n});\n", "// these aren't really private, but nor are they really useful to document\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nclass LuxonError extends Error {}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nexport class InvalidDateTimeError extends LuxonError {\n constructor(reason) {\n super(`Invalid DateTime: ${reason.toMessage()}`);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nexport class InvalidIntervalError extends LuxonError {\n constructor(reason) {\n super(`Invalid Interval: ${reason.toMessage()}`);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nexport class InvalidDurationError extends LuxonError {\n constructor(reason) {\n super(`Invalid Duration: ${reason.toMessage()}`);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nexport class ConflictingSpecificationError extends LuxonError {}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nexport class InvalidUnitError extends LuxonError {\n constructor(unit) {\n super(`Invalid unit ${unit}`);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nexport class InvalidArgumentError extends LuxonError {}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nexport class ZoneIsAbstractError extends LuxonError {\n constructor() {\n super(\"Zone is an abstract class\");\n }\n}\n", "/**\n * @private\n */\n\nconst n = \"numeric\",\n s = \"short\",\n l = \"long\";\n\nexport const DATE_SHORT = {\n year: n,\n month: n,\n day: n\n};\n\nexport const DATE_MED = {\n year: n,\n month: s,\n day: n\n};\n\nexport const DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY = {\n year: n,\n month: s,\n day: n,\n weekday: s\n};\n\nexport const DATE_FULL = {\n year: n,\n month: l,\n day: n\n};\n\nexport const DATE_HUGE = {\n year: n,\n month: l,\n day: n,\n weekday: l\n};\n\nexport const TIME_SIMPLE = {\n hour: n,\n minute: n\n};\n\nexport const TIME_WITH_SECONDS = {\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n\n};\n\nexport const TIME_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET = {\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n,\n timeZoneName: s\n};\n\nexport const TIME_WITH_LONG_OFFSET = {\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n,\n timeZoneName: l\n};\n\nexport const TIME_24_SIMPLE = {\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n hour12: false\n};\n\n/**\n * {@link toLocaleString}; format like '09:30:23', always 24-hour.\n */\nexport const TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS = {\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n,\n hour12: false\n};\n\n/**\n * {@link toLocaleString}; format like '09:30:23 EDT', always 24-hour.\n */\nexport const TIME_24_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET = {\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n,\n hour12: false,\n timeZoneName: s\n};\n\n/**\n * {@link toLocaleString}; format like '09:30:23 Eastern Daylight Time', always 24-hour.\n */\nexport const TIME_24_WITH_LONG_OFFSET = {\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n,\n hour12: false,\n timeZoneName: l\n};\n\n/**\n * {@link toLocaleString}; format like '10/14/1983, 9:30 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n */\nexport const DATETIME_SHORT = {\n year: n,\n month: n,\n day: n,\n hour: n,\n minute: n\n};\n\n/**\n * {@link toLocaleString}; format like '10/14/1983, 9:30:33 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n */\nexport const DATETIME_SHORT_WITH_SECONDS = {\n year: n,\n month: n,\n day: n,\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n\n};\n\nexport const DATETIME_MED = {\n year: n,\n month: s,\n day: n,\n hour: n,\n minute: n\n};\n\nexport const DATETIME_MED_WITH_SECONDS = {\n year: n,\n month: s,\n day: n,\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n\n};\n\nexport const DATETIME_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY = {\n year: n,\n month: s,\n day: n,\n weekday: s,\n hour: n,\n minute: n\n};\n\nexport const DATETIME_FULL = {\n year: n,\n month: l,\n day: n,\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n timeZoneName: s\n};\n\nexport const DATETIME_FULL_WITH_SECONDS = {\n year: n,\n month: l,\n day: n,\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n,\n timeZoneName: s\n};\n\nexport const DATETIME_HUGE = {\n year: n,\n month: l,\n day: n,\n weekday: l,\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n timeZoneName: l\n};\n\nexport const DATETIME_HUGE_WITH_SECONDS = {\n year: n,\n month: l,\n day: n,\n weekday: l,\n hour: n,\n minute: n,\n second: n,\n timeZoneName: l\n};\n", "/*\n This is just a junk drawer, containing anything used across multiple classes.\n Because Luxon is small(ish), this should stay small and we won't worry about splitting\n it up into, say, parsingUtil.js and basicUtil.js and so on. But they are divided up by feature area.\n*/\n\nimport { InvalidArgumentError } from \"../errors.js\";\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\n\n// TYPES\n\nexport function isUndefined(o) {\n return typeof o === \"undefined\";\n}\n\nexport function isNumber(o) {\n return typeof o === \"number\";\n}\n\nexport function isInteger(o) {\n return typeof o === \"number\" && o % 1 === 0;\n}\n\nexport function isString(o) {\n return typeof o === \"string\";\n}\n\nexport function isDate(o) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === \"[object Date]\";\n}\n\n// CAPABILITIES\n\nexport function hasIntl() {\n try {\n return typeof Intl !== \"undefined\" && Intl.DateTimeFormat;\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nexport function hasFormatToParts() {\n return !isUndefined(Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts);\n}\n\nexport function hasRelative() {\n try {\n return typeof Intl !== \"undefined\" && !!Intl.RelativeTimeFormat;\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n// OBJECTS AND ARRAYS\n\nexport function maybeArray(thing) {\n return Array.isArray(thing) ? thing : [thing];\n}\n\nexport function bestBy(arr, by, compare) {\n if (arr.length === 0) {\n return undefined;\n }\n return arr.reduce((best, next) => {\n const pair = [by(next), next];\n if (!best) {\n return pair;\n } else if (compare(best[0], pair[0]) === best[0]) {\n return best;\n } else {\n return pair;\n }\n }, null)[1];\n}\n\nexport function pick(obj, keys) {\n return keys.reduce((a, k) => {\n a[k] = obj[k];\n return a;\n }, {});\n}\n\nexport function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {\n return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);\n}\n\n// NUMBERS AND STRINGS\n\nexport function integerBetween(thing, bottom, top) {\n return isInteger(thing) && thing >= bottom && thing <= top;\n}\n\n// x % n but takes the sign of n instead of x\nexport function floorMod(x, n) {\n return x - n * Math.floor(x / n);\n}\n\nexport function padStart(input, n = 2) {\n const minus = input < 0 ? \"-\" : \"\";\n const target = minus ? input * -1 : input;\n let result;\n\n if (target.toString().length < n) {\n result = (\"0\".repeat(n) + target).slice(-n);\n } else {\n result = target.toString();\n }\n\n return `${minus}${result}`;\n}\n\nexport function parseInteger(string) {\n if (isUndefined(string) || string === null || string === \"\") {\n return undefined;\n } else {\n return parseInt(string, 10);\n }\n}\n\nexport function parseMillis(fraction) {\n // Return undefined (instead of 0) in these cases, where fraction is not set\n if (isUndefined(fraction) || fraction === null || fraction === \"\") {\n return undefined;\n } else {\n const f = parseFloat(\"0.\" + fraction) * 1000;\n return Math.floor(f);\n }\n}\n\nexport function roundTo(number, digits, towardZero = false) {\n const factor = 10 ** digits,\n rounder = towardZero ? Math.trunc : Math.round;\n return rounder(number * factor) / factor;\n}\n\n// DATE BASICS\n\nexport function isLeapYear(year) {\n return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);\n}\n\nexport function daysInYear(year) {\n return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;\n}\n\nexport function daysInMonth(year, month) {\n const modMonth = floorMod(month - 1, 12) + 1,\n modYear = year + (month - modMonth) / 12;\n\n if (modMonth === 2) {\n return isLeapYear(modYear) ? 29 : 28;\n } else {\n return [31, null, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][modMonth - 1];\n }\n}\n\n// covert a calendar object to a local timestamp (epoch, but with the offset baked in)\nexport function objToLocalTS(obj) {\n let d = Date.UTC(\n obj.year,\n obj.month - 1,\n obj.day,\n obj.hour,\n obj.minute,\n obj.second,\n obj.millisecond\n );\n\n // for legacy reasons, years between 0 and 99 are interpreted as 19XX; revert that\n if (obj.year < 100 && obj.year >= 0) {\n d = new Date(d);\n d.setUTCFullYear(d.getUTCFullYear() - 1900);\n }\n return +d;\n}\n\nexport function weeksInWeekYear(weekYear) {\n const p1 =\n (weekYear +\n Math.floor(weekYear / 4) -\n Math.floor(weekYear / 100) +\n Math.floor(weekYear / 400)) %\n 7,\n last = weekYear - 1,\n p2 = (last + Math.floor(last / 4) - Math.floor(last / 100) + Math.floor(last / 400)) % 7;\n return p1 === 4 || p2 === 3 ? 53 : 52;\n}\n\nexport function untruncateYear(year) {\n if (year > 99) {\n return year;\n } else return year > 60 ? 1900 + year : 2000 + year;\n}\n\n// PARSING\n\nexport function parseZoneInfo(ts, offsetFormat, locale, timeZone = null) {\n const date = new Date(ts),\n intlOpts = {\n hour12: false,\n year: \"numeric\",\n month: \"2-digit\",\n day: \"2-digit\",\n hour: \"2-digit\",\n minute: \"2-digit\"\n };\n\n if (timeZone) {\n intlOpts.timeZone = timeZone;\n }\n\n const modified = Object.assign({ timeZoneName: offsetFormat }, intlOpts),\n intl = hasIntl();\n\n if (intl && hasFormatToParts()) {\n const parsed = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, modified)\n .formatToParts(date)\n .find(m => m.type.toLowerCase() === \"timezonename\");\n return parsed ? parsed.value : null;\n } else if (intl) {\n // this probably doesn't work for all locales\n const without = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, intlOpts).format(date),\n included = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, modified).format(date),\n diffed = included.substring(without.length),\n trimmed = diffed.replace(/^[, \\u200e]+/, \"\");\n return trimmed;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\n// signedOffset('-5', '30') -> -330\nexport function signedOffset(offHourStr, offMinuteStr) {\n let offHour = parseInt(offHourStr, 10);\n\n // don't || this because we want to preserve -0\n if (Number.isNaN(offHour)) {\n offHour = 0;\n }\n\n const offMin = parseInt(offMinuteStr, 10) || 0,\n offMinSigned = offHour < 0 || Object.is(offHour, -0) ? -offMin : offMin;\n return offHour * 60 + offMinSigned;\n}\n\n// COERCION\n\nexport function asNumber(value) {\n const numericValue = Number(value);\n if (typeof value === \"boolean\" || value === \"\" || Number.isNaN(numericValue))\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(`Invalid unit value ${value}`);\n return numericValue;\n}\n\nexport function normalizeObject(obj, normalizer, nonUnitKeys) {\n const normalized = {};\n for (const u in obj) {\n if (hasOwnProperty(obj, u)) {\n if (nonUnitKeys.indexOf(u) >= 0) continue;\n const v = obj[u];\n if (v === undefined || v === null) continue;\n normalized[normalizer(u)] = asNumber(v);\n }\n }\n return normalized;\n}\n\nexport function formatOffset(offset, format) {\n const hours = Math.trunc(Math.abs(offset / 60)),\n minutes = Math.trunc(Math.abs(offset % 60)),\n sign = offset >= 0 ? \"+\" : \"-\";\n\n switch (format) {\n case \"short\":\n return `${sign}${padStart(hours, 2)}:${padStart(minutes, 2)}`;\n case \"narrow\":\n return `${sign}${hours}${minutes > 0 ? `:${minutes}` : \"\"}`;\n case \"techie\":\n return `${sign}${padStart(hours, 2)}${padStart(minutes, 2)}`;\n default:\n throw new RangeError(`Value format ${format} is out of range for property format`);\n }\n}\n\nexport function timeObject(obj) {\n return pick(obj, [\"hour\", \"minute\", \"second\", \"millisecond\"]);\n}\n\nexport const ianaRegex = /[A-Za-z_+-]{1,256}(:?\\/[A-Za-z_+-]{1,256}(\\/[A-Za-z_+-]{1,256})?)?/;\n", "import * as Formats from \"./formats.js\";\nimport { pick } from \"./util.js\";\n\nfunction stringify(obj) {\n return JSON.stringify(obj, Object.keys(obj).sort());\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\n\nexport const monthsLong = [\n \"January\",\n \"February\",\n \"March\",\n \"April\",\n \"May\",\n \"June\",\n \"July\",\n \"August\",\n \"September\",\n \"October\",\n \"November\",\n \"December\"\n];\n\nexport const monthsShort = [\n \"Jan\",\n \"Feb\",\n \"Mar\",\n \"Apr\",\n \"May\",\n \"Jun\",\n \"Jul\",\n \"Aug\",\n \"Sep\",\n \"Oct\",\n \"Nov\",\n \"Dec\"\n];\n\nexport const monthsNarrow = [\"J\", \"F\", \"M\", \"A\", \"M\", \"J\", \"J\", \"A\", \"S\", \"O\", \"N\", \"D\"];\n\nexport function months(length) {\n switch (length) {\n case \"narrow\":\n return [...monthsNarrow];\n case \"short\":\n return [...monthsShort];\n case \"long\":\n return [...monthsLong];\n case \"numeric\":\n return [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\", \"9\", \"10\", \"11\", \"12\"];\n case \"2-digit\":\n return [\"01\", \"02\", \"03\", \"04\", \"05\", \"06\", \"07\", \"08\", \"09\", \"10\", \"11\", \"12\"];\n default:\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nexport const weekdaysLong = [\n \"Monday\",\n \"Tuesday\",\n \"Wednesday\",\n \"Thursday\",\n \"Friday\",\n \"Saturday\",\n \"Sunday\"\n];\n\nexport const weekdaysShort = [\"Mon\", \"Tue\", \"Wed\", \"Thu\", \"Fri\", \"Sat\", \"Sun\"];\n\nexport const weekdaysNarrow = [\"M\", \"T\", \"W\", \"T\", \"F\", \"S\", \"S\"];\n\nexport function weekdays(length) {\n switch (length) {\n case \"narrow\":\n return [...weekdaysNarrow];\n case \"short\":\n return [...weekdaysShort];\n case \"long\":\n return [...weekdaysLong];\n case \"numeric\":\n return [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\", \"7\"];\n default:\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nexport const meridiems = [\"AM\", \"PM\"];\n\nexport const erasLong = [\"Before Christ\", \"Anno Domini\"];\n\nexport const erasShort = [\"BC\", \"AD\"];\n\nexport const erasNarrow = [\"B\", \"A\"];\n\nexport function eras(length) {\n switch (length) {\n case \"narrow\":\n return [...erasNarrow];\n case \"short\":\n return [...erasShort];\n case \"long\":\n return [...erasLong];\n default:\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nexport function meridiemForDateTime(dt) {\n return meridiems[dt.hour < 12 ? 0 : 1];\n}\n\nexport function weekdayForDateTime(dt, length) {\n return weekdays(length)[dt.weekday - 1];\n}\n\nexport function monthForDateTime(dt, length) {\n return months(length)[dt.month - 1];\n}\n\nexport function eraForDateTime(dt, length) {\n return eras(length)[dt.year < 0 ? 0 : 1];\n}\n\nexport function formatRelativeTime(unit, count, numeric = \"always\", narrow = false) {\n const units = {\n years: [\"year\", \"yr.\"],\n quarters: [\"quarter\", \"qtr.\"],\n months: [\"month\", \"mo.\"],\n weeks: [\"week\", \"wk.\"],\n days: [\"day\", \"day\", \"days\"],\n hours: [\"hour\", \"hr.\"],\n minutes: [\"minute\", \"min.\"],\n seconds: [\"second\", \"sec.\"]\n };\n\n const lastable = [\"hours\", \"minutes\", \"seconds\"].indexOf(unit) === -1;\n\n if (numeric === \"auto\" && lastable) {\n const isDay = unit === \"days\";\n switch (count) {\n case 1:\n return isDay ? \"tomorrow\" : `next ${units[unit][0]}`;\n case -1:\n return isDay ? \"yesterday\" : `last ${units[unit][0]}`;\n case 0:\n return isDay ? \"today\" : `this ${units[unit][0]}`;\n default: // fall through\n }\n }\n\n const isInPast = Object.is(count, -0) || count < 0,\n fmtValue = Math.abs(count),\n singular = fmtValue === 1,\n lilUnits = units[unit],\n fmtUnit = narrow\n ? singular\n ? lilUnits[1]\n : lilUnits[2] || lilUnits[1]\n : singular\n ? units[unit][0]\n : unit;\n return isInPast ? `${fmtValue} ${fmtUnit} ago` : `in ${fmtValue} ${fmtUnit}`;\n}\n\nexport function formatString(knownFormat) {\n // these all have the offsets removed because we don't have access to them\n // without all the intl stuff this is backfilling\n const filtered = pick(knownFormat, [\n \"weekday\",\n \"era\",\n \"year\",\n \"month\",\n \"day\",\n \"hour\",\n \"minute\",\n \"second\",\n \"timeZoneName\",\n \"hour12\"\n ]),\n key = stringify(filtered),\n dateTimeHuge = \"EEEE, LLLL d, yyyy, h:mm a\";\n switch (key) {\n case stringify(Formats.DATE_SHORT):\n return \"M/d/yyyy\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATE_MED):\n return \"LLL d, yyyy\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY):\n return \"EEE, LLL d, yyyy\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATE_FULL):\n return \"LLLL d, yyyy\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATE_HUGE):\n return \"EEEE, LLLL d, yyyy\";\n case stringify(Formats.TIME_SIMPLE):\n return \"h:mm a\";\n case stringify(Formats.TIME_WITH_SECONDS):\n return \"h:mm:ss a\";\n case stringify(Formats.TIME_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET):\n return \"h:mm a\";\n case stringify(Formats.TIME_WITH_LONG_OFFSET):\n return \"h:mm a\";\n case stringify(Formats.TIME_24_SIMPLE):\n return \"HH:mm\";\n case stringify(Formats.TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS):\n return \"HH:mm:ss\";\n case stringify(Formats.TIME_24_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET):\n return \"HH:mm\";\n case stringify(Formats.TIME_24_WITH_LONG_OFFSET):\n return \"HH:mm\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATETIME_SHORT):\n return \"M/d/yyyy, h:mm a\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATETIME_MED):\n return \"LLL d, yyyy, h:mm a\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATETIME_FULL):\n return \"LLLL d, yyyy, h:mm a\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATETIME_HUGE):\n return dateTimeHuge;\n case stringify(Formats.DATETIME_SHORT_WITH_SECONDS):\n return \"M/d/yyyy, h:mm:ss a\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATETIME_MED_WITH_SECONDS):\n return \"LLL d, yyyy, h:mm:ss a\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATETIME_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY):\n return \"EEE, d LLL yyyy, h:mm a\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATETIME_FULL_WITH_SECONDS):\n return \"LLLL d, yyyy, h:mm:ss a\";\n case stringify(Formats.DATETIME_HUGE_WITH_SECONDS):\n return \"EEEE, LLLL d, yyyy, h:mm:ss a\";\n default:\n return dateTimeHuge;\n }\n}\n", "import * as English from \"./english.js\";\nimport * as Formats from \"./formats.js\";\nimport { hasFormatToParts, padStart } from \"./util.js\";\n\nfunction stringifyTokens(splits, tokenToString) {\n let s = \"\";\n for (const token of splits) {\n if (token.literal) {\n s += token.val;\n } else {\n s += tokenToString(token.val);\n }\n }\n return s;\n}\n\nconst macroTokenToFormatOpts = {\n D: Formats.DATE_SHORT,\n DD: Formats.DATE_MED,\n DDD: Formats.DATE_FULL,\n DDDD: Formats.DATE_HUGE,\n t: Formats.TIME_SIMPLE,\n tt: Formats.TIME_WITH_SECONDS,\n ttt: Formats.TIME_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET,\n tttt: Formats.TIME_WITH_LONG_OFFSET,\n T: Formats.TIME_24_SIMPLE,\n TT: Formats.TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS,\n TTT: Formats.TIME_24_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET,\n TTTT: Formats.TIME_24_WITH_LONG_OFFSET,\n f: Formats.DATETIME_SHORT,\n ff: Formats.DATETIME_MED,\n fff: Formats.DATETIME_FULL,\n ffff: Formats.DATETIME_HUGE,\n F: Formats.DATETIME_SHORT_WITH_SECONDS,\n FF: Formats.DATETIME_MED_WITH_SECONDS,\n FFF: Formats.DATETIME_FULL_WITH_SECONDS,\n FFFF: Formats.DATETIME_HUGE_WITH_SECONDS\n};\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\n\nexport default class Formatter {\n static create(locale, opts = {}) {\n return new Formatter(locale, opts);\n }\n\n static parseFormat(fmt) {\n let current = null,\n currentFull = \"\",\n bracketed = false;\n const splits = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < fmt.length; i++) {\n const c = fmt.charAt(i);\n if (c === \"'\") {\n if (currentFull.length > 0) {\n splits.push({ literal: bracketed, val: currentFull });\n }\n current = null;\n currentFull = \"\";\n bracketed = !bracketed;\n } else if (bracketed) {\n currentFull += c;\n } else if (c === current) {\n currentFull += c;\n } else {\n if (currentFull.length > 0) {\n splits.push({ literal: false, val: currentFull });\n }\n currentFull = c;\n current = c;\n }\n }\n\n if (currentFull.length > 0) {\n splits.push({ literal: bracketed, val: currentFull });\n }\n\n return splits;\n }\n\n static macroTokenToFormatOpts(token) {\n return macroTokenToFormatOpts[token];\n }\n\n constructor(locale, formatOpts) {\n this.opts = formatOpts;\n this.loc = locale;\n this.systemLoc = null;\n }\n\n formatWithSystemDefault(dt, opts) {\n if (this.systemLoc === null) {\n this.systemLoc = this.loc.redefaultToSystem();\n }\n const df = this.systemLoc.dtFormatter(dt, Object.assign({}, this.opts, opts));\n return df.format();\n }\n\n formatDateTime(dt, opts = {}) {\n const df = this.loc.dtFormatter(dt, Object.assign({}, this.opts, opts));\n return df.format();\n }\n\n formatDateTimeParts(dt, opts = {}) {\n const df = this.loc.dtFormatter(dt, Object.assign({}, this.opts, opts));\n return df.formatToParts();\n }\n\n resolvedOptions(dt, opts = {}) {\n const df = this.loc.dtFormatter(dt, Object.assign({}, this.opts, opts));\n return df.resolvedOptions();\n }\n\n num(n, p = 0) {\n // we get some perf out of doing this here, annoyingly\n if (this.opts.forceSimple) {\n return padStart(n, p);\n }\n\n const opts = Object.assign({}, this.opts);\n\n if (p > 0) {\n opts.padTo = p;\n }\n\n return this.loc.numberFormatter(opts).format(n);\n }\n\n formatDateTimeFromString(dt, fmt) {\n const knownEnglish = this.loc.listingMode() === \"en\",\n useDateTimeFormatter =\n this.loc.outputCalendar && this.loc.outputCalendar !== \"gregory\" && hasFormatToParts(),\n string = (opts, extract) => this.loc.extract(dt, opts, extract),\n formatOffset = opts => {\n if (dt.isOffsetFixed && dt.offset === 0 && opts.allowZ) {\n return \"Z\";\n }\n\n return dt.isValid ? dt.zone.formatOffset(dt.ts, opts.format) : \"\";\n },\n meridiem = () =>\n knownEnglish\n ? English.meridiemForDateTime(dt)\n : string({ hour: \"numeric\", hour12: true }, \"dayperiod\"),\n month = (length, standalone) =>\n knownEnglish\n ? English.monthForDateTime(dt, length)\n : string(standalone ? { month: length } : { month: length, day: \"numeric\" }, \"month\"),\n weekday = (length, standalone) =>\n knownEnglish\n ? English.weekdayForDateTime(dt, length)\n : string(\n standalone ? { weekday: length } : { weekday: length, month: \"long\", day: \"numeric\" },\n \"weekday\"\n ),\n maybeMacro = token => {\n const formatOpts = Formatter.macroTokenToFormatOpts(token);\n if (formatOpts) {\n return this.formatWithSystemDefault(dt, formatOpts);\n } else {\n return token;\n }\n },\n era = length =>\n knownEnglish ? English.eraForDateTime(dt, length) : string({ era: length }, \"era\"),\n tokenToString = token => {\n // Where possible: http://cldr.unicode.org/translation/date-time-1/date-time#TOC-Standalone-vs.-Format-Styles\n switch (token) {\n // ms\n case \"S\":\n return this.num(dt.millisecond);\n case \"u\":\n // falls through\n case \"SSS\":\n return this.num(dt.millisecond, 3);\n // seconds\n case \"s\":\n return this.num(dt.second);\n case \"ss\":\n return this.num(dt.second, 2);\n // minutes\n case \"m\":\n return this.num(dt.minute);\n case \"mm\":\n return this.num(dt.minute, 2);\n // hours\n case \"h\":\n return this.num(dt.hour % 12 === 0 ? 12 : dt.hour % 12);\n case \"hh\":\n return this.num(dt.hour % 12 === 0 ? 12 : dt.hour % 12, 2);\n case \"H\":\n return this.num(dt.hour);\n case \"HH\":\n return this.num(dt.hour, 2);\n // offset\n case \"Z\":\n // like +6\n return formatOffset({ format: \"narrow\", allowZ: this.opts.allowZ });\n case \"ZZ\":\n // like +06:00\n return formatOffset({ format: \"short\", allowZ: this.opts.allowZ });\n case \"ZZZ\":\n // like +0600\n return formatOffset({ format: \"techie\", allowZ: this.opts.allowZ });\n case \"ZZZZ\":\n // like EST\n return dt.zone.offsetName(dt.ts, { format: \"short\", locale: this.loc.locale });\n case \"ZZZZZ\":\n // like Eastern Standard Time\n return dt.zone.offsetName(dt.ts, { format: \"long\", locale: this.loc.locale });\n // zone\n case \"z\":\n // like America/New_York\n return dt.zoneName;\n // meridiems\n case \"a\":\n return meridiem();\n // dates\n case \"d\":\n return useDateTimeFormatter ? string({ day: \"numeric\" }, \"day\") : this.num(dt.day);\n case \"dd\":\n return useDateTimeFormatter ? string({ day: \"2-digit\" }, \"day\") : this.num(dt.day, 2);\n // weekdays - standalone\n case \"c\":\n // like 1\n return this.num(dt.weekday);\n case \"ccc\":\n // like 'Tues'\n return weekday(\"short\", true);\n case \"cccc\":\n // like 'Tuesday'\n return weekday(\"long\", true);\n case \"ccccc\":\n // like 'T'\n return weekday(\"narrow\", true);\n // weekdays - format\n case \"E\":\n // like 1\n return this.num(dt.weekday);\n case \"EEE\":\n // like 'Tues'\n return weekday(\"short\", false);\n case \"EEEE\":\n // like 'Tuesday'\n return weekday(\"long\", false);\n case \"EEEEE\":\n // like 'T'\n return weekday(\"narrow\", false);\n // months - standalone\n case \"L\":\n // like 1\n return useDateTimeFormatter\n ? string({ month: \"numeric\", day: \"numeric\" }, \"month\")\n : this.num(dt.month);\n case \"LL\":\n // like 01, doesn't seem to work\n return useDateTimeFormatter\n ? string({ month: \"2-digit\", day: \"numeric\" }, \"month\")\n : this.num(dt.month, 2);\n case \"LLL\":\n // like Jan\n return month(\"short\", true);\n case \"LLLL\":\n // like January\n return month(\"long\", true);\n case \"LLLLL\":\n // like J\n return month(\"narrow\", true);\n // months - format\n case \"M\":\n // like 1\n return useDateTimeFormatter\n ? string({ month: \"numeric\" }, \"month\")\n : this.num(dt.month);\n case \"MM\":\n // like 01\n return useDateTimeFormatter\n ? string({ month: \"2-digit\" }, \"month\")\n : this.num(dt.month, 2);\n case \"MMM\":\n // like Jan\n return month(\"short\", false);\n case \"MMMM\":\n // like January\n return month(\"long\", false);\n case \"MMMMM\":\n // like J\n return month(\"narrow\", false);\n // years\n case \"y\":\n // like 2014\n return useDateTimeFormatter ? string({ year: \"numeric\" }, \"year\") : this.num(dt.year);\n case \"yy\":\n // like 14\n return useDateTimeFormatter\n ? string({ year: \"2-digit\" }, \"year\")\n : this.num(dt.year.toString().slice(-2), 2);\n case \"yyyy\":\n // like 0012\n return useDateTimeFormatter\n ? string({ year: \"numeric\" }, \"year\")\n : this.num(dt.year, 4);\n case \"yyyyyy\":\n // like 000012\n return useDateTimeFormatter\n ? string({ year: \"numeric\" }, \"year\")\n : this.num(dt.year, 6);\n // eras\n case \"G\":\n // like AD\n return era(\"short\");\n case \"GG\":\n // like Anno Domini\n return era(\"long\");\n case \"GGGGG\":\n return era(\"narrow\");\n case \"kk\":\n return this.num(dt.weekYear.toString().slice(-2), 2);\n case \"kkkk\":\n return this.num(dt.weekYear, 4);\n case \"W\":\n return this.num(dt.weekNumber);\n case \"WW\":\n return this.num(dt.weekNumber, 2);\n case \"o\":\n return this.num(dt.ordinal);\n case \"ooo\":\n return this.num(dt.ordinal, 3);\n case \"q\":\n // like 1\n return this.num(dt.quarter);\n case \"qq\":\n // like 01\n return this.num(dt.quarter, 2);\n case \"X\":\n return this.num(Math.floor(dt.ts / 1000));\n case \"x\":\n return this.num(dt.ts);\n default:\n return maybeMacro(token);\n }\n };\n\n return stringifyTokens(Formatter.parseFormat(fmt), tokenToString);\n }\n\n formatDurationFromString(dur, fmt) {\n const tokenToField = token => {\n switch (token[0]) {\n case \"S\":\n return \"millisecond\";\n case \"s\":\n return \"second\";\n case \"m\":\n return \"minute\";\n case \"h\":\n return \"hour\";\n case \"d\":\n return \"day\";\n case \"M\":\n return \"month\";\n case \"y\":\n return \"year\";\n default:\n return null;\n }\n },\n tokenToString = lildur => token => {\n const mapped = tokenToField(token);\n if (mapped) {\n return this.num(lildur.get(mapped), token.length);\n } else {\n return token;\n }\n },\n tokens = Formatter.parseFormat(fmt),\n realTokens = tokens.reduce(\n (found, { literal, val }) => (literal ? found : found.concat(val)),\n []\n ),\n collapsed = dur.shiftTo(...realTokens.map(tokenToField).filter(t => t));\n return stringifyTokens(tokens, tokenToString(collapsed));\n }\n}\n", "export default class Invalid {\n constructor(reason, explanation) {\n this.reason = reason;\n this.explanation = explanation;\n }\n\n toMessage() {\n if (this.explanation) {\n return `${this.reason}: ${this.explanation}`;\n } else {\n return this.reason;\n }\n }\n}\n", "/* eslint no-unused-vars: \"off\" */\nimport { ZoneIsAbstractError } from \"./errors.js\";\n\n/**\n * @interface\n */\nexport default class Zone {\n /**\n * The type of zone\n * @abstract\n * @type {string}\n */\n get type() {\n throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();\n }\n\n /**\n * The name of this zone.\n * @abstract\n * @type {string}\n */\n get name() {\n throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether the offset is known to be fixed for the whole year.\n * @abstract\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get universal() {\n throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the offset's common name (such as EST) at the specified timestamp\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} ts - Epoch milliseconds for which to get the name\n * @param {Object} opts - Options to affect the format\n * @param {string} opts.format - What style of offset to return. Accepts 'long' or 'short'.\n * @param {string} opts.locale - What locale to return the offset name in.\n * @return {string}\n */\n offsetName(ts, opts) {\n throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the offset's value as a string\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} ts - Epoch milliseconds for which to get the offset\n * @param {string} format - What style of offset to return.\n * Accepts 'narrow', 'short', or 'techie'. Returning '+6', '+06:00', or '+0600' respectively\n * @return {string}\n */\n formatOffset(ts, format) {\n throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the offset in minutes for this zone at the specified timestamp.\n * @abstract\n * @param {number} ts - Epoch milliseconds for which to compute the offset\n * @return {number}\n */\n offset(ts) {\n throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Zone is equal to another zone\n * @abstract\n * @param {Zone} otherZone - the zone to compare\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n equals(otherZone) {\n throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Zone is valid.\n * @abstract\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get isValid() {\n throw new ZoneIsAbstractError();\n }\n}\n", "import { formatOffset, parseZoneInfo, hasIntl } from \"../impl/util.js\";\nimport Zone from \"../zone.js\";\n\nlet singleton = null;\n\n/**\n * Represents the local zone for this JavaScript environment.\n * @implements {Zone}\n */\nexport default class LocalZone extends Zone {\n /**\n * Get a singleton instance of the local zone\n * @return {LocalZone}\n */\n static get instance() {\n if (singleton === null) {\n singleton = new LocalZone();\n }\n return singleton;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get type() {\n return \"local\";\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get name() {\n if (hasIntl()) {\n return new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;\n } else return \"local\";\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get universal() {\n return false;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n offsetName(ts, { format, locale }) {\n return parseZoneInfo(ts, format, locale);\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n formatOffset(ts, format) {\n return formatOffset(this.offset(ts), format);\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n offset(ts) {\n return -new Date(ts).getTimezoneOffset();\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n equals(otherZone) {\n return otherZone.type === \"local\";\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get isValid() {\n return true;\n }\n}\n", "import { formatOffset, parseZoneInfo, isUndefined, ianaRegex, objToLocalTS } from \"../impl/util.js\";\nimport Zone from \"../zone.js\";\n\nconst matchingRegex = RegExp(`^${ianaRegex.source}$`);\n\nlet dtfCache = {};\nfunction makeDTF(zone) {\n if (!dtfCache[zone]) {\n dtfCache[zone] = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(\"en-US\", {\n hour12: false,\n timeZone: zone,\n year: \"numeric\",\n month: \"2-digit\",\n day: \"2-digit\",\n hour: \"2-digit\",\n minute: \"2-digit\",\n second: \"2-digit\"\n });\n }\n return dtfCache[zone];\n}\n\nconst typeToPos = {\n year: 0,\n month: 1,\n day: 2,\n hour: 3,\n minute: 4,\n second: 5\n};\n\nfunction hackyOffset(dtf, date) {\n const formatted = dtf.format(date).replace(/\\u200E/g, \"\"),\n parsed = /(\\d+)\\/(\\d+)\\/(\\d+),? (\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)/.exec(formatted),\n [, fMonth, fDay, fYear, fHour, fMinute, fSecond] = parsed;\n return [fYear, fMonth, fDay, fHour, fMinute, fSecond];\n}\n\nfunction partsOffset(dtf, date) {\n const formatted = dtf.formatToParts(date),\n filled = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < formatted.length; i++) {\n const { type, value } = formatted[i],\n pos = typeToPos[type];\n\n if (!isUndefined(pos)) {\n filled[pos] = parseInt(value, 10);\n }\n }\n return filled;\n}\n\nlet ianaZoneCache = {};\n/**\n * A zone identified by an IANA identifier, like America/New_York\n * @implements {Zone}\n */\nexport default class IANAZone extends Zone {\n /**\n * @param {string} name - Zone name\n * @return {IANAZone}\n */\n static create(name) {\n if (!ianaZoneCache[name]) {\n ianaZoneCache[name] = new IANAZone(name);\n }\n return ianaZoneCache[name];\n }\n\n /**\n * Reset local caches. Should only be necessary in testing scenarios.\n * @return {void}\n */\n static resetCache() {\n ianaZoneCache = {};\n dtfCache = {};\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether the provided string is a valid specifier. This only checks the string's format, not that the specifier identifies a known zone; see isValidZone for that.\n * @param {string} s - The string to check validity on\n * @example IANAZone.isValidSpecifier(\"America/New_York\") //=> true\n * @example IANAZone.isValidSpecifier(\"Fantasia/Castle\") //=> true\n * @example IANAZone.isValidSpecifier(\"Sport~~blorp\") //=> false\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n static isValidSpecifier(s) {\n return !!(s && s.match(matchingRegex));\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether the provided string identifies a real zone\n * @param {string} zone - The string to check\n * @example IANAZone.isValidZone(\"America/New_York\") //=> true\n * @example IANAZone.isValidZone(\"Fantasia/Castle\") //=> false\n * @example IANAZone.isValidZone(\"Sport~~blorp\") //=> false\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n static isValidZone(zone) {\n try {\n new Intl.DateTimeFormat(\"en-US\", { timeZone: zone }).format();\n return true;\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n // Etc/GMT+8 -> -480\n /** @ignore */\n static parseGMTOffset(specifier) {\n if (specifier) {\n const match = specifier.match(/^Etc\\/GMT(0|[+-]\\d{1,2})$/i);\n if (match) {\n return -60 * parseInt(match[1]);\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n constructor(name) {\n super();\n /** @private **/\n this.zoneName = name;\n /** @private **/\n this.valid = IANAZone.isValidZone(name);\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get type() {\n return \"iana\";\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get name() {\n return this.zoneName;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get universal() {\n return false;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n offsetName(ts, { format, locale }) {\n return parseZoneInfo(ts, format, locale, this.name);\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n formatOffset(ts, format) {\n return formatOffset(this.offset(ts), format);\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n offset(ts) {\n const date = new Date(ts);\n\n if (isNaN(date)) return NaN;\n\n const dtf = makeDTF(this.name),\n [year, month, day, hour, minute, second] = dtf.formatToParts\n ? partsOffset(dtf, date)\n : hackyOffset(dtf, date),\n // work around https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1025564&can=2&q=%2224%3A00%22%20datetimeformat\n adjustedHour = hour === 24 ? 0 : hour;\n\n const asUTC = objToLocalTS({\n year,\n month,\n day,\n hour: adjustedHour,\n minute,\n second,\n millisecond: 0\n });\n\n let asTS = +date;\n const over = asTS % 1000;\n asTS -= over >= 0 ? over : 1000 + over;\n return (asUTC - asTS) / (60 * 1000);\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n equals(otherZone) {\n return otherZone.type === \"iana\" && otherZone.name === this.name;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get isValid() {\n return this.valid;\n }\n}\n", "import { formatOffset, signedOffset } from \"../impl/util.js\";\nimport Zone from \"../zone.js\";\n\nlet singleton = null;\n\n/**\n * A zone with a fixed offset (meaning no DST)\n * @implements {Zone}\n */\nexport default class FixedOffsetZone extends Zone {\n /**\n * Get a singleton instance of UTC\n * @return {FixedOffsetZone}\n */\n static get utcInstance() {\n if (singleton === null) {\n singleton = new FixedOffsetZone(0);\n }\n return singleton;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get an instance with a specified offset\n * @param {number} offset - The offset in minutes\n * @return {FixedOffsetZone}\n */\n static instance(offset) {\n return offset === 0 ? FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance : new FixedOffsetZone(offset);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get an instance of FixedOffsetZone from a UTC offset string, like \"UTC+6\"\n * @param {string} s - The offset string to parse\n * @example FixedOffsetZone.parseSpecifier(\"UTC+6\")\n * @example FixedOffsetZone.parseSpecifier(\"UTC+06\")\n * @example FixedOffsetZone.parseSpecifier(\"UTC-6:00\")\n * @return {FixedOffsetZone}\n */\n static parseSpecifier(s) {\n if (s) {\n const r = s.match(/^utc(?:([+-]\\d{1,2})(?::(\\d{2}))?)?$/i);\n if (r) {\n return new FixedOffsetZone(signedOffset(r[1], r[2]));\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n constructor(offset) {\n super();\n /** @private **/\n this.fixed = offset;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get type() {\n return \"fixed\";\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get name() {\n return this.fixed === 0 ? \"UTC\" : `UTC${formatOffset(this.fixed, \"narrow\")}`;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n offsetName() {\n return this.name;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n formatOffset(ts, format) {\n return formatOffset(this.fixed, format);\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get universal() {\n return true;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n offset() {\n return this.fixed;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n equals(otherZone) {\n return otherZone.type === \"fixed\" && otherZone.fixed === this.fixed;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get isValid() {\n return true;\n }\n}\n", "import Zone from \"../zone.js\";\n\n/**\n * A zone that failed to parse. You should never need to instantiate this.\n * @implements {Zone}\n */\nexport default class InvalidZone extends Zone {\n constructor(zoneName) {\n super();\n /** @private */\n this.zoneName = zoneName;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get type() {\n return \"invalid\";\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get name() {\n return this.zoneName;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get universal() {\n return false;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n offsetName() {\n return null;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n formatOffset() {\n return \"\";\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n offset() {\n return NaN;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n equals() {\n return false;\n }\n\n /** @override **/\n get isValid() {\n return false;\n }\n}\n", "/**\n * @private\n */\n\nimport Zone from \"../zone.js\";\nimport IANAZone from \"../zones/IANAZone.js\";\nimport FixedOffsetZone from \"../zones/fixedOffsetZone.js\";\nimport InvalidZone from \"../zones/invalidZone.js\";\n\nimport { isUndefined, isString, isNumber } from \"./util.js\";\n\nexport function normalizeZone(input, defaultZone) {\n let offset;\n if (isUndefined(input) || input === null) {\n return defaultZone;\n } else if (input instanceof Zone) {\n return input;\n } else if (isString(input)) {\n const lowered = input.toLowerCase();\n if (lowered === \"local\") return defaultZone;\n else if (lowered === \"utc\" || lowered === \"gmt\") return FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance;\n else if ((offset = IANAZone.parseGMTOffset(input)) != null) {\n // handle Etc/GMT-4, which V8 chokes on\n return FixedOffsetZone.instance(offset);\n } else if (IANAZone.isValidSpecifier(lowered)) return IANAZone.create(input);\n else return FixedOffsetZone.parseSpecifier(lowered) || new InvalidZone(input);\n } else if (isNumber(input)) {\n return FixedOffsetZone.instance(input);\n } else if (typeof input === \"object\" && input.offset && typeof input.offset === \"number\") {\n // This is dumb, but the instanceof check above doesn't seem to really work\n // so we're duck checking it\n return input;\n } else {\n return new InvalidZone(input);\n }\n}\n", "import LocalZone from \"./zones/localZone.js\";\nimport IANAZone from \"./zones/IANAZone.js\";\nimport Locale from \"./impl/locale.js\";\n\nimport { normalizeZone } from \"./impl/zoneUtil.js\";\n\nlet now = () => Date.now(),\n defaultZone = null, // not setting this directly to LocalZone.instance bc loading order issues\n defaultLocale = null,\n defaultNumberingSystem = null,\n defaultOutputCalendar = null,\n throwOnInvalid = false;\n\n/**\n * Settings contains static getters and setters that control Luxon's overall behavior. Luxon is a simple library with few options, but the ones it does have live here.\n */\nexport default class Settings {\n /**\n * Get the callback for returning the current timestamp.\n * @type {function}\n */\n static get now() {\n return now;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the callback for returning the current timestamp.\n * The function should return a number, which will be interpreted as an Epoch millisecond count\n * @type {function}\n * @example Settings.now = () => Date.now() + 3000 // pretend it is 3 seconds in the future\n * @example Settings.now = () => 0 // always pretend it's Jan 1, 1970 at midnight in UTC time\n */\n static set now(n) {\n now = n;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the default time zone to create DateTimes in.\n * @type {string}\n */\n static get defaultZoneName() {\n return Settings.defaultZone.name;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the default time zone to create DateTimes in. Does not affect existing instances.\n * @type {string}\n */\n static set defaultZoneName(z) {\n if (!z) {\n defaultZone = null;\n } else {\n defaultZone = normalizeZone(z);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the default time zone object to create DateTimes in. Does not affect existing instances.\n * @type {Zone}\n */\n static get defaultZone() {\n return defaultZone || LocalZone.instance;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the default locale to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.\n * @type {string}\n */\n static get defaultLocale() {\n return defaultLocale;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the default locale to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.\n * @type {string}\n */\n static set defaultLocale(locale) {\n defaultLocale = locale;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the default numbering system to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.\n * @type {string}\n */\n static get defaultNumberingSystem() {\n return defaultNumberingSystem;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the default numbering system to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.\n * @type {string}\n */\n static set defaultNumberingSystem(numberingSystem) {\n defaultNumberingSystem = numberingSystem;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the default output calendar to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.\n * @type {string}\n */\n static get defaultOutputCalendar() {\n return defaultOutputCalendar;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set the default output calendar to create DateTimes with. Does not affect existing instances.\n * @type {string}\n */\n static set defaultOutputCalendar(outputCalendar) {\n defaultOutputCalendar = outputCalendar;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get whether Luxon will throw when it encounters invalid DateTimes, Durations, or Intervals\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n static get throwOnInvalid() {\n return throwOnInvalid;\n }\n\n /**\n * Set whether Luxon will throw when it encounters invalid DateTimes, Durations, or Intervals\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n static set throwOnInvalid(t) {\n throwOnInvalid = t;\n }\n\n /**\n * Reset Luxon's global caches. Should only be necessary in testing scenarios.\n * @return {void}\n */\n static resetCaches() {\n Locale.resetCache();\n IANAZone.resetCache();\n }\n}\n", "import { hasFormatToParts, hasIntl, padStart, roundTo, hasRelative } from \"./util.js\";\nimport * as English from \"./english.js\";\nimport Settings from \"../settings.js\";\nimport DateTime from \"../datetime.js\";\nimport Formatter from \"./formatter.js\";\nimport IANAZone from \"../zones/IANAZone.js\";\n\nlet intlDTCache = {};\nfunction getCachedDTF(locString, opts = {}) {\n const key = JSON.stringify([locString, opts]);\n let dtf = intlDTCache[key];\n if (!dtf) {\n dtf = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locString, opts);\n intlDTCache[key] = dtf;\n }\n return dtf;\n}\n\nlet intlNumCache = {};\nfunction getCachedINF(locString, opts = {}) {\n const key = JSON.stringify([locString, opts]);\n let inf = intlNumCache[key];\n if (!inf) {\n inf = new Intl.NumberFormat(locString, opts);\n intlNumCache[key] = inf;\n }\n return inf;\n}\n\nlet intlRelCache = {};\nfunction getCachedRTF(locString, opts = {}) {\n const { base, ...cacheKeyOpts } = opts; // exclude `base` from the options\n const key = JSON.stringify([locString, cacheKeyOpts]);\n let inf = intlRelCache[key];\n if (!inf) {\n inf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(locString, opts);\n intlRelCache[key] = inf;\n }\n return inf;\n}\n\nlet sysLocaleCache = null;\nfunction systemLocale() {\n if (sysLocaleCache) {\n return sysLocaleCache;\n } else if (hasIntl()) {\n const computedSys = new Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().locale;\n // node sometimes defaults to \"und\". Override that because that is dumb\n sysLocaleCache = !computedSys || computedSys === \"und\" ? \"en-US\" : computedSys;\n return sysLocaleCache;\n } else {\n sysLocaleCache = \"en-US\";\n return sysLocaleCache;\n }\n}\n\nfunction parseLocaleString(localeStr) {\n // I really want to avoid writing a BCP 47 parser\n // see, e.g. https://github.com/wooorm/bcp-47\n // Instead, we'll do this:\n\n // a) if the string has no -u extensions, just leave it alone\n // b) if it does, use Intl to resolve everything\n // c) if Intl fails, try again without the -u\n\n const uIndex = localeStr.indexOf(\"-u-\");\n if (uIndex === -1) {\n return [localeStr];\n } else {\n let options;\n const smaller = localeStr.substring(0, uIndex);\n try {\n options = getCachedDTF(localeStr).resolvedOptions();\n } catch (e) {\n options = getCachedDTF(smaller).resolvedOptions();\n }\n\n const { numberingSystem, calendar } = options;\n // return the smaller one so that we can append the calendar and numbering overrides to it\n return [smaller, numberingSystem, calendar];\n }\n}\n\nfunction intlConfigString(localeStr, numberingSystem, outputCalendar) {\n if (hasIntl()) {\n if (outputCalendar || numberingSystem) {\n localeStr += \"-u\";\n\n if (outputCalendar) {\n localeStr += `-ca-${outputCalendar}`;\n }\n\n if (numberingSystem) {\n localeStr += `-nu-${numberingSystem}`;\n }\n return localeStr;\n } else {\n return localeStr;\n }\n } else {\n return [];\n }\n}\n\nfunction mapMonths(f) {\n const ms = [];\n for (let i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {\n const dt = DateTime.utc(2016, i, 1);\n ms.push(f(dt));\n }\n return ms;\n}\n\nfunction mapWeekdays(f) {\n const ms = [];\n for (let i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {\n const dt = DateTime.utc(2016, 11, 13 + i);\n ms.push(f(dt));\n }\n return ms;\n}\n\nfunction listStuff(loc, length, defaultOK, englishFn, intlFn) {\n const mode = loc.listingMode(defaultOK);\n\n if (mode === \"error\") {\n return null;\n } else if (mode === \"en\") {\n return englishFn(length);\n } else {\n return intlFn(length);\n }\n}\n\nfunction supportsFastNumbers(loc) {\n if (loc.numberingSystem && loc.numberingSystem !== \"latn\") {\n return false;\n } else {\n return (\n loc.numberingSystem === \"latn\" ||\n !loc.locale ||\n loc.locale.startsWith(\"en\") ||\n (hasIntl() && new Intl.DateTimeFormat(loc.intl).resolvedOptions().numberingSystem === \"latn\")\n );\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\n\nclass PolyNumberFormatter {\n constructor(intl, forceSimple, opts) {\n this.padTo = opts.padTo || 0;\n this.floor = opts.floor || false;\n\n if (!forceSimple && hasIntl()) {\n const intlOpts = { useGrouping: false };\n if (opts.padTo > 0) intlOpts.minimumIntegerDigits = opts.padTo;\n this.inf = getCachedINF(intl, intlOpts);\n }\n }\n\n format(i) {\n if (this.inf) {\n const fixed = this.floor ? Math.floor(i) : i;\n return this.inf.format(fixed);\n } else {\n // to match the browser's numberformatter defaults\n const fixed = this.floor ? Math.floor(i) : roundTo(i, 3);\n return padStart(fixed, this.padTo);\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\n\nclass PolyDateFormatter {\n constructor(dt, intl, opts) {\n this.opts = opts;\n this.hasIntl = hasIntl();\n\n let z;\n if (dt.zone.universal && this.hasIntl) {\n // UTC-8 or Etc/UTC-8 are not part of tzdata, only Etc/GMT+8 and the like.\n // That is why fixed-offset TZ is set to that unless it is:\n // 1. Representing offset 0 when UTC is used to maintain previous behavior and does not become GMT.\n // 2. Unsupported by the browser:\n // - some do not support Etc/\n // - < Etc/GMT-14, > Etc/GMT+12, and 30-minute or 45-minute offsets are not part of tzdata\n const gmtOffset = -1 * (dt.offset / 60);\n const offsetZ = gmtOffset >= 0 ? `Etc/GMT+${gmtOffset}` : `Etc/GMT${gmtOffset}`;\n const isOffsetZoneSupported = IANAZone.isValidZone(offsetZ);\n if (dt.offset !== 0 && isOffsetZoneSupported) {\n z = offsetZ;\n this.dt = dt;\n } else {\n // Not all fixed-offset zones like Etc/+4:30 are present in tzdata.\n // So we have to make do. Two cases:\n // 1. The format options tell us to show the zone. We can't do that, so the best\n // we can do is format the date in UTC.\n // 2. The format options don't tell us to show the zone. Then we can adjust them\n // the time and tell the formatter to show it to us in UTC, so that the time is right\n // and the bad zone doesn't show up.\n z = \"UTC\";\n if (opts.timeZoneName) {\n this.dt = dt;\n } else {\n this.dt = dt.offset === 0 ? dt : DateTime.fromMillis(dt.ts + dt.offset * 60 * 1000);\n }\n }\n } else if (dt.zone.type === \"local\") {\n this.dt = dt;\n } else {\n this.dt = dt;\n z = dt.zone.name;\n }\n\n if (this.hasIntl) {\n const intlOpts = Object.assign({}, this.opts);\n if (z) {\n intlOpts.timeZone = z;\n }\n this.dtf = getCachedDTF(intl, intlOpts);\n }\n }\n\n format() {\n if (this.hasIntl) {\n return this.dtf.format(this.dt.toJSDate());\n } else {\n const tokenFormat = English.formatString(this.opts),\n loc = Locale.create(\"en-US\");\n return Formatter.create(loc).formatDateTimeFromString(this.dt, tokenFormat);\n }\n }\n\n formatToParts() {\n if (this.hasIntl && hasFormatToParts()) {\n return this.dtf.formatToParts(this.dt.toJSDate());\n } else {\n // This is kind of a cop out. We actually could do this for English. However, we couldn't do it for intl strings\n // and IMO it's too weird to have an uncanny valley like that\n return [];\n }\n }\n\n resolvedOptions() {\n if (this.hasIntl) {\n return this.dtf.resolvedOptions();\n } else {\n return {\n locale: \"en-US\",\n numberingSystem: \"latn\",\n outputCalendar: \"gregory\"\n };\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nclass PolyRelFormatter {\n constructor(intl, isEnglish, opts) {\n this.opts = Object.assign({ style: \"long\" }, opts);\n if (!isEnglish && hasRelative()) {\n this.rtf = getCachedRTF(intl, opts);\n }\n }\n\n format(count, unit) {\n if (this.rtf) {\n return this.rtf.format(count, unit);\n } else {\n return English.formatRelativeTime(unit, count, this.opts.numeric, this.opts.style !== \"long\");\n }\n }\n\n formatToParts(count, unit) {\n if (this.rtf) {\n return this.rtf.formatToParts(count, unit);\n } else {\n return [];\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\n\nexport default class Locale {\n static fromOpts(opts) {\n return Locale.create(opts.locale, opts.numberingSystem, opts.outputCalendar, opts.defaultToEN);\n }\n\n static create(locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar, defaultToEN = false) {\n const specifiedLocale = locale || Settings.defaultLocale,\n // the system locale is useful for human readable strings but annoying for parsing/formatting known formats\n localeR = specifiedLocale || (defaultToEN ? \"en-US\" : systemLocale()),\n numberingSystemR = numberingSystem || Settings.defaultNumberingSystem,\n outputCalendarR = outputCalendar || Settings.defaultOutputCalendar;\n return new Locale(localeR, numberingSystemR, outputCalendarR, specifiedLocale);\n }\n\n static resetCache() {\n sysLocaleCache = null;\n intlDTCache = {};\n intlNumCache = {};\n intlRelCache = {};\n }\n\n static fromObject({ locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar } = {}) {\n return Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar);\n }\n\n constructor(locale, numbering, outputCalendar, specifiedLocale) {\n const [parsedLocale, parsedNumberingSystem, parsedOutputCalendar] = parseLocaleString(locale);\n\n this.locale = parsedLocale;\n this.numberingSystem = numbering || parsedNumberingSystem || null;\n this.outputCalendar = outputCalendar || parsedOutputCalendar || null;\n this.intl = intlConfigString(this.locale, this.numberingSystem, this.outputCalendar);\n\n this.weekdaysCache = { format: {}, standalone: {} };\n this.monthsCache = { format: {}, standalone: {} };\n this.meridiemCache = null;\n this.eraCache = {};\n\n this.specifiedLocale = specifiedLocale;\n this.fastNumbersCached = null;\n }\n\n get fastNumbers() {\n if (this.fastNumbersCached == null) {\n this.fastNumbersCached = supportsFastNumbers(this);\n }\n\n return this.fastNumbersCached;\n }\n\n listingMode(defaultOK = true) {\n const intl = hasIntl(),\n hasFTP = intl && hasFormatToParts(),\n isActuallyEn = this.isEnglish(),\n hasNoWeirdness =\n (this.numberingSystem === null || this.numberingSystem === \"latn\") &&\n (this.outputCalendar === null || this.outputCalendar === \"gregory\");\n\n if (!hasFTP && !(isActuallyEn && hasNoWeirdness) && !defaultOK) {\n return \"error\";\n } else if (!hasFTP || (isActuallyEn && hasNoWeirdness)) {\n return \"en\";\n } else {\n return \"intl\";\n }\n }\n\n clone(alts) {\n if (!alts || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(alts).length === 0) {\n return this;\n } else {\n return Locale.create(\n alts.locale || this.specifiedLocale,\n alts.numberingSystem || this.numberingSystem,\n alts.outputCalendar || this.outputCalendar,\n alts.defaultToEN || false\n );\n }\n }\n\n redefaultToEN(alts = {}) {\n return this.clone(Object.assign({}, alts, { defaultToEN: true }));\n }\n\n redefaultToSystem(alts = {}) {\n return this.clone(Object.assign({}, alts, { defaultToEN: false }));\n }\n\n months(length, format = false, defaultOK = true) {\n return listStuff(this, length, defaultOK, English.months, () => {\n const intl = format ? { month: length, day: \"numeric\" } : { month: length },\n formatStr = format ? \"format\" : \"standalone\";\n if (!this.monthsCache[formatStr][length]) {\n this.monthsCache[formatStr][length] = mapMonths(dt => this.extract(dt, intl, \"month\"));\n }\n return this.monthsCache[formatStr][length];\n });\n }\n\n weekdays(length, format = false, defaultOK = true) {\n return listStuff(this, length, defaultOK, English.weekdays, () => {\n const intl = format\n ? { weekday: length, year: \"numeric\", month: \"long\", day: \"numeric\" }\n : { weekday: length },\n formatStr = format ? \"format\" : \"standalone\";\n if (!this.weekdaysCache[formatStr][length]) {\n this.weekdaysCache[formatStr][length] = mapWeekdays(dt =>\n this.extract(dt, intl, \"weekday\")\n );\n }\n return this.weekdaysCache[formatStr][length];\n });\n }\n\n meridiems(defaultOK = true) {\n return listStuff(\n this,\n undefined,\n defaultOK,\n () => English.meridiems,\n () => {\n // In theory there could be aribitrary day periods. We're gonna assume there are exactly two\n // for AM and PM. This is probably wrong, but it's makes parsing way easier.\n if (!this.meridiemCache) {\n const intl = { hour: \"numeric\", hour12: true };\n this.meridiemCache = [DateTime.utc(2016, 11, 13, 9), DateTime.utc(2016, 11, 13, 19)].map(\n dt => this.extract(dt, intl, \"dayperiod\")\n );\n }\n\n return this.meridiemCache;\n }\n );\n }\n\n eras(length, defaultOK = true) {\n return listStuff(this, length, defaultOK, English.eras, () => {\n const intl = { era: length };\n\n // This is problematic. Different calendars are going to define eras totally differently. What I need is the minimum set of dates\n // to definitely enumerate them.\n if (!this.eraCache[length]) {\n this.eraCache[length] = [DateTime.utc(-40, 1, 1), DateTime.utc(2017, 1, 1)].map(dt =>\n this.extract(dt, intl, \"era\")\n );\n }\n\n return this.eraCache[length];\n });\n }\n\n extract(dt, intlOpts, field) {\n const df = this.dtFormatter(dt, intlOpts),\n results = df.formatToParts(),\n matching = results.find(m => m.type.toLowerCase() === field);\n return matching ? matching.value : null;\n }\n\n numberFormatter(opts = {}) {\n // this forcesimple option is never used (the only caller short-circuits on it, but it seems safer to leave)\n // (in contrast, the rest of the condition is used heavily)\n return new PolyNumberFormatter(this.intl, opts.forceSimple || this.fastNumbers, opts);\n }\n\n dtFormatter(dt, intlOpts = {}) {\n return new PolyDateFormatter(dt, this.intl, intlOpts);\n }\n\n relFormatter(opts = {}) {\n return new PolyRelFormatter(this.intl, this.isEnglish(), opts);\n }\n\n isEnglish() {\n return (\n this.locale === \"en\" ||\n this.locale.toLowerCase() === \"en-us\" ||\n (hasIntl() && new Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.intl).resolvedOptions().locale.startsWith(\"en-us\"))\n );\n }\n\n equals(other) {\n return (\n this.locale === other.locale &&\n this.numberingSystem === other.numberingSystem &&\n this.outputCalendar === other.outputCalendar\n );\n }\n}\n", "import {\n untruncateYear,\n signedOffset,\n parseInteger,\n parseMillis,\n ianaRegex,\n isUndefined\n} from \"./util.js\";\nimport * as English from \"./english.js\";\nimport FixedOffsetZone from \"../zones/fixedOffsetZone.js\";\nimport IANAZone from \"../zones/IANAZone.js\";\n\n/*\n * This file handles parsing for well-specified formats. Here's how it works:\n * Two things go into parsing: a regex to match with and an extractor to take apart the groups in the match.\n * An extractor is just a function that takes a regex match array and returns a { year: ..., month: ... } object\n * parse() does the work of executing the regex and applying the extractor. It takes multiple regex/extractor pairs to try in sequence.\n * Extractors can take a \"cursor\" representing the offset in the match to look at. This makes it easy to combine extractors.\n * combineExtractors() does the work of combining them, keeping track of the cursor through multiple extractions.\n * Some extractions are super dumb and simpleParse and fromStrings help DRY them.\n */\n\nfunction combineRegexes(...regexes) {\n const full = regexes.reduce((f, r) => f + r.source, \"\");\n return RegExp(`^${full}$`);\n}\n\nfunction combineExtractors(...extractors) {\n return m =>\n extractors\n .reduce(\n ([mergedVals, mergedZone, cursor], ex) => {\n const [val, zone, next] = ex(m, cursor);\n return [Object.assign(mergedVals, val), mergedZone || zone, next];\n },\n [{}, null, 1]\n )\n .slice(0, 2);\n}\n\nfunction parse(s, ...patterns) {\n if (s == null) {\n return [null, null];\n }\n\n for (const [regex, extractor] of patterns) {\n const m = regex.exec(s);\n if (m) {\n return extractor(m);\n }\n }\n return [null, null];\n}\n\nfunction simpleParse(...keys) {\n return (match, cursor) => {\n const ret = {};\n let i;\n\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n ret[keys[i]] = parseInteger(match[cursor + i]);\n }\n return [ret, null, cursor + i];\n };\n}\n\n// ISO and SQL parsing\nconst offsetRegex = /(?:(Z)|([+-]\\d\\d)(?::?(\\d\\d))?)/,\n isoTimeBaseRegex = /(\\d\\d)(?::?(\\d\\d)(?::?(\\d\\d)(?:[.,](\\d{1,30}))?)?)?/,\n isoTimeRegex = RegExp(`${isoTimeBaseRegex.source}${offsetRegex.source}?`),\n isoTimeExtensionRegex = RegExp(`(?:T${isoTimeRegex.source})?`),\n isoYmdRegex = /([+-]\\d{6}|\\d{4})(?:-?(\\d\\d)(?:-?(\\d\\d))?)?/,\n isoWeekRegex = /(\\d{4})-?W(\\d\\d)(?:-?(\\d))?/,\n isoOrdinalRegex = /(\\d{4})-?(\\d{3})/,\n extractISOWeekData = simpleParse(\"weekYear\", \"weekNumber\", \"weekDay\"),\n extractISOOrdinalData = simpleParse(\"year\", \"ordinal\"),\n sqlYmdRegex = /(\\d{4})-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)/, // dumbed-down version of the ISO one\n sqlTimeRegex = RegExp(\n `${isoTimeBaseRegex.source} ?(?:${offsetRegex.source}|(${ianaRegex.source}))?`\n ),\n sqlTimeExtensionRegex = RegExp(`(?: ${sqlTimeRegex.source})?`);\n\nfunction int(match, pos, fallback) {\n const m = match[pos];\n return isUndefined(m) ? fallback : parseInteger(m);\n}\n\nfunction extractISOYmd(match, cursor) {\n const item = {\n year: int(match, cursor),\n month: int(match, cursor + 1, 1),\n day: int(match, cursor + 2, 1)\n };\n\n return [item, null, cursor + 3];\n}\n\nfunction extractISOTime(match, cursor) {\n const item = {\n hours: int(match, cursor, 0),\n minutes: int(match, cursor + 1, 0),\n seconds: int(match, cursor + 2, 0),\n milliseconds: parseMillis(match[cursor + 3])\n };\n\n return [item, null, cursor + 4];\n}\n\nfunction extractISOOffset(match, cursor) {\n const local = !match[cursor] && !match[cursor + 1],\n fullOffset = signedOffset(match[cursor + 1], match[cursor + 2]),\n zone = local ? null : FixedOffsetZone.instance(fullOffset);\n return [{}, zone, cursor + 3];\n}\n\nfunction extractIANAZone(match, cursor) {\n const zone = match[cursor] ? IANAZone.create(match[cursor]) : null;\n return [{}, zone, cursor + 1];\n}\n\n// ISO time parsing\n\nconst isoTimeOnly = RegExp(`^T?${isoTimeBaseRegex.source}$`);\n\n// ISO duration parsing\n\nconst isoDuration = /^-?P(?:(?:(-?\\d{1,9})Y)?(?:(-?\\d{1,9})M)?(?:(-?\\d{1,9})W)?(?:(-?\\d{1,9})D)?(?:T(?:(-?\\d{1,9})H)?(?:(-?\\d{1,9})M)?(?:(-?\\d{1,20})(?:[.,](-?\\d{1,9}))?S)?)?)$/;\n\nfunction extractISODuration(match) {\n const [\n s,\n yearStr,\n monthStr,\n weekStr,\n dayStr,\n hourStr,\n minuteStr,\n secondStr,\n millisecondsStr\n ] = match;\n\n const hasNegativePrefix = s[0] === \"-\";\n const negativeSeconds = secondStr && secondStr[0] === \"-\";\n\n const maybeNegate = (num, force = false) =>\n num !== undefined && (force || (num && hasNegativePrefix)) ? -num : num;\n\n return [\n {\n years: maybeNegate(parseInteger(yearStr)),\n months: maybeNegate(parseInteger(monthStr)),\n weeks: maybeNegate(parseInteger(weekStr)),\n days: maybeNegate(parseInteger(dayStr)),\n hours: maybeNegate(parseInteger(hourStr)),\n minutes: maybeNegate(parseInteger(minuteStr)),\n seconds: maybeNegate(parseInteger(secondStr), secondStr === \"-0\"),\n milliseconds: maybeNegate(parseMillis(millisecondsStr), negativeSeconds)\n }\n ];\n}\n\n// These are a little braindead. EDT *should* tell us that we're in, say, America/New_York\n// and not just that we're in -240 *right now*. But since I don't think these are used that often\n// I'm just going to ignore that\nconst obsOffsets = {\n GMT: 0,\n EDT: -4 * 60,\n EST: -5 * 60,\n CDT: -5 * 60,\n CST: -6 * 60,\n MDT: -6 * 60,\n MST: -7 * 60,\n PDT: -7 * 60,\n PST: -8 * 60\n};\n\nfunction fromStrings(weekdayStr, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr) {\n const result = {\n year: yearStr.length === 2 ? untruncateYear(parseInteger(yearStr)) : parseInteger(yearStr),\n month: English.monthsShort.indexOf(monthStr) + 1,\n day: parseInteger(dayStr),\n hour: parseInteger(hourStr),\n minute: parseInteger(minuteStr)\n };\n\n if (secondStr) result.second = parseInteger(secondStr);\n if (weekdayStr) {\n result.weekday =\n weekdayStr.length > 3\n ? English.weekdaysLong.indexOf(weekdayStr) + 1\n : English.weekdaysShort.indexOf(weekdayStr) + 1;\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\n// RFC 2822/5322\nconst rfc2822 = /^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),\\s)?(\\d{1,2})\\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\\s(\\d{2,4})\\s(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d)(?::(\\d\\d))?\\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|(?:([+-]\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)))$/;\n\nfunction extractRFC2822(match) {\n const [\n ,\n weekdayStr,\n dayStr,\n monthStr,\n yearStr,\n hourStr,\n minuteStr,\n secondStr,\n obsOffset,\n milOffset,\n offHourStr,\n offMinuteStr\n ] = match,\n result = fromStrings(weekdayStr, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr);\n\n let offset;\n if (obsOffset) {\n offset = obsOffsets[obsOffset];\n } else if (milOffset) {\n offset = 0;\n } else {\n offset = signedOffset(offHourStr, offMinuteStr);\n }\n\n return [result, new FixedOffsetZone(offset)];\n}\n\nfunction preprocessRFC2822(s) {\n // Remove comments and folding whitespace and replace multiple-spaces with a single space\n return s\n .replace(/\\([^()]*\\)|[\\n\\t]/g, \" \")\n .replace(/(\\s\\s+)/g, \" \")\n .trim();\n}\n\n// http date\n\nconst rfc1123 = /^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun), (\\d\\d) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) (\\d{4}) (\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d) GMT$/,\n rfc850 = /^(Monday|Tuesday|Wedsday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday), (\\d\\d)-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-(\\d\\d) (\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d) GMT$/,\n ascii = /^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) ( \\d|\\d\\d) (\\d\\d):(\\d\\d):(\\d\\d) (\\d{4})$/;\n\nfunction extractRFC1123Or850(match) {\n const [, weekdayStr, dayStr, monthStr, yearStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr] = match,\n result = fromStrings(weekdayStr, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr);\n return [result, FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance];\n}\n\nfunction extractASCII(match) {\n const [, weekdayStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr, yearStr] = match,\n result = fromStrings(weekdayStr, yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr);\n return [result, FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance];\n}\n\nconst isoYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes(isoYmdRegex, isoTimeExtensionRegex);\nconst isoWeekWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes(isoWeekRegex, isoTimeExtensionRegex);\nconst isoOrdinalWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes(isoOrdinalRegex, isoTimeExtensionRegex);\nconst isoTimeCombinedRegex = combineRegexes(isoTimeRegex);\n\nconst extractISOYmdTimeAndOffset = combineExtractors(\n extractISOYmd,\n extractISOTime,\n extractISOOffset\n);\nconst extractISOWeekTimeAndOffset = combineExtractors(\n extractISOWeekData,\n extractISOTime,\n extractISOOffset\n);\nconst extractISOOrdinalDateAndTime = combineExtractors(\n extractISOOrdinalData,\n extractISOTime,\n extractISOOffset\n);\nconst extractISOTimeAndOffset = combineExtractors(extractISOTime, extractISOOffset);\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\n\nexport function parseISODate(s) {\n return parse(\n s,\n [isoYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex, extractISOYmdTimeAndOffset],\n [isoWeekWithTimeExtensionRegex, extractISOWeekTimeAndOffset],\n [isoOrdinalWithTimeExtensionRegex, extractISOOrdinalDateAndTime],\n [isoTimeCombinedRegex, extractISOTimeAndOffset]\n );\n}\n\nexport function parseRFC2822Date(s) {\n return parse(preprocessRFC2822(s), [rfc2822, extractRFC2822]);\n}\n\nexport function parseHTTPDate(s) {\n return parse(\n s,\n [rfc1123, extractRFC1123Or850],\n [rfc850, extractRFC1123Or850],\n [ascii, extractASCII]\n );\n}\n\nexport function parseISODuration(s) {\n return parse(s, [isoDuration, extractISODuration]);\n}\n\nconst extractISOTimeOnly = combineExtractors(extractISOTime);\n\nexport function parseISOTimeOnly(s) {\n return parse(s, [isoTimeOnly, extractISOTimeOnly]);\n}\n\nconst sqlYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex = combineRegexes(sqlYmdRegex, sqlTimeExtensionRegex);\nconst sqlTimeCombinedRegex = combineRegexes(sqlTimeRegex);\n\nconst extractISOYmdTimeOffsetAndIANAZone = combineExtractors(\n extractISOYmd,\n extractISOTime,\n extractISOOffset,\n extractIANAZone\n);\nconst extractISOTimeOffsetAndIANAZone = combineExtractors(\n extractISOTime,\n extractISOOffset,\n extractIANAZone\n);\n\nexport function parseSQL(s) {\n return parse(\n s,\n [sqlYmdWithTimeExtensionRegex, extractISOYmdTimeOffsetAndIANAZone],\n [sqlTimeCombinedRegex, extractISOTimeOffsetAndIANAZone]\n );\n}\n", "import { InvalidArgumentError, InvalidDurationError, InvalidUnitError } from \"./errors.js\";\nimport Formatter from \"./impl/formatter.js\";\nimport Invalid from \"./impl/invalid.js\";\nimport Locale from \"./impl/locale.js\";\nimport { parseISODuration, parseISOTimeOnly } from \"./impl/regexParser.js\";\nimport {\n asNumber,\n hasOwnProperty,\n isNumber,\n isUndefined,\n normalizeObject,\n roundTo\n} from \"./impl/util.js\";\nimport Settings from \"./settings.js\";\n\nconst INVALID = \"Invalid Duration\";\n\n// unit conversion constants\nconst lowOrderMatrix = {\n weeks: {\n days: 7,\n hours: 7 * 24,\n minutes: 7 * 24 * 60,\n seconds: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60,\n milliseconds: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000\n },\n days: {\n hours: 24,\n minutes: 24 * 60,\n seconds: 24 * 60 * 60,\n milliseconds: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000\n },\n hours: { minutes: 60, seconds: 60 * 60, milliseconds: 60 * 60 * 1000 },\n minutes: { seconds: 60, milliseconds: 60 * 1000 },\n seconds: { milliseconds: 1000 }\n },\n casualMatrix = Object.assign(\n {\n years: {\n quarters: 4,\n months: 12,\n weeks: 52,\n days: 365,\n hours: 365 * 24,\n minutes: 365 * 24 * 60,\n seconds: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,\n milliseconds: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000\n },\n quarters: {\n months: 3,\n weeks: 13,\n days: 91,\n hours: 91 * 24,\n minutes: 91 * 24 * 60,\n seconds: 91 * 24 * 60 * 60,\n milliseconds: 91 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000\n },\n months: {\n weeks: 4,\n days: 30,\n hours: 30 * 24,\n minutes: 30 * 24 * 60,\n seconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,\n milliseconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000\n }\n },\n lowOrderMatrix\n ),\n daysInYearAccurate = 146097.0 / 400,\n daysInMonthAccurate = 146097.0 / 4800,\n accurateMatrix = Object.assign(\n {\n years: {\n quarters: 4,\n months: 12,\n weeks: daysInYearAccurate / 7,\n days: daysInYearAccurate,\n hours: daysInYearAccurate * 24,\n minutes: daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60,\n seconds: daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60,\n milliseconds: daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000\n },\n quarters: {\n months: 3,\n weeks: daysInYearAccurate / 28,\n days: daysInYearAccurate / 4,\n hours: (daysInYearAccurate * 24) / 4,\n minutes: (daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60) / 4,\n seconds: (daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60) / 4,\n milliseconds: (daysInYearAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 4\n },\n months: {\n weeks: daysInMonthAccurate / 7,\n days: daysInMonthAccurate,\n hours: daysInMonthAccurate * 24,\n minutes: daysInMonthAccurate * 24 * 60,\n seconds: daysInMonthAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60,\n milliseconds: daysInMonthAccurate * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000\n }\n },\n lowOrderMatrix\n );\n\n// units ordered by size\nconst orderedUnits = [\n \"years\",\n \"quarters\",\n \"months\",\n \"weeks\",\n \"days\",\n \"hours\",\n \"minutes\",\n \"seconds\",\n \"milliseconds\"\n];\n\nconst reverseUnits = orderedUnits.slice(0).reverse();\n\n// clone really means \"create another instance just like this one, but with these changes\"\nfunction clone(dur, alts, clear = false) {\n // deep merge for vals\n const conf = {\n values: clear ? alts.values : Object.assign({}, dur.values, alts.values || {}),\n loc: dur.loc.clone(alts.loc),\n conversionAccuracy: alts.conversionAccuracy || dur.conversionAccuracy\n };\n return new Duration(conf);\n}\n\nfunction antiTrunc(n) {\n return n < 0 ? Math.floor(n) : Math.ceil(n);\n}\n\n// NB: mutates parameters\nfunction convert(matrix, fromMap, fromUnit, toMap, toUnit) {\n const conv = matrix[toUnit][fromUnit],\n raw = fromMap[fromUnit] / conv,\n sameSign = Math.sign(raw) === Math.sign(toMap[toUnit]),\n // ok, so this is wild, but see the matrix in the tests\n added =\n !sameSign && toMap[toUnit] !== 0 && Math.abs(raw) <= 1 ? antiTrunc(raw) : Math.trunc(raw);\n toMap[toUnit] += added;\n fromMap[fromUnit] -= added * conv;\n}\n\n// NB: mutates parameters\nfunction normalizeValues(matrix, vals) {\n reverseUnits.reduce((previous, current) => {\n if (!isUndefined(vals[current])) {\n if (previous) {\n convert(matrix, vals, previous, vals, current);\n }\n return current;\n } else {\n return previous;\n }\n }, null);\n}\n\n/**\n * A Duration object represents a period of time, like \"2 months\" or \"1 day, 1 hour\". Conceptually, it's just a map of units to their quantities, accompanied by some additional configuration and methods for creating, parsing, interrogating, transforming, and formatting them. They can be used on their own or in conjunction with other Luxon types; for example, you can use {@link DateTime.plus} to add a Duration object to a DateTime, producing another DateTime.\n *\n * Here is a brief overview of commonly used methods and getters in Duration:\n *\n * * **Creation** To create a Duration, use {@link Duration.fromMillis}, {@link Duration.fromObject}, or {@link Duration.fromISO}.\n * * **Unit values** See the {@link Duration.years}, {@link Duration.months}, {@link Duration.weeks}, {@link Duration.days}, {@link Duration.hours}, {@link Duration.minutes}, {@link Duration.seconds}, {@link Duration.milliseconds} accessors.\n * * **Configuration** See {@link Duration.locale} and {@link Duration.numberingSystem} accessors.\n * * **Transformation** To create new Durations out of old ones use {@link Duration.plus}, {@link Duration.minus}, {@link Duration.normalize}, {@link Duration.set}, {@link Duration.reconfigure}, {@link Duration.shiftTo}, and {@link Duration.negate}.\n * * **Output** To convert the Duration into other representations, see {@link Duration.as}, {@link Duration.toISO}, {@link Duration.toFormat}, and {@link Duration.toJSON}\n *\n * There's are more methods documented below. In addition, for more information on subtler topics like internationalization and validity, see the external documentation.\n */\nexport default class Duration {\n /**\n * @private\n */\n constructor(config) {\n const accurate = config.conversionAccuracy === \"longterm\" || false;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.values = config.values;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.loc = config.loc || Locale.create();\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.conversionAccuracy = accurate ? \"longterm\" : \"casual\";\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.invalid = config.invalid || null;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.matrix = accurate ? accurateMatrix : casualMatrix;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.isLuxonDuration = true;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create Duration from a number of milliseconds.\n * @param {number} count of milliseconds\n * @param {Object} opts - options for parsing\n * @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - the locale to use\n * @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use\n * @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n static fromMillis(count, opts) {\n return Duration.fromObject(Object.assign({ milliseconds: count }, opts));\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a Duration from a JavaScript object with keys like 'years' and 'hours'.\n * If this object is empty then a zero milliseconds duration is returned.\n * @param {Object} obj - the object to create the DateTime from\n * @param {number} obj.years\n * @param {number} obj.quarters\n * @param {number} obj.months\n * @param {number} obj.weeks\n * @param {number} obj.days\n * @param {number} obj.hours\n * @param {number} obj.minutes\n * @param {number} obj.seconds\n * @param {number} obj.milliseconds\n * @param {string} [obj.locale='en-US'] - the locale to use\n * @param {string} obj.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use\n * @param {string} [obj.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n static fromObject(obj) {\n if (obj == null || typeof obj !== \"object\") {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\n `Duration.fromObject: argument expected to be an object, got ${\n obj === null ? \"null\" : typeof obj\n }`\n );\n }\n return new Duration({\n values: normalizeObject(obj, Duration.normalizeUnit, [\n \"locale\",\n \"numberingSystem\",\n \"conversionAccuracy\",\n \"zone\" // a bit of debt; it's super inconvenient internally not to be able to blindly pass this\n ]),\n loc: Locale.fromObject(obj),\n conversionAccuracy: obj.conversionAccuracy\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a Duration from an ISO 8601 duration string.\n * @param {string} text - text to parse\n * @param {Object} opts - options for parsing\n * @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - the locale to use\n * @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use\n * @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations\n * @example Duration.fromISO('P3Y6M1W4DT12H30M5S').toObject() //=> { years: 3, months: 6, weeks: 1, days: 4, hours: 12, minutes: 30, seconds: 5 }\n * @example Duration.fromISO('PT23H').toObject() //=> { hours: 23 }\n * @example Duration.fromISO('P5Y3M').toObject() //=> { years: 5, months: 3 }\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n static fromISO(text, opts) {\n const [parsed] = parseISODuration(text);\n if (parsed) {\n const obj = Object.assign(parsed, opts);\n return Duration.fromObject(obj);\n } else {\n return Duration.invalid(\"unparsable\", `the input \"${text}\" can't be parsed as ISO 8601`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a Duration from an ISO 8601 time string.\n * @param {string} text - text to parse\n * @param {Object} opts - options for parsing\n * @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - the locale to use\n * @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use\n * @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Times\n * @example Duration.fromISOTime('11:22:33.444').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 22, seconds: 33, milliseconds: 444 }\n * @example Duration.fromISOTime('11:00').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }\n * @example Duration.fromISOTime('T11:00').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }\n * @example Duration.fromISOTime('1100').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }\n * @example Duration.fromISOTime('T1100').toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 0, seconds: 0 }\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n static fromISOTime(text, opts) {\n const [parsed] = parseISOTimeOnly(text);\n if (parsed) {\n const obj = Object.assign(parsed, opts);\n return Duration.fromObject(obj);\n } else {\n return Duration.invalid(\"unparsable\", `the input \"${text}\" can't be parsed as ISO 8601`);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an invalid Duration.\n * @param {string} reason - simple string of why this datetime is invalid. Should not contain parameters or anything else data-dependent\n * @param {string} [explanation=null] - longer explanation, may include parameters and other useful debugging information\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n static invalid(reason, explanation = null) {\n if (!reason) {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\"need to specify a reason the Duration is invalid\");\n }\n\n const invalid = reason instanceof Invalid ? reason : new Invalid(reason, explanation);\n\n if (Settings.throwOnInvalid) {\n throw new InvalidDurationError(invalid);\n } else {\n return new Duration({ invalid });\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @private\n */\n static normalizeUnit(unit) {\n const normalized = {\n year: \"years\",\n years: \"years\",\n quarter: \"quarters\",\n quarters: \"quarters\",\n month: \"months\",\n months: \"months\",\n week: \"weeks\",\n weeks: \"weeks\",\n day: \"days\",\n days: \"days\",\n hour: \"hours\",\n hours: \"hours\",\n minute: \"minutes\",\n minutes: \"minutes\",\n second: \"seconds\",\n seconds: \"seconds\",\n millisecond: \"milliseconds\",\n milliseconds: \"milliseconds\"\n }[unit ? unit.toLowerCase() : unit];\n\n if (!normalized) throw new InvalidUnitError(unit);\n\n return normalized;\n }\n\n /**\n * Check if an object is a Duration. Works across context boundaries\n * @param {object} o\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n static isDuration(o) {\n return (o && o.isLuxonDuration) || false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the locale of a Duration, such 'en-GB'\n * @type {string}\n */\n get locale() {\n return this.isValid ? this.loc.locale : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the numbering system of a Duration, such 'beng'. The numbering system is used when formatting the Duration\n *\n * @type {string}\n */\n get numberingSystem() {\n return this.isValid ? this.loc.numberingSystem : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this Duration formatted according to the specified format string. You may use these tokens:\n * * `S` for milliseconds\n * * `s` for seconds\n * * `m` for minutes\n * * `h` for hours\n * * `d` for days\n * * `M` for months\n * * `y` for years\n * Notes:\n * * Add padding by repeating the token, e.g. \"yy\" pads the years to two digits, \"hhhh\" pads the hours out to four digits\n * * The duration will be converted to the set of units in the format string using {@link Duration.shiftTo} and the Durations's conversion accuracy setting.\n * @param {string} fmt - the format string\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {boolean} [opts.floor=true] - floor numerical values\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }).toFormat(\"y d s\") //=> \"1 6 2\"\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }).toFormat(\"yy dd sss\") //=> \"01 06 002\"\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }).toFormat(\"M S\") //=> \"12 518402000\"\n * @return {string}\n */\n toFormat(fmt, opts = {}) {\n // reverse-compat since 1.2; we always round down now, never up, and we do it by default\n const fmtOpts = Object.assign({}, opts, {\n floor: opts.round !== false && opts.floor !== false\n });\n return this.isValid\n ? Formatter.create(this.loc, fmtOpts).formatDurationFromString(this, fmt)\n : INVALID;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a JavaScript object with this Duration's values.\n * @param opts - options for generating the object\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includeConfig=false] - include configuration attributes in the output\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }).toObject() //=> { years: 1, days: 6, seconds: 2 }\n * @return {Object}\n */\n toObject(opts = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid) return {};\n\n const base = Object.assign({}, this.values);\n\n if (opts.includeConfig) {\n base.conversionAccuracy = this.conversionAccuracy;\n base.numberingSystem = this.loc.numberingSystem;\n base.locale = this.loc.locale;\n }\n return base;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this Duration.\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 3, seconds: 45 }).toISO() //=> 'P3YT45S'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ months: 4, seconds: 45 }).toISO() //=> 'P4MT45S'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ months: 5 }).toISO() //=> 'P5M'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ minutes: 5 }).toISO() //=> 'PT5M'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ milliseconds: 6 }).toISO() //=> 'PT0.006S'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toISO() {\n // we could use the formatter, but this is an easier way to get the minimum string\n if (!this.isValid) return null;\n\n let s = \"P\";\n if (this.years !== 0) s += this.years + \"Y\";\n if (this.months !== 0 || this.quarters !== 0) s += this.months + this.quarters * 3 + \"M\";\n if (this.weeks !== 0) s += this.weeks + \"W\";\n if (this.days !== 0) s += this.days + \"D\";\n if (this.hours !== 0 || this.minutes !== 0 || this.seconds !== 0 || this.milliseconds !== 0)\n s += \"T\";\n if (this.hours !== 0) s += this.hours + \"H\";\n if (this.minutes !== 0) s += this.minutes + \"M\";\n if (this.seconds !== 0 || this.milliseconds !== 0)\n // this will handle \"floating point madness\" by removing extra decimal places\n // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/588004/is-floating-point-math-broken\n s += roundTo(this.seconds + this.milliseconds / 1000, 3) + \"S\";\n if (s === \"P\") s += \"T0S\";\n return s;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this Duration, formatted as a time of day.\n * Note that this will return null if the duration is invalid, negative, or equal to or greater than 24 hours.\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Times\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {boolean} [opts.suppressMilliseconds=false] - exclude milliseconds from the format if they're 0\n * @param {boolean} [opts.suppressSeconds=false] - exclude seconds from the format if they're 0\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includePrefix=false] - include the `T` prefix\n * @param {string} [opts.format='extended'] - choose between the basic and extended format\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime() //=> '11:00:00.000'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime({ suppressMilliseconds: true }) //=> '11:00:00'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime({ suppressSeconds: true }) //=> '11:00'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime({ includePrefix: true }) //=> 'T11:00:00.000'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 11 }).toISOTime({ format: 'basic' }) //=> '110000.000'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toISOTime(opts = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid) return null;\n\n const millis = this.toMillis();\n if (millis < 0 || millis >= 86400000) return null;\n\n opts = Object.assign(\n {\n suppressMilliseconds: false,\n suppressSeconds: false,\n includePrefix: false,\n format: \"extended\"\n },\n opts\n );\n\n const value = this.shiftTo(\"hours\", \"minutes\", \"seconds\", \"milliseconds\");\n\n let fmt = opts.format === \"basic\" ? \"hhmm\" : \"hh:mm\";\n\n if (!opts.suppressSeconds || value.seconds !== 0 || value.milliseconds !== 0) {\n fmt += opts.format === \"basic\" ? \"ss\" : \":ss\";\n if (!opts.suppressMilliseconds || value.milliseconds !== 0) {\n fmt += \".SSS\";\n }\n }\n\n let str = value.toFormat(fmt);\n\n if (opts.includePrefix) {\n str = \"T\" + str;\n }\n\n return str;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this Duration appropriate for use in JSON.\n * @return {string}\n */\n toJSON() {\n return this.toISO();\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this Duration appropriate for use in debugging.\n * @return {string}\n */\n toString() {\n return this.toISO();\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an milliseconds value of this Duration.\n * @return {number}\n */\n toMillis() {\n return this.as(\"milliseconds\");\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an milliseconds value of this Duration. Alias of {@link toMillis}\n * @return {number}\n */\n valueOf() {\n return this.toMillis();\n }\n\n /**\n * Make this Duration longer by the specified amount. Return a newly-constructed Duration.\n * @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The amount to add. Either a Luxon Duration, a number of milliseconds, the object argument to Duration.fromObject()\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n plus(duration) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n\n const dur = friendlyDuration(duration),\n result = {};\n\n for (const k of orderedUnits) {\n if (hasOwnProperty(dur.values, k) || hasOwnProperty(this.values, k)) {\n result[k] = dur.get(k) + this.get(k);\n }\n }\n\n return clone(this, { values: result }, true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Make this Duration shorter by the specified amount. Return a newly-constructed Duration.\n * @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The amount to subtract. Either a Luxon Duration, a number of milliseconds, the object argument to Duration.fromObject()\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n minus(duration) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n\n const dur = friendlyDuration(duration);\n return this.plus(dur.negate());\n }\n\n /**\n * Scale this Duration by the specified amount. Return a newly-constructed Duration.\n * @param {function} fn - The function to apply to each unit. Arity is 1 or 2: the value of the unit and, optionally, the unit name. Must return a number.\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1, minutes: 30 }).mapUnit(x => x * 2) //=> { hours: 2, minutes: 60 }\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1, minutes: 30 }).mapUnit((x, u) => u === \"hour\" ? x * 2 : x) //=> { hours: 2, minutes: 30 }\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n mapUnits(fn) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n const result = {};\n for (const k of Object.keys(this.values)) {\n result[k] = asNumber(fn(this.values[k], k));\n }\n return clone(this, { values: result }, true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the value of unit.\n * @param {string} unit - a unit such as 'minute' or 'day'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({years: 2, days: 3}).get('years') //=> 2\n * @example Duration.fromObject({years: 2, days: 3}).get('months') //=> 0\n * @example Duration.fromObject({years: 2, days: 3}).get('days') //=> 3\n * @return {number}\n */\n get(unit) {\n return this[Duration.normalizeUnit(unit)];\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" the values of specified units. Return a newly-constructed Duration.\n * @param {Object} values - a mapping of units to numbers\n * @example dur.set({ years: 2017 })\n * @example dur.set({ hours: 8, minutes: 30 })\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n set(values) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n\n const mixed = Object.assign(this.values, normalizeObject(values, Duration.normalizeUnit, []));\n return clone(this, { values: mixed });\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" the locale and/or numberingSystem. Returns a newly-constructed Duration.\n * @example dur.reconfigure({ locale: 'en-GB' })\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n reconfigure({ locale, numberingSystem, conversionAccuracy } = {}) {\n const loc = this.loc.clone({ locale, numberingSystem }),\n opts = { loc };\n\n if (conversionAccuracy) {\n opts.conversionAccuracy = conversionAccuracy;\n }\n\n return clone(this, opts);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the length of the duration in the specified unit.\n * @param {string} unit - a unit such as 'minutes' or 'days'\n * @example Duration.fromObject({years: 1}).as('days') //=> 365\n * @example Duration.fromObject({years: 1}).as('months') //=> 12\n * @example Duration.fromObject({hours: 60}).as('days') //=> 2.5\n * @return {number}\n */\n as(unit) {\n return this.isValid ? this.shiftTo(unit).get(unit) : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Reduce this Duration to its canonical representation in its current units.\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ years: 2, days: 5000 }).normalize().toObject() //=> { years: 15, days: 255 }\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 12, minutes: -45 }).normalize().toObject() //=> { hours: 11, minutes: 15 }\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n normalize() {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n const vals = this.toObject();\n normalizeValues(this.matrix, vals);\n return clone(this, { values: vals }, true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Convert this Duration into its representation in a different set of units.\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1, seconds: 30 }).shiftTo('minutes', 'milliseconds').toObject() //=> { minutes: 60, milliseconds: 30000 }\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n shiftTo(...units) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n\n if (units.length === 0) {\n return this;\n }\n\n units = units.map(u => Duration.normalizeUnit(u));\n\n const built = {},\n accumulated = {},\n vals = this.toObject();\n let lastUnit;\n\n for (const k of orderedUnits) {\n if (units.indexOf(k) >= 0) {\n lastUnit = k;\n\n let own = 0;\n\n // anything we haven't boiled down yet should get boiled to this unit\n for (const ak in accumulated) {\n own += this.matrix[ak][k] * accumulated[ak];\n accumulated[ak] = 0;\n }\n\n // plus anything that's already in this unit\n if (isNumber(vals[k])) {\n own += vals[k];\n }\n\n const i = Math.trunc(own);\n built[k] = i;\n accumulated[k] = own - i; // we'd like to absorb these fractions in another unit\n\n // plus anything further down the chain that should be rolled up in to this\n for (const down in vals) {\n if (orderedUnits.indexOf(down) > orderedUnits.indexOf(k)) {\n convert(this.matrix, vals, down, built, k);\n }\n }\n // otherwise, keep it in the wings to boil it later\n } else if (isNumber(vals[k])) {\n accumulated[k] = vals[k];\n }\n }\n\n // anything leftover becomes the decimal for the last unit\n // lastUnit must be defined since units is not empty\n for (const key in accumulated) {\n if (accumulated[key] !== 0) {\n built[lastUnit] +=\n key === lastUnit ? accumulated[key] : accumulated[key] / this.matrix[lastUnit][key];\n }\n }\n\n return clone(this, { values: built }, true).normalize();\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the negative of this Duration.\n * @example Duration.fromObject({ hours: 1, seconds: 30 }).negate().toObject() //=> { hours: -1, seconds: -30 }\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n negate() {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n const negated = {};\n for (const k of Object.keys(this.values)) {\n negated[k] = -this.values[k];\n }\n return clone(this, { values: negated }, true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the years.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get years() {\n return this.isValid ? this.values.years || 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the quarters.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get quarters() {\n return this.isValid ? this.values.quarters || 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the months.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get months() {\n return this.isValid ? this.values.months || 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the weeks\n * @type {number}\n */\n get weeks() {\n return this.isValid ? this.values.weeks || 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the days.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get days() {\n return this.isValid ? this.values.days || 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the hours.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get hours() {\n return this.isValid ? this.values.hours || 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the minutes.\n * @type {number}\n */\n get minutes() {\n return this.isValid ? this.values.minutes || 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the seconds.\n * @return {number}\n */\n get seconds() {\n return this.isValid ? this.values.seconds || 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the milliseconds.\n * @return {number}\n */\n get milliseconds() {\n return this.isValid ? this.values.milliseconds || 0 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether the Duration is invalid. Invalid durations are returned by diff operations\n * on invalid DateTimes or Intervals.\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n get isValid() {\n return this.invalid === null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an error code if this Duration became invalid, or null if the Duration is valid\n * @return {string}\n */\n get invalidReason() {\n return this.invalid ? this.invalid.reason : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an explanation of why this Duration became invalid, or null if the Duration is valid\n * @type {string}\n */\n get invalidExplanation() {\n return this.invalid ? this.invalid.explanation : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Equality check\n * Two Durations are equal iff they have the same units and the same values for each unit.\n * @param {Duration} other\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n equals(other) {\n if (!this.isValid || !other.isValid) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (!this.loc.equals(other.loc)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n function eq(v1, v2) {\n // Consider 0 and undefined as equal\n if (v1 === undefined || v1 === 0) return v2 === undefined || v2 === 0;\n return v1 === v2;\n }\n\n for (const u of orderedUnits) {\n if (!eq(this.values[u], other.values[u])) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nexport function friendlyDuration(durationish) {\n if (isNumber(durationish)) {\n return Duration.fromMillis(durationish);\n } else if (Duration.isDuration(durationish)) {\n return durationish;\n } else if (typeof durationish === \"object\") {\n return Duration.fromObject(durationish);\n } else {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\n `Unknown duration argument ${durationish} of type ${typeof durationish}`\n );\n }\n}\n", "import DateTime, { friendlyDateTime } from \"./datetime.js\";\nimport Duration, { friendlyDuration } from \"./duration.js\";\nimport Settings from \"./settings.js\";\nimport { InvalidArgumentError, InvalidIntervalError } from \"./errors.js\";\nimport Invalid from \"./impl/invalid.js\";\n\nconst INVALID = \"Invalid Interval\";\n\n// checks if the start is equal to or before the end\nfunction validateStartEnd(start, end) {\n if (!start || !start.isValid) {\n return Interval.invalid(\"missing or invalid start\");\n } else if (!end || !end.isValid) {\n return Interval.invalid(\"missing or invalid end\");\n } else if (end < start) {\n return Interval.invalid(\n \"end before start\",\n `The end of an interval must be after its start, but you had start=${start.toISO()} and end=${end.toISO()}`\n );\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * An Interval object represents a half-open interval of time, where each endpoint is a {@link DateTime}. Conceptually, it's a container for those two endpoints, accompanied by methods for creating, parsing, interrogating, comparing, transforming, and formatting them.\n *\n * Here is a brief overview of the most commonly used methods and getters in Interval:\n *\n * * **Creation** To create an Interval, use {@link fromDateTimes}, {@link after}, {@link before}, or {@link fromISO}.\n * * **Accessors** Use {@link start} and {@link end} to get the start and end.\n * * **Interrogation** To analyze the Interval, use {@link count}, {@link length}, {@link hasSame}, {@link contains}, {@link isAfter}, or {@link isBefore}.\n * * **Transformation** To create other Intervals out of this one, use {@link set}, {@link splitAt}, {@link splitBy}, {@link divideEqually}, {@link merge}, {@link xor}, {@link union}, {@link intersection}, or {@link difference}.\n * * **Comparison** To compare this Interval to another one, use {@link equals}, {@link overlaps}, {@link abutsStart}, {@link abutsEnd}, {@link engulfs}.\n * * **Output** To convert the Interval into other representations, see {@link toString}, {@link toISO}, {@link toISODate}, {@link toISOTime}, {@link toFormat}, and {@link toDuration}.\n */\nexport default class Interval {\n /**\n * @private\n */\n constructor(config) {\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.s = config.start;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.e = config.end;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.invalid = config.invalid || null;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.isLuxonInterval = true;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an invalid Interval.\n * @param {string} reason - simple string of why this Interval is invalid. Should not contain parameters or anything else data-dependent\n * @param {string} [explanation=null] - longer explanation, may include parameters and other useful debugging information\n * @return {Interval}\n */\n static invalid(reason, explanation = null) {\n if (!reason) {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\"need to specify a reason the Interval is invalid\");\n }\n\n const invalid = reason instanceof Invalid ? reason : new Invalid(reason, explanation);\n\n if (Settings.throwOnInvalid) {\n throw new InvalidIntervalError(invalid);\n } else {\n return new Interval({ invalid });\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an Interval from a start DateTime and an end DateTime. Inclusive of the start but not the end.\n * @param {DateTime|Date|Object} start\n * @param {DateTime|Date|Object} end\n * @return {Interval}\n */\n static fromDateTimes(start, end) {\n const builtStart = friendlyDateTime(start),\n builtEnd = friendlyDateTime(end);\n\n const validateError = validateStartEnd(builtStart, builtEnd);\n\n if (validateError == null) {\n return new Interval({\n start: builtStart,\n end: builtEnd\n });\n } else {\n return validateError;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an Interval from a start DateTime and a Duration to extend to.\n * @param {DateTime|Date|Object} start\n * @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - the length of the Interval.\n * @return {Interval}\n */\n static after(start, duration) {\n const dur = friendlyDuration(duration),\n dt = friendlyDateTime(start);\n return Interval.fromDateTimes(dt, dt.plus(dur));\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an Interval from an end DateTime and a Duration to extend backwards to.\n * @param {DateTime|Date|Object} end\n * @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - the length of the Interval.\n * @return {Interval}\n */\n static before(end, duration) {\n const dur = friendlyDuration(duration),\n dt = friendlyDateTime(end);\n return Interval.fromDateTimes(dt.minus(dur), dt);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an Interval from an ISO 8601 string.\n * Accepts `/`, `/`, and `/` formats.\n * @param {string} text - the ISO string to parse\n * @param {Object} [opts] - options to pass {@link DateTime.fromISO} and optionally {@link Duration.fromISO}\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals\n * @return {Interval}\n */\n static fromISO(text, opts) {\n const [s, e] = (text || \"\").split(\"/\", 2);\n if (s && e) {\n let start, startIsValid;\n try {\n start = DateTime.fromISO(s, opts);\n startIsValid = start.isValid;\n } catch (e) {\n startIsValid = false;\n }\n\n let end, endIsValid;\n try {\n end = DateTime.fromISO(e, opts);\n endIsValid = end.isValid;\n } catch (e) {\n endIsValid = false;\n }\n\n if (startIsValid && endIsValid) {\n return Interval.fromDateTimes(start, end);\n }\n\n if (startIsValid) {\n const dur = Duration.fromISO(e, opts);\n if (dur.isValid) {\n return Interval.after(start, dur);\n }\n } else if (endIsValid) {\n const dur = Duration.fromISO(s, opts);\n if (dur.isValid) {\n return Interval.before(end, dur);\n }\n }\n }\n return Interval.invalid(\"unparsable\", `the input \"${text}\" can't be parsed as ISO 8601`);\n }\n\n /**\n * Check if an object is an Interval. Works across context boundaries\n * @param {object} o\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n static isInterval(o) {\n return (o && o.isLuxonInterval) || false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the start of the Interval\n * @type {DateTime}\n */\n get start() {\n return this.isValid ? this.s : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the end of the Interval\n * @type {DateTime}\n */\n get end() {\n return this.isValid ? this.e : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether this Interval's end is at least its start, meaning that the Interval isn't 'backwards'.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get isValid() {\n return this.invalidReason === null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an error code if this Interval is invalid, or null if the Interval is valid\n * @type {string}\n */\n get invalidReason() {\n return this.invalid ? this.invalid.reason : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an explanation of why this Interval became invalid, or null if the Interval is valid\n * @type {string}\n */\n get invalidExplanation() {\n return this.invalid ? this.invalid.explanation : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the length of the Interval in the specified unit.\n * @param {string} unit - the unit (such as 'hours' or 'days') to return the length in.\n * @return {number}\n */\n length(unit = \"milliseconds\") {\n return this.isValid ? this.toDuration(...[unit]).get(unit) : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the count of minutes, hours, days, months, or years included in the Interval, even in part.\n * Unlike {@link length} this counts sections of the calendar, not periods of time, e.g. specifying 'day'\n * asks 'what dates are included in this interval?', not 'how many days long is this interval?'\n * @param {string} [unit='milliseconds'] - the unit of time to count.\n * @return {number}\n */\n count(unit = \"milliseconds\") {\n if (!this.isValid) return NaN;\n const start = this.start.startOf(unit),\n end = this.end.startOf(unit);\n return Math.floor(end.diff(start, unit).get(unit)) + 1;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether this Interval's start and end are both in the same unit of time\n * @param {string} unit - the unit of time to check sameness on\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n hasSame(unit) {\n return this.isValid ? this.isEmpty() || this.e.minus(1).hasSame(this.s, unit) : false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Interval has the same start and end DateTimes.\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n isEmpty() {\n return this.s.valueOf() === this.e.valueOf();\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Interval's start is after the specified DateTime.\n * @param {DateTime} dateTime\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n isAfter(dateTime) {\n if (!this.isValid) return false;\n return this.s > dateTime;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Interval's end is before the specified DateTime.\n * @param {DateTime} dateTime\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n isBefore(dateTime) {\n if (!this.isValid) return false;\n return this.e <= dateTime;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Interval contains the specified DateTime.\n * @param {DateTime} dateTime\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n contains(dateTime) {\n if (!this.isValid) return false;\n return this.s <= dateTime && this.e > dateTime;\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Sets\" the start and/or end dates. Returns a newly-constructed Interval.\n * @param {Object} values - the values to set\n * @param {DateTime} values.start - the starting DateTime\n * @param {DateTime} values.end - the ending DateTime\n * @return {Interval}\n */\n set({ start, end } = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n return Interval.fromDateTimes(start || this.s, end || this.e);\n }\n\n /**\n * Split this Interval at each of the specified DateTimes\n * @param {...[DateTime]} dateTimes - the unit of time to count.\n * @return {[Interval]}\n */\n splitAt(...dateTimes) {\n if (!this.isValid) return [];\n const sorted = dateTimes\n .map(friendlyDateTime)\n .filter(d => this.contains(d))\n .sort(),\n results = [];\n let { s } = this,\n i = 0;\n\n while (s < this.e) {\n const added = sorted[i] || this.e,\n next = +added > +this.e ? this.e : added;\n results.push(Interval.fromDateTimes(s, next));\n s = next;\n i += 1;\n }\n\n return results;\n }\n\n /**\n * Split this Interval into smaller Intervals, each of the specified length.\n * Left over time is grouped into a smaller interval\n * @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The length of each resulting interval.\n * @return {[Interval]}\n */\n splitBy(duration) {\n const dur = friendlyDuration(duration);\n\n if (!this.isValid || !dur.isValid || dur.as(\"milliseconds\") === 0) {\n return [];\n }\n\n let { s } = this,\n idx = 1,\n next;\n\n const results = [];\n while (s < this.e) {\n const added = this.start.plus(dur.mapUnits(x => x * idx));\n next = +added > +this.e ? this.e : added;\n results.push(Interval.fromDateTimes(s, next));\n s = next;\n idx += 1;\n }\n\n return results;\n }\n\n /**\n * Split this Interval into the specified number of smaller intervals.\n * @param {number} numberOfParts - The number of Intervals to divide the Interval into.\n * @return {[Interval]}\n */\n divideEqually(numberOfParts) {\n if (!this.isValid) return [];\n return this.splitBy(this.length() / numberOfParts).slice(0, numberOfParts);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Interval overlaps with the specified Interval\n * @param {Interval} other\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n overlaps(other) {\n return this.e > other.s && this.s < other.e;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Interval's end is adjacent to the specified Interval's start.\n * @param {Interval} other\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n abutsStart(other) {\n if (!this.isValid) return false;\n return +this.e === +other.s;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Interval's start is adjacent to the specified Interval's end.\n * @param {Interval} other\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n abutsEnd(other) {\n if (!this.isValid) return false;\n return +other.e === +this.s;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Interval engulfs the start and end of the specified Interval.\n * @param {Interval} other\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n engulfs(other) {\n if (!this.isValid) return false;\n return this.s <= other.s && this.e >= other.e;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this Interval has the same start and end as the specified Interval.\n * @param {Interval} other\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n equals(other) {\n if (!this.isValid || !other.isValid) {\n return false;\n }\n\n return this.s.equals(other.s) && this.e.equals(other.e);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an Interval representing the intersection of this Interval and the specified Interval.\n * Specifically, the resulting Interval has the maximum start time and the minimum end time of the two Intervals.\n * Returns null if the intersection is empty, meaning, the intervals don't intersect.\n * @param {Interval} other\n * @return {Interval}\n */\n intersection(other) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n const s = this.s > other.s ? this.s : other.s,\n e = this.e < other.e ? this.e : other.e;\n\n if (s >= e) {\n return null;\n } else {\n return Interval.fromDateTimes(s, e);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an Interval representing the union of this Interval and the specified Interval.\n * Specifically, the resulting Interval has the minimum start time and the maximum end time of the two Intervals.\n * @param {Interval} other\n * @return {Interval}\n */\n union(other) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n const s = this.s < other.s ? this.s : other.s,\n e = this.e > other.e ? this.e : other.e;\n return Interval.fromDateTimes(s, e);\n }\n\n /**\n * Merge an array of Intervals into a equivalent minimal set of Intervals.\n * Combines overlapping and adjacent Intervals.\n * @param {[Interval]} intervals\n * @return {[Interval]}\n */\n static merge(intervals) {\n const [found, final] = intervals.sort((a, b) => a.s - b.s).reduce(\n ([sofar, current], item) => {\n if (!current) {\n return [sofar, item];\n } else if (current.overlaps(item) || current.abutsStart(item)) {\n return [sofar, current.union(item)];\n } else {\n return [sofar.concat([current]), item];\n }\n },\n [[], null]\n );\n if (final) {\n found.push(final);\n }\n return found;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an array of Intervals representing the spans of time that only appear in one of the specified Intervals.\n * @param {[Interval]} intervals\n * @return {[Interval]}\n */\n static xor(intervals) {\n let start = null,\n currentCount = 0;\n const results = [],\n ends = intervals.map(i => [{ time: i.s, type: \"s\" }, { time: i.e, type: \"e\" }]),\n flattened = Array.prototype.concat(...ends),\n arr = flattened.sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time);\n\n for (const i of arr) {\n currentCount += i.type === \"s\" ? 1 : -1;\n\n if (currentCount === 1) {\n start = i.time;\n } else {\n if (start && +start !== +i.time) {\n results.push(Interval.fromDateTimes(start, i.time));\n }\n\n start = null;\n }\n }\n\n return Interval.merge(results);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an Interval representing the span of time in this Interval that doesn't overlap with any of the specified Intervals.\n * @param {...Interval} intervals\n * @return {[Interval]}\n */\n difference(...intervals) {\n return Interval.xor([this].concat(intervals))\n .map(i => this.intersection(i))\n .filter(i => i && !i.isEmpty());\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this Interval appropriate for debugging.\n * @return {string}\n */\n toString() {\n if (!this.isValid) return INVALID;\n return `[${this.s.toISO()} – ${this.e.toISO()})`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this Interval.\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals\n * @param {Object} opts - The same options as {@link DateTime.toISO}\n * @return {string}\n */\n toISO(opts) {\n if (!this.isValid) return INVALID;\n return `${this.s.toISO(opts)}/${this.e.toISO(opts)}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of date of this Interval.\n * The time components are ignored.\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals\n * @return {string}\n */\n toISODate() {\n if (!this.isValid) return INVALID;\n return `${this.s.toISODate()}/${this.e.toISODate()}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of time of this Interval.\n * The date components are ignored.\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals\n * @param {Object} opts - The same options as {@link DateTime.toISO}\n * @return {string}\n */\n toISOTime(opts) {\n if (!this.isValid) return INVALID;\n return `${this.s.toISOTime(opts)}/${this.e.toISOTime(opts)}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this Interval formatted according to the specified format string.\n * @param {string} dateFormat - the format string. This string formats the start and end time. See {@link DateTime.toFormat} for details.\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {string} [opts.separator = ' – '] - a separator to place between the start and end representations\n * @return {string}\n */\n toFormat(dateFormat, { separator = \" – \" } = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid) return INVALID;\n return `${this.s.toFormat(dateFormat)}${separator}${this.e.toFormat(dateFormat)}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return a Duration representing the time spanned by this interval.\n * @param {string|string[]} [unit=['milliseconds']] - the unit or units (such as 'hours' or 'days') to include in the duration.\n * @param {Object} opts - options that affect the creation of the Duration\n * @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use\n * @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration().toObject() //=> { milliseconds: 88489257 }\n * @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration('days').toObject() //=> { days: 1.0241812152777778 }\n * @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration(['hours', 'minutes']).toObject() //=> { hours: 24, minutes: 34.82095 }\n * @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration(['hours', 'minutes', 'seconds']).toObject() //=> { hours: 24, minutes: 34, seconds: 49.257 }\n * @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).toDuration('seconds').toObject() //=> { seconds: 88489.257 }\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n toDuration(unit, opts) {\n if (!this.isValid) {\n return Duration.invalid(this.invalidReason);\n }\n return this.e.diff(this.s, unit, opts);\n }\n\n /**\n * Run mapFn on the interval start and end, returning a new Interval from the resulting DateTimes\n * @param {function} mapFn\n * @return {Interval}\n * @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).mapEndpoints(endpoint => endpoint.toUTC())\n * @example Interval.fromDateTimes(dt1, dt2).mapEndpoints(endpoint => endpoint.plus({ hours: 2 }))\n */\n mapEndpoints(mapFn) {\n return Interval.fromDateTimes(mapFn(this.s), mapFn(this.e));\n }\n}\n", "import DateTime from \"./datetime.js\";\nimport Settings from \"./settings.js\";\nimport Locale from \"./impl/locale.js\";\nimport IANAZone from \"./zones/IANAZone.js\";\nimport { normalizeZone } from \"./impl/zoneUtil.js\";\n\nimport { hasFormatToParts, hasIntl, hasRelative } from \"./impl/util.js\";\n\n/**\n * The Info class contains static methods for retrieving general time and date related data. For example, it has methods for finding out if a time zone has a DST, for listing the months in any supported locale, and for discovering which of Luxon features are available in the current environment.\n */\nexport default class Info {\n /**\n * Return whether the specified zone contains a DST.\n * @param {string|Zone} [zone='local'] - Zone to check. Defaults to the environment's local zone.\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n static hasDST(zone = Settings.defaultZone) {\n const proto = DateTime.now()\n .setZone(zone)\n .set({ month: 12 });\n\n return !zone.universal && proto.offset !== proto.set({ month: 6 }).offset;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether the specified zone is a valid IANA specifier.\n * @param {string} zone - Zone to check\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n static isValidIANAZone(zone) {\n return IANAZone.isValidSpecifier(zone) && IANAZone.isValidZone(zone);\n }\n\n /**\n * Converts the input into a {@link Zone} instance.\n *\n * * If `input` is already a Zone instance, it is returned unchanged.\n * * If `input` is a string containing a valid time zone name, a Zone instance\n * with that name is returned.\n * * If `input` is a string that doesn't refer to a known time zone, a Zone\n * instance with {@link Zone.isValid} == false is returned.\n * * If `input is a number, a Zone instance with the specified fixed offset\n * in minutes is returned.\n * * If `input` is `null` or `undefined`, the default zone is returned.\n * @param {string|Zone|number} [input] - the value to be converted\n * @return {Zone}\n */\n static normalizeZone(input) {\n return normalizeZone(input, Settings.defaultZone);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an array of standalone month names.\n * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DateTimeFormat\n * @param {string} [length='long'] - the length of the month representation, such as \"numeric\", \"2-digit\", \"narrow\", \"short\", \"long\"\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code\n * @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem=null] - the numbering system\n * @param {string} [opts.locObj=null] - an existing locale object to use\n * @param {string} [opts.outputCalendar='gregory'] - the calendar\n * @example Info.months()[0] //=> 'January'\n * @example Info.months('short')[0] //=> 'Jan'\n * @example Info.months('numeric')[0] //=> '1'\n * @example Info.months('short', { locale: 'fr-CA' } )[0] //=> 'janv.'\n * @example Info.months('numeric', { locale: 'ar' })[0] //=> '١'\n * @example Info.months('long', { outputCalendar: 'islamic' })[0] //=> 'Rabiʻ I'\n * @return {[string]}\n */\n static months(\n length = \"long\",\n { locale = null, numberingSystem = null, locObj = null, outputCalendar = \"gregory\" } = {}\n ) {\n return (locObj || Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar)).months(length);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an array of format month names.\n * Format months differ from standalone months in that they're meant to appear next to the day of the month. In some languages, that\n * changes the string.\n * See {@link months}\n * @param {string} [length='long'] - the length of the month representation, such as \"numeric\", \"2-digit\", \"narrow\", \"short\", \"long\"\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code\n * @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem=null] - the numbering system\n * @param {string} [opts.locObj=null] - an existing locale object to use\n * @param {string} [opts.outputCalendar='gregory'] - the calendar\n * @return {[string]}\n */\n static monthsFormat(\n length = \"long\",\n { locale = null, numberingSystem = null, locObj = null, outputCalendar = \"gregory\" } = {}\n ) {\n return (locObj || Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar)).months(length, true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an array of standalone week names.\n * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DateTimeFormat\n * @param {string} [length='long'] - the length of the weekday representation, such as \"narrow\", \"short\", \"long\".\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code\n * @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem=null] - the numbering system\n * @param {string} [opts.locObj=null] - an existing locale object to use\n * @example Info.weekdays()[0] //=> 'Monday'\n * @example Info.weekdays('short')[0] //=> 'Mon'\n * @example Info.weekdays('short', { locale: 'fr-CA' })[0] //=> 'lun.'\n * @example Info.weekdays('short', { locale: 'ar' })[0] //=> 'الاثنين'\n * @return {[string]}\n */\n static weekdays(length = \"long\", { locale = null, numberingSystem = null, locObj = null } = {}) {\n return (locObj || Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, null)).weekdays(length);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an array of format week names.\n * Format weekdays differ from standalone weekdays in that they're meant to appear next to more date information. In some languages, that\n * changes the string.\n * See {@link weekdays}\n * @param {string} [length='long'] - the length of the weekday representation, such as \"narrow\", \"short\", \"long\".\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {string} [opts.locale=null] - the locale code\n * @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem=null] - the numbering system\n * @param {string} [opts.locObj=null] - an existing locale object to use\n * @return {[string]}\n */\n static weekdaysFormat(\n length = \"long\",\n { locale = null, numberingSystem = null, locObj = null } = {}\n ) {\n return (locObj || Locale.create(locale, numberingSystem, null)).weekdays(length, true);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an array of meridiems.\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code\n * @example Info.meridiems() //=> [ 'AM', 'PM' ]\n * @example Info.meridiems({ locale: 'my' }) //=> [ 'နံနက်', 'ညနေ' ]\n * @return {[string]}\n */\n static meridiems({ locale = null } = {}) {\n return Locale.create(locale).meridiems();\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an array of eras, such as ['BC', 'AD']. The locale can be specified, but the calendar system is always Gregorian.\n * @param {string} [length='short'] - the length of the era representation, such as \"short\" or \"long\".\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {string} [opts.locale] - the locale code\n * @example Info.eras() //=> [ 'BC', 'AD' ]\n * @example Info.eras('long') //=> [ 'Before Christ', 'Anno Domini' ]\n * @example Info.eras('long', { locale: 'fr' }) //=> [ 'avant Jésus-Christ', 'après Jésus-Christ' ]\n * @return {[string]}\n */\n static eras(length = \"short\", { locale = null } = {}) {\n return Locale.create(locale, null, \"gregory\").eras(length);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the set of available features in this environment.\n * Some features of Luxon are not available in all environments. For example, on older browsers, timezone support is not available. Use this function to figure out if that's the case.\n * Keys:\n * * `zones`: whether this environment supports IANA timezones\n * * `intlTokens`: whether this environment supports internationalized token-based formatting/parsing\n * * `intl`: whether this environment supports general internationalization\n * * `relative`: whether this environment supports relative time formatting\n * @example Info.features() //=> { intl: true, intlTokens: false, zones: true, relative: false }\n * @return {Object}\n */\n static features() {\n let intl = false,\n intlTokens = false,\n zones = false,\n relative = false;\n\n if (hasIntl()) {\n intl = true;\n intlTokens = hasFormatToParts();\n relative = hasRelative();\n\n try {\n zones =\n new Intl.DateTimeFormat(\"en\", { timeZone: \"America/New_York\" }).resolvedOptions()\n .timeZone === \"America/New_York\";\n } catch (e) {\n zones = false;\n }\n }\n\n return { intl, intlTokens, zones, relative };\n }\n}\n", "import Duration from \"../duration.js\";\n\nfunction dayDiff(earlier, later) {\n const utcDayStart = dt =>\n dt\n .toUTC(0, { keepLocalTime: true })\n .startOf(\"day\")\n .valueOf(),\n ms = utcDayStart(later) - utcDayStart(earlier);\n return Math.floor(Duration.fromMillis(ms).as(\"days\"));\n}\n\nfunction highOrderDiffs(cursor, later, units) {\n const differs = [\n [\"years\", (a, b) => b.year - a.year],\n [\"quarters\", (a, b) => b.quarter - a.quarter],\n [\"months\", (a, b) => b.month - a.month + (b.year - a.year) * 12],\n [\n \"weeks\",\n (a, b) => {\n const days = dayDiff(a, b);\n return (days - (days % 7)) / 7;\n }\n ],\n [\"days\", dayDiff]\n ];\n\n const results = {};\n let lowestOrder, highWater;\n\n for (const [unit, differ] of differs) {\n if (units.indexOf(unit) >= 0) {\n lowestOrder = unit;\n\n let delta = differ(cursor, later);\n highWater = cursor.plus({ [unit]: delta });\n\n if (highWater > later) {\n cursor = cursor.plus({ [unit]: delta - 1 });\n delta -= 1;\n } else {\n cursor = highWater;\n }\n\n results[unit] = delta;\n }\n }\n\n return [cursor, results, highWater, lowestOrder];\n}\n\nexport default function(earlier, later, units, opts) {\n let [cursor, results, highWater, lowestOrder] = highOrderDiffs(earlier, later, units);\n\n const remainingMillis = later - cursor;\n\n const lowerOrderUnits = units.filter(\n u => [\"hours\", \"minutes\", \"seconds\", \"milliseconds\"].indexOf(u) >= 0\n );\n\n if (lowerOrderUnits.length === 0) {\n if (highWater < later) {\n highWater = cursor.plus({ [lowestOrder]: 1 });\n }\n\n if (highWater !== cursor) {\n results[lowestOrder] = (results[lowestOrder] || 0) + remainingMillis / (highWater - cursor);\n }\n }\n\n const duration = Duration.fromObject(Object.assign(results, opts));\n\n if (lowerOrderUnits.length > 0) {\n return Duration.fromMillis(remainingMillis, opts)\n .shiftTo(...lowerOrderUnits)\n .plus(duration);\n } else {\n return duration;\n }\n}\n", "const numberingSystems = {\n arab: \"[\\u0660-\\u0669]\",\n arabext: \"[\\u06F0-\\u06F9]\",\n bali: \"[\\u1B50-\\u1B59]\",\n beng: \"[\\u09E6-\\u09EF]\",\n deva: \"[\\u0966-\\u096F]\",\n fullwide: \"[\\uFF10-\\uFF19]\",\n gujr: \"[\\u0AE6-\\u0AEF]\",\n hanidec: \"[〇|一|二|三|四|五|六|七|八|九]\",\n khmr: \"[\\u17E0-\\u17E9]\",\n knda: \"[\\u0CE6-\\u0CEF]\",\n laoo: \"[\\u0ED0-\\u0ED9]\",\n limb: \"[\\u1946-\\u194F]\",\n mlym: \"[\\u0D66-\\u0D6F]\",\n mong: \"[\\u1810-\\u1819]\",\n mymr: \"[\\u1040-\\u1049]\",\n orya: \"[\\u0B66-\\u0B6F]\",\n tamldec: \"[\\u0BE6-\\u0BEF]\",\n telu: \"[\\u0C66-\\u0C6F]\",\n thai: \"[\\u0E50-\\u0E59]\",\n tibt: \"[\\u0F20-\\u0F29]\",\n latn: \"\\\\d\"\n};\n\nconst numberingSystemsUTF16 = {\n arab: [1632, 1641],\n arabext: [1776, 1785],\n bali: [6992, 7001],\n beng: [2534, 2543],\n deva: [2406, 2415],\n fullwide: [65296, 65303],\n gujr: [2790, 2799],\n khmr: [6112, 6121],\n knda: [3302, 3311],\n laoo: [3792, 3801],\n limb: [6470, 6479],\n mlym: [3430, 3439],\n mong: [6160, 6169],\n mymr: [4160, 4169],\n orya: [2918, 2927],\n tamldec: [3046, 3055],\n telu: [3174, 3183],\n thai: [3664, 3673],\n tibt: [3872, 3881]\n};\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line\nconst hanidecChars = numberingSystems.hanidec.replace(/[\\[|\\]]/g, \"\").split(\"\");\n\nexport function parseDigits(str) {\n let value = parseInt(str, 10);\n if (isNaN(value)) {\n value = \"\";\n for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {\n const code = str.charCodeAt(i);\n\n if (str[i].search(numberingSystems.hanidec) !== -1) {\n value += hanidecChars.indexOf(str[i]);\n } else {\n for (const key in numberingSystemsUTF16) {\n const [min, max] = numberingSystemsUTF16[key];\n if (code >= min && code <= max) {\n value += code - min;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return parseInt(value, 10);\n } else {\n return value;\n }\n}\n\nexport function digitRegex({ numberingSystem }, append = \"\") {\n return new RegExp(`${numberingSystems[numberingSystem || \"latn\"]}${append}`);\n}\n", "import { parseMillis, isUndefined, untruncateYear, signedOffset, hasOwnProperty } from \"./util.js\";\nimport Formatter from \"./formatter.js\";\nimport FixedOffsetZone from \"../zones/fixedOffsetZone.js\";\nimport IANAZone from \"../zones/IANAZone.js\";\nimport DateTime from \"../datetime.js\";\nimport { digitRegex, parseDigits } from \"./digits.js\";\nimport { ConflictingSpecificationError } from \"../errors.js\";\n\nconst MISSING_FTP = \"missing Intl.DateTimeFormat.formatToParts support\";\n\nfunction intUnit(regex, post = i => i) {\n return { regex, deser: ([s]) => post(parseDigits(s)) };\n}\n\nconst NBSP = String.fromCharCode(160);\nconst spaceOrNBSP = `( |${NBSP})`;\nconst spaceOrNBSPRegExp = new RegExp(spaceOrNBSP, \"g\");\n\nfunction fixListRegex(s) {\n // make dots optional and also make them literal\n // make space and non breakable space characters interchangeable\n return s.replace(/\\./g, \"\\\\.?\").replace(spaceOrNBSPRegExp, spaceOrNBSP);\n}\n\nfunction stripInsensitivities(s) {\n return s\n .replace(/\\./g, \"\") // ignore dots that were made optional\n .replace(spaceOrNBSPRegExp, \" \") // interchange space and nbsp\n .toLowerCase();\n}\n\nfunction oneOf(strings, startIndex) {\n if (strings === null) {\n return null;\n } else {\n return {\n regex: RegExp(strings.map(fixListRegex).join(\"|\")),\n deser: ([s]) =>\n strings.findIndex(i => stripInsensitivities(s) === stripInsensitivities(i)) + startIndex\n };\n }\n}\n\nfunction offset(regex, groups) {\n return { regex, deser: ([, h, m]) => signedOffset(h, m), groups };\n}\n\nfunction simple(regex) {\n return { regex, deser: ([s]) => s };\n}\n\nfunction escapeToken(value) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape\n return value.replace(/[\\-\\[\\]{}()*+?.,\\\\\\^$|#\\s]/g, \"\\\\$&\");\n}\n\nfunction unitForToken(token, loc) {\n const one = digitRegex(loc),\n two = digitRegex(loc, \"{2}\"),\n three = digitRegex(loc, \"{3}\"),\n four = digitRegex(loc, \"{4}\"),\n six = digitRegex(loc, \"{6}\"),\n oneOrTwo = digitRegex(loc, \"{1,2}\"),\n oneToThree = digitRegex(loc, \"{1,3}\"),\n oneToSix = digitRegex(loc, \"{1,6}\"),\n oneToNine = digitRegex(loc, \"{1,9}\"),\n twoToFour = digitRegex(loc, \"{2,4}\"),\n fourToSix = digitRegex(loc, \"{4,6}\"),\n literal = t => ({ regex: RegExp(escapeToken(t.val)), deser: ([s]) => s, literal: true }),\n unitate = t => {\n if (token.literal) {\n return literal(t);\n }\n switch (t.val) {\n // era\n case \"G\":\n return oneOf(loc.eras(\"short\", false), 0);\n case \"GG\":\n return oneOf(loc.eras(\"long\", false), 0);\n // years\n case \"y\":\n return intUnit(oneToSix);\n case \"yy\":\n return intUnit(twoToFour, untruncateYear);\n case \"yyyy\":\n return intUnit(four);\n case \"yyyyy\":\n return intUnit(fourToSix);\n case \"yyyyyy\":\n return intUnit(six);\n // months\n case \"M\":\n return intUnit(oneOrTwo);\n case \"MM\":\n return intUnit(two);\n case \"MMM\":\n return oneOf(loc.months(\"short\", true, false), 1);\n case \"MMMM\":\n return oneOf(loc.months(\"long\", true, false), 1);\n case \"L\":\n return intUnit(oneOrTwo);\n case \"LL\":\n return intUnit(two);\n case \"LLL\":\n return oneOf(loc.months(\"short\", false, false), 1);\n case \"LLLL\":\n return oneOf(loc.months(\"long\", false, false), 1);\n // dates\n case \"d\":\n return intUnit(oneOrTwo);\n case \"dd\":\n return intUnit(two);\n // ordinals\n case \"o\":\n return intUnit(oneToThree);\n case \"ooo\":\n return intUnit(three);\n // time\n case \"HH\":\n return intUnit(two);\n case \"H\":\n return intUnit(oneOrTwo);\n case \"hh\":\n return intUnit(two);\n case \"h\":\n return intUnit(oneOrTwo);\n case \"mm\":\n return intUnit(two);\n case \"m\":\n return intUnit(oneOrTwo);\n case \"q\":\n return intUnit(oneOrTwo);\n case \"qq\":\n return intUnit(two);\n case \"s\":\n return intUnit(oneOrTwo);\n case \"ss\":\n return intUnit(two);\n case \"S\":\n return intUnit(oneToThree);\n case \"SSS\":\n return intUnit(three);\n case \"u\":\n return simple(oneToNine);\n // meridiem\n case \"a\":\n return oneOf(loc.meridiems(), 0);\n // weekYear (k)\n case \"kkkk\":\n return intUnit(four);\n case \"kk\":\n return intUnit(twoToFour, untruncateYear);\n // weekNumber (W)\n case \"W\":\n return intUnit(oneOrTwo);\n case \"WW\":\n return intUnit(two);\n // weekdays\n case \"E\":\n case \"c\":\n return intUnit(one);\n case \"EEE\":\n return oneOf(loc.weekdays(\"short\", false, false), 1);\n case \"EEEE\":\n return oneOf(loc.weekdays(\"long\", false, false), 1);\n case \"ccc\":\n return oneOf(loc.weekdays(\"short\", true, false), 1);\n case \"cccc\":\n return oneOf(loc.weekdays(\"long\", true, false), 1);\n // offset/zone\n case \"Z\":\n case \"ZZ\":\n return offset(new RegExp(`([+-]${oneOrTwo.source})(?::(${two.source}))?`), 2);\n case \"ZZZ\":\n return offset(new RegExp(`([+-]${oneOrTwo.source})(${two.source})?`), 2);\n // we don't support ZZZZ (PST) or ZZZZZ (Pacific Standard Time) in parsing\n // because we don't have any way to figure out what they are\n case \"z\":\n return simple(/[a-z_+-/]{1,256}?/i);\n default:\n return literal(t);\n }\n };\n\n const unit = unitate(token) || {\n invalidReason: MISSING_FTP\n };\n\n unit.token = token;\n\n return unit;\n}\n\nconst partTypeStyleToTokenVal = {\n year: {\n \"2-digit\": \"yy\",\n numeric: \"yyyyy\"\n },\n month: {\n numeric: \"M\",\n \"2-digit\": \"MM\",\n short: \"MMM\",\n long: \"MMMM\"\n },\n day: {\n numeric: \"d\",\n \"2-digit\": \"dd\"\n },\n weekday: {\n short: \"EEE\",\n long: \"EEEE\"\n },\n dayperiod: \"a\",\n dayPeriod: \"a\",\n hour: {\n numeric: \"h\",\n \"2-digit\": \"hh\"\n },\n minute: {\n numeric: \"m\",\n \"2-digit\": \"mm\"\n },\n second: {\n numeric: \"s\",\n \"2-digit\": \"ss\"\n }\n};\n\nfunction tokenForPart(part, locale, formatOpts) {\n const { type, value } = part;\n\n if (type === \"literal\") {\n return {\n literal: true,\n val: value\n };\n }\n\n const style = formatOpts[type];\n\n let val = partTypeStyleToTokenVal[type];\n if (typeof val === \"object\") {\n val = val[style];\n }\n\n if (val) {\n return {\n literal: false,\n val\n };\n }\n\n return undefined;\n}\n\nfunction buildRegex(units) {\n const re = units.map(u => u.regex).reduce((f, r) => `${f}(${r.source})`, \"\");\n return [`^${re}$`, units];\n}\n\nfunction match(input, regex, handlers) {\n const matches = input.match(regex);\n\n if (matches) {\n const all = {};\n let matchIndex = 1;\n for (const i in handlers) {\n if (hasOwnProperty(handlers, i)) {\n const h = handlers[i],\n groups = h.groups ? h.groups + 1 : 1;\n if (!h.literal && h.token) {\n all[h.token.val[0]] = h.deser(matches.slice(matchIndex, matchIndex + groups));\n }\n matchIndex += groups;\n }\n }\n return [matches, all];\n } else {\n return [matches, {}];\n }\n}\n\nfunction dateTimeFromMatches(matches) {\n const toField = token => {\n switch (token) {\n case \"S\":\n return \"millisecond\";\n case \"s\":\n return \"second\";\n case \"m\":\n return \"minute\";\n case \"h\":\n case \"H\":\n return \"hour\";\n case \"d\":\n return \"day\";\n case \"o\":\n return \"ordinal\";\n case \"L\":\n case \"M\":\n return \"month\";\n case \"y\":\n return \"year\";\n case \"E\":\n case \"c\":\n return \"weekday\";\n case \"W\":\n return \"weekNumber\";\n case \"k\":\n return \"weekYear\";\n case \"q\":\n return \"quarter\";\n default:\n return null;\n }\n };\n\n let zone;\n if (!isUndefined(matches.Z)) {\n zone = new FixedOffsetZone(matches.Z);\n } else if (!isUndefined(matches.z)) {\n zone = IANAZone.create(matches.z);\n } else {\n zone = null;\n }\n\n if (!isUndefined(matches.q)) {\n matches.M = (matches.q - 1) * 3 + 1;\n }\n\n if (!isUndefined(matches.h)) {\n if (matches.h < 12 && matches.a === 1) {\n matches.h += 12;\n } else if (matches.h === 12 && matches.a === 0) {\n matches.h = 0;\n }\n }\n\n if (matches.G === 0 && matches.y) {\n matches.y = -matches.y;\n }\n\n if (!isUndefined(matches.u)) {\n matches.S = parseMillis(matches.u);\n }\n\n const vals = Object.keys(matches).reduce((r, k) => {\n const f = toField(k);\n if (f) {\n r[f] = matches[k];\n }\n\n return r;\n }, {});\n\n return [vals, zone];\n}\n\nlet dummyDateTimeCache = null;\n\nfunction getDummyDateTime() {\n if (!dummyDateTimeCache) {\n dummyDateTimeCache = DateTime.fromMillis(1555555555555);\n }\n\n return dummyDateTimeCache;\n}\n\nfunction maybeExpandMacroToken(token, locale) {\n if (token.literal) {\n return token;\n }\n\n const formatOpts = Formatter.macroTokenToFormatOpts(token.val);\n\n if (!formatOpts) {\n return token;\n }\n\n const formatter = Formatter.create(locale, formatOpts);\n const parts = formatter.formatDateTimeParts(getDummyDateTime());\n\n const tokens = parts.map(p => tokenForPart(p, locale, formatOpts));\n\n if (tokens.includes(undefined)) {\n return token;\n }\n\n return tokens;\n}\n\nfunction expandMacroTokens(tokens, locale) {\n return Array.prototype.concat(...tokens.map(t => maybeExpandMacroToken(t, locale)));\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\n\nexport function explainFromTokens(locale, input, format) {\n const tokens = expandMacroTokens(Formatter.parseFormat(format), locale),\n units = tokens.map(t => unitForToken(t, locale)),\n disqualifyingUnit = units.find(t => t.invalidReason);\n\n if (disqualifyingUnit) {\n return { input, tokens, invalidReason: disqualifyingUnit.invalidReason };\n } else {\n const [regexString, handlers] = buildRegex(units),\n regex = RegExp(regexString, \"i\"),\n [rawMatches, matches] = match(input, regex, handlers),\n [result, zone] = matches ? dateTimeFromMatches(matches) : [null, null];\n if (hasOwnProperty(matches, \"a\") && hasOwnProperty(matches, \"H\")) {\n throw new ConflictingSpecificationError(\n \"Can't include meridiem when specifying 24-hour format\"\n );\n }\n return { input, tokens, regex, rawMatches, matches, result, zone };\n }\n}\n\nexport function parseFromTokens(locale, input, format) {\n const { result, zone, invalidReason } = explainFromTokens(locale, input, format);\n return [result, zone, invalidReason];\n}\n", "import {\n integerBetween,\n isLeapYear,\n timeObject,\n daysInYear,\n daysInMonth,\n weeksInWeekYear,\n isInteger\n} from \"./util.js\";\nimport Invalid from \"./invalid.js\";\n\nconst nonLeapLadder = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334],\n leapLadder = [0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335];\n\nfunction unitOutOfRange(unit, value) {\n return new Invalid(\n \"unit out of range\",\n `you specified ${value} (of type ${typeof value}) as a ${unit}, which is invalid`\n );\n}\n\nfunction dayOfWeek(year, month, day) {\n const js = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day)).getUTCDay();\n return js === 0 ? 7 : js;\n}\n\nfunction computeOrdinal(year, month, day) {\n return day + (isLeapYear(year) ? leapLadder : nonLeapLadder)[month - 1];\n}\n\nfunction uncomputeOrdinal(year, ordinal) {\n const table = isLeapYear(year) ? leapLadder : nonLeapLadder,\n month0 = table.findIndex(i => i < ordinal),\n day = ordinal - table[month0];\n return { month: month0 + 1, day };\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\n\nexport function gregorianToWeek(gregObj) {\n const { year, month, day } = gregObj,\n ordinal = computeOrdinal(year, month, day),\n weekday = dayOfWeek(year, month, day);\n\n let weekNumber = Math.floor((ordinal - weekday + 10) / 7),\n weekYear;\n\n if (weekNumber < 1) {\n weekYear = year - 1;\n weekNumber = weeksInWeekYear(weekYear);\n } else if (weekNumber > weeksInWeekYear(year)) {\n weekYear = year + 1;\n weekNumber = 1;\n } else {\n weekYear = year;\n }\n\n return Object.assign({ weekYear, weekNumber, weekday }, timeObject(gregObj));\n}\n\nexport function weekToGregorian(weekData) {\n const { weekYear, weekNumber, weekday } = weekData,\n weekdayOfJan4 = dayOfWeek(weekYear, 1, 4),\n yearInDays = daysInYear(weekYear);\n\n let ordinal = weekNumber * 7 + weekday - weekdayOfJan4 - 3,\n year;\n\n if (ordinal < 1) {\n year = weekYear - 1;\n ordinal += daysInYear(year);\n } else if (ordinal > yearInDays) {\n year = weekYear + 1;\n ordinal -= daysInYear(weekYear);\n } else {\n year = weekYear;\n }\n\n const { month, day } = uncomputeOrdinal(year, ordinal);\n\n return Object.assign({ year, month, day }, timeObject(weekData));\n}\n\nexport function gregorianToOrdinal(gregData) {\n const { year, month, day } = gregData,\n ordinal = computeOrdinal(year, month, day);\n\n return Object.assign({ year, ordinal }, timeObject(gregData));\n}\n\nexport function ordinalToGregorian(ordinalData) {\n const { year, ordinal } = ordinalData,\n { month, day } = uncomputeOrdinal(year, ordinal);\n\n return Object.assign({ year, month, day }, timeObject(ordinalData));\n}\n\nexport function hasInvalidWeekData(obj) {\n const validYear = isInteger(obj.weekYear),\n validWeek = integerBetween(obj.weekNumber, 1, weeksInWeekYear(obj.weekYear)),\n validWeekday = integerBetween(obj.weekday, 1, 7);\n\n if (!validYear) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"weekYear\", obj.weekYear);\n } else if (!validWeek) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"week\", obj.week);\n } else if (!validWeekday) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"weekday\", obj.weekday);\n } else return false;\n}\n\nexport function hasInvalidOrdinalData(obj) {\n const validYear = isInteger(obj.year),\n validOrdinal = integerBetween(obj.ordinal, 1, daysInYear(obj.year));\n\n if (!validYear) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"year\", obj.year);\n } else if (!validOrdinal) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"ordinal\", obj.ordinal);\n } else return false;\n}\n\nexport function hasInvalidGregorianData(obj) {\n const validYear = isInteger(obj.year),\n validMonth = integerBetween(obj.month, 1, 12),\n validDay = integerBetween(obj.day, 1, daysInMonth(obj.year, obj.month));\n\n if (!validYear) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"year\", obj.year);\n } else if (!validMonth) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"month\", obj.month);\n } else if (!validDay) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"day\", obj.day);\n } else return false;\n}\n\nexport function hasInvalidTimeData(obj) {\n const { hour, minute, second, millisecond } = obj;\n const validHour =\n integerBetween(hour, 0, 23) ||\n (hour === 24 && minute === 0 && second === 0 && millisecond === 0),\n validMinute = integerBetween(minute, 0, 59),\n validSecond = integerBetween(second, 0, 59),\n validMillisecond = integerBetween(millisecond, 0, 999);\n\n if (!validHour) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"hour\", hour);\n } else if (!validMinute) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"minute\", minute);\n } else if (!validSecond) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"second\", second);\n } else if (!validMillisecond) {\n return unitOutOfRange(\"millisecond\", millisecond);\n } else return false;\n}\n", "import Duration, { friendlyDuration } from \"./duration.js\";\nimport Interval from \"./interval.js\";\nimport Settings from \"./settings.js\";\nimport Info from \"./info.js\";\nimport Formatter from \"./impl/formatter.js\";\nimport FixedOffsetZone from \"./zones/fixedOffsetZone.js\";\nimport Locale from \"./impl/locale.js\";\nimport {\n isUndefined,\n maybeArray,\n isDate,\n isNumber,\n bestBy,\n daysInMonth,\n daysInYear,\n isLeapYear,\n weeksInWeekYear,\n normalizeObject,\n roundTo,\n objToLocalTS\n} from \"./impl/util.js\";\nimport { normalizeZone } from \"./impl/zoneUtil.js\";\nimport diff from \"./impl/diff.js\";\nimport { parseRFC2822Date, parseISODate, parseHTTPDate, parseSQL } from \"./impl/regexParser.js\";\nimport { parseFromTokens, explainFromTokens } from \"./impl/tokenParser.js\";\nimport {\n gregorianToWeek,\n weekToGregorian,\n gregorianToOrdinal,\n ordinalToGregorian,\n hasInvalidGregorianData,\n hasInvalidWeekData,\n hasInvalidOrdinalData,\n hasInvalidTimeData\n} from \"./impl/conversions.js\";\nimport * as Formats from \"./impl/formats.js\";\nimport {\n InvalidArgumentError,\n ConflictingSpecificationError,\n InvalidUnitError,\n InvalidDateTimeError\n} from \"./errors.js\";\nimport Invalid from \"./impl/invalid.js\";\n\nconst INVALID = \"Invalid DateTime\";\nconst MAX_DATE = 8.64e15;\n\nfunction unsupportedZone(zone) {\n return new Invalid(\"unsupported zone\", `the zone \"${zone.name}\" is not supported`);\n}\n\n// we cache week data on the DT object and this intermediates the cache\nfunction possiblyCachedWeekData(dt) {\n if (dt.weekData === null) {\n dt.weekData = gregorianToWeek(dt.c);\n }\n return dt.weekData;\n}\n\n// clone really means, \"make a new object with these modifications\". all \"setters\" really use this\n// to create a new object while only changing some of the properties\nfunction clone(inst, alts) {\n const current = {\n ts: inst.ts,\n zone: inst.zone,\n c: inst.c,\n o: inst.o,\n loc: inst.loc,\n invalid: inst.invalid\n };\n return new DateTime(Object.assign({}, current, alts, { old: current }));\n}\n\n// find the right offset a given local time. The o input is our guess, which determines which\n// offset we'll pick in ambiguous cases (e.g. there are two 3 AMs b/c Fallback DST)\nfunction fixOffset(localTS, o, tz) {\n // Our UTC time is just a guess because our offset is just a guess\n let utcGuess = localTS - o * 60 * 1000;\n\n // Test whether the zone matches the offset for this ts\n const o2 = tz.offset(utcGuess);\n\n // If so, offset didn't change and we're done\n if (o === o2) {\n return [utcGuess, o];\n }\n\n // If not, change the ts by the difference in the offset\n utcGuess -= (o2 - o) * 60 * 1000;\n\n // If that gives us the local time we want, we're done\n const o3 = tz.offset(utcGuess);\n if (o2 === o3) {\n return [utcGuess, o2];\n }\n\n // If it's different, we're in a hole time. The offset has changed, but the we don't adjust the time\n return [localTS - Math.min(o2, o3) * 60 * 1000, Math.max(o2, o3)];\n}\n\n// convert an epoch timestamp into a calendar object with the given offset\nfunction tsToObj(ts, offset) {\n ts += offset * 60 * 1000;\n\n const d = new Date(ts);\n\n return {\n year: d.getUTCFullYear(),\n month: d.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n day: d.getUTCDate(),\n hour: d.getUTCHours(),\n minute: d.getUTCMinutes(),\n second: d.getUTCSeconds(),\n millisecond: d.getUTCMilliseconds()\n };\n}\n\n// convert a calendar object to a epoch timestamp\nfunction objToTS(obj, offset, zone) {\n return fixOffset(objToLocalTS(obj), offset, zone);\n}\n\n// create a new DT instance by adding a duration, adjusting for DSTs\nfunction adjustTime(inst, dur) {\n const oPre = inst.o,\n year = inst.c.year + Math.trunc(dur.years),\n month = inst.c.month + Math.trunc(dur.months) + Math.trunc(dur.quarters) * 3,\n c = Object.assign({}, inst.c, {\n year,\n month,\n day:\n Math.min(inst.c.day, daysInMonth(year, month)) +\n Math.trunc(dur.days) +\n Math.trunc(dur.weeks) * 7\n }),\n millisToAdd = Duration.fromObject({\n years: dur.years - Math.trunc(dur.years),\n quarters: dur.quarters - Math.trunc(dur.quarters),\n months: dur.months - Math.trunc(dur.months),\n weeks: dur.weeks - Math.trunc(dur.weeks),\n days: dur.days - Math.trunc(dur.days),\n hours: dur.hours,\n minutes: dur.minutes,\n seconds: dur.seconds,\n milliseconds: dur.milliseconds\n }).as(\"milliseconds\"),\n localTS = objToLocalTS(c);\n\n let [ts, o] = fixOffset(localTS, oPre, inst.zone);\n\n if (millisToAdd !== 0) {\n ts += millisToAdd;\n // that could have changed the offset by going over a DST, but we want to keep the ts the same\n o = inst.zone.offset(ts);\n }\n\n return { ts, o };\n}\n\n// helper useful in turning the results of parsing into real dates\n// by handling the zone options\nfunction parseDataToDateTime(parsed, parsedZone, opts, format, text) {\n const { setZone, zone } = opts;\n if (parsed && Object.keys(parsed).length !== 0) {\n const interpretationZone = parsedZone || zone,\n inst = DateTime.fromObject(\n Object.assign(parsed, opts, {\n zone: interpretationZone,\n // setZone is a valid option in the calling methods, but not in fromObject\n setZone: undefined\n })\n );\n return setZone ? inst : inst.setZone(zone);\n } else {\n return DateTime.invalid(\n new Invalid(\"unparsable\", `the input \"${text}\" can't be parsed as ${format}`)\n );\n }\n}\n\n// if you want to output a technical format (e.g. RFC 2822), this helper\n// helps handle the details\nfunction toTechFormat(dt, format, allowZ = true) {\n return dt.isValid\n ? Formatter.create(Locale.create(\"en-US\"), {\n allowZ,\n forceSimple: true\n }).formatDateTimeFromString(dt, format)\n : null;\n}\n\n// technical time formats (e.g. the time part of ISO 8601), take some options\n// and this commonizes their handling\nfunction toTechTimeFormat(\n dt,\n {\n suppressSeconds = false,\n suppressMilliseconds = false,\n includeOffset,\n includePrefix = false,\n includeZone = false,\n spaceZone = false,\n format = \"extended\"\n }\n) {\n let fmt = format === \"basic\" ? \"HHmm\" : \"HH:mm\";\n\n if (!suppressSeconds || dt.second !== 0 || dt.millisecond !== 0) {\n fmt += format === \"basic\" ? \"ss\" : \":ss\";\n if (!suppressMilliseconds || dt.millisecond !== 0) {\n fmt += \".SSS\";\n }\n }\n\n if ((includeZone || includeOffset) && spaceZone) {\n fmt += \" \";\n }\n\n if (includeZone) {\n fmt += \"z\";\n } else if (includeOffset) {\n fmt += format === \"basic\" ? \"ZZZ\" : \"ZZ\";\n }\n\n let str = toTechFormat(dt, fmt);\n\n if (includePrefix) {\n str = \"T\" + str;\n }\n\n return str;\n}\n\n// defaults for unspecified units in the supported calendars\nconst defaultUnitValues = {\n month: 1,\n day: 1,\n hour: 0,\n minute: 0,\n second: 0,\n millisecond: 0\n },\n defaultWeekUnitValues = {\n weekNumber: 1,\n weekday: 1,\n hour: 0,\n minute: 0,\n second: 0,\n millisecond: 0\n },\n defaultOrdinalUnitValues = {\n ordinal: 1,\n hour: 0,\n minute: 0,\n second: 0,\n millisecond: 0\n };\n\n// Units in the supported calendars, sorted by bigness\nconst orderedUnits = [\"year\", \"month\", \"day\", \"hour\", \"minute\", \"second\", \"millisecond\"],\n orderedWeekUnits = [\n \"weekYear\",\n \"weekNumber\",\n \"weekday\",\n \"hour\",\n \"minute\",\n \"second\",\n \"millisecond\"\n ],\n orderedOrdinalUnits = [\"year\", \"ordinal\", \"hour\", \"minute\", \"second\", \"millisecond\"];\n\n// standardize case and plurality in units\nfunction normalizeUnit(unit) {\n const normalized = {\n year: \"year\",\n years: \"year\",\n month: \"month\",\n months: \"month\",\n day: \"day\",\n days: \"day\",\n hour: \"hour\",\n hours: \"hour\",\n minute: \"minute\",\n minutes: \"minute\",\n quarter: \"quarter\",\n quarters: \"quarter\",\n second: \"second\",\n seconds: \"second\",\n millisecond: \"millisecond\",\n milliseconds: \"millisecond\",\n weekday: \"weekday\",\n weekdays: \"weekday\",\n weeknumber: \"weekNumber\",\n weeksnumber: \"weekNumber\",\n weeknumbers: \"weekNumber\",\n weekyear: \"weekYear\",\n weekyears: \"weekYear\",\n ordinal: \"ordinal\"\n }[unit.toLowerCase()];\n\n if (!normalized) throw new InvalidUnitError(unit);\n\n return normalized;\n}\n\n// this is a dumbed down version of fromObject() that runs about 60% faster\n// but doesn't do any validation, makes a bunch of assumptions about what units\n// are present, and so on.\nfunction quickDT(obj, zone) {\n // assume we have the higher-order units\n for (const u of orderedUnits) {\n if (isUndefined(obj[u])) {\n obj[u] = defaultUnitValues[u];\n }\n }\n\n const invalid = hasInvalidGregorianData(obj) || hasInvalidTimeData(obj);\n if (invalid) {\n return DateTime.invalid(invalid);\n }\n\n const tsNow = Settings.now(),\n offsetProvis = zone.offset(tsNow),\n [ts, o] = objToTS(obj, offsetProvis, zone);\n\n return new DateTime({\n ts,\n zone,\n o\n });\n}\n\nfunction diffRelative(start, end, opts) {\n const round = isUndefined(opts.round) ? true : opts.round,\n format = (c, unit) => {\n c = roundTo(c, round || opts.calendary ? 0 : 2, true);\n const formatter = end.loc.clone(opts).relFormatter(opts);\n return formatter.format(c, unit);\n },\n differ = unit => {\n if (opts.calendary) {\n if (!end.hasSame(start, unit)) {\n return end\n .startOf(unit)\n .diff(start.startOf(unit), unit)\n .get(unit);\n } else return 0;\n } else {\n return end.diff(start, unit).get(unit);\n }\n };\n\n if (opts.unit) {\n return format(differ(opts.unit), opts.unit);\n }\n\n for (const unit of opts.units) {\n const count = differ(unit);\n if (Math.abs(count) >= 1) {\n return format(count, unit);\n }\n }\n return format(start > end ? -0 : 0, opts.units[opts.units.length - 1]);\n}\n\n/**\n * A DateTime is an immutable data structure representing a specific date and time and accompanying methods. It contains class and instance methods for creating, parsing, interrogating, transforming, and formatting them.\n *\n * A DateTime comprises of:\n * * A timestamp. Each DateTime instance refers to a specific millisecond of the Unix epoch.\n * * A time zone. Each instance is considered in the context of a specific zone (by default the local system's zone).\n * * Configuration properties that effect how output strings are formatted, such as `locale`, `numberingSystem`, and `outputCalendar`.\n *\n * Here is a brief overview of the most commonly used functionality it provides:\n *\n * * **Creation**: To create a DateTime from its components, use one of its factory class methods: {@link local}, {@link utc}, and (most flexibly) {@link fromObject}. To create one from a standard string format, use {@link fromISO}, {@link fromHTTP}, and {@link fromRFC2822}. To create one from a custom string format, use {@link fromFormat}. To create one from a native JS date, use {@link fromJSDate}.\n * * **Gregorian calendar and time**: To examine the Gregorian properties of a DateTime individually (i.e as opposed to collectively through {@link toObject}), use the {@link year}, {@link month},\n * {@link day}, {@link hour}, {@link minute}, {@link second}, {@link millisecond} accessors.\n * * **Week calendar**: For ISO week calendar attributes, see the {@link weekYear}, {@link weekNumber}, and {@link weekday} accessors.\n * * **Configuration** See the {@link locale} and {@link numberingSystem} accessors.\n * * **Transformation**: To transform the DateTime into other DateTimes, use {@link set}, {@link reconfigure}, {@link setZone}, {@link setLocale}, {@link plus}, {@link minus}, {@link endOf}, {@link startOf}, {@link toUTC}, and {@link toLocal}.\n * * **Output**: To convert the DateTime to other representations, use the {@link toRelative}, {@link toRelativeCalendar}, {@link toJSON}, {@link toISO}, {@link toHTTP}, {@link toObject}, {@link toRFC2822}, {@link toString}, {@link toLocaleString}, {@link toFormat}, {@link toMillis} and {@link toJSDate}.\n *\n * There's plenty others documented below. In addition, for more information on subtler topics like internationalization, time zones, alternative calendars, validity, and so on, see the external documentation.\n */\nexport default class DateTime {\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n constructor(config) {\n const zone = config.zone || Settings.defaultZone;\n\n let invalid =\n config.invalid ||\n (Number.isNaN(config.ts) ? new Invalid(\"invalid input\") : null) ||\n (!zone.isValid ? unsupportedZone(zone) : null);\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.ts = isUndefined(config.ts) ? Settings.now() : config.ts;\n\n let c = null,\n o = null;\n if (!invalid) {\n const unchanged = config.old && config.old.ts === this.ts && config.old.zone.equals(zone);\n\n if (unchanged) {\n [c, o] = [config.old.c, config.old.o];\n } else {\n const ot = zone.offset(this.ts);\n c = tsToObj(this.ts, ot);\n invalid = Number.isNaN(c.year) ? new Invalid(\"invalid input\") : null;\n c = invalid ? null : c;\n o = invalid ? null : ot;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this._zone = zone;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.loc = config.loc || Locale.create();\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.invalid = invalid;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.weekData = null;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.c = c;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.o = o;\n /**\n * @access private\n */\n this.isLuxonDateTime = true;\n }\n\n // CONSTRUCT\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime for the current instant, in the system's time zone.\n *\n * Use Settings to override these default values if needed.\n * @example DateTime.now().toISO() //~> now in the ISO format\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static now() {\n return new DateTime({});\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a local DateTime\n * @param {number} [year] - The calendar year. If omitted (as in, call `local()` with no arguments), the current time will be used\n * @param {number} [month=1] - The month, 1-indexed\n * @param {number} [day=1] - The day of the month, 1-indexed\n * @param {number} [hour=0] - The hour of the day, in 24-hour time\n * @param {number} [minute=0] - The minute of the hour, meaning a number between 0 and 59\n * @param {number} [second=0] - The second of the minute, meaning a number between 0 and 59\n * @param {number} [millisecond=0] - The millisecond of the second, meaning a number between 0 and 999\n * @example DateTime.local() //~> now\n * @example DateTime.local(2017) //~> 2017-01-01T00:00:00\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 3) //~> 2017-03-01T00:00:00\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12) //~> 2017-03-12T00:00:00\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, 5) //~> 2017-03-12T05:00:00\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:00\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45, 10) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45, 10, 765) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10.765\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static local(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) {\n if (isUndefined(year)) {\n return DateTime.now();\n } else {\n return quickDT(\n {\n year,\n month,\n day,\n hour,\n minute,\n second,\n millisecond\n },\n Settings.defaultZone\n );\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime in UTC\n * @param {number} [year] - The calendar year. If omitted (as in, call `utc()` with no arguments), the current time will be used\n * @param {number} [month=1] - The month, 1-indexed\n * @param {number} [day=1] - The day of the month\n * @param {number} [hour=0] - The hour of the day, in 24-hour time\n * @param {number} [minute=0] - The minute of the hour, meaning a number between 0 and 59\n * @param {number} [second=0] - The second of the minute, meaning a number between 0 and 59\n * @param {number} [millisecond=0] - The millisecond of the second, meaning a number between 0 and 999\n * @example DateTime.utc() //~> now\n * @example DateTime.utc(2017) //~> 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z\n * @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3) //~> 2017-03-01T00:00:00Z\n * @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12) //~> 2017-03-12T00:00:00Z\n * @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12, 5) //~> 2017-03-12T05:00:00Z\n * @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:00Z\n * @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45, 10) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10Z\n * @example DateTime.utc(2017, 3, 12, 5, 45, 10, 765) //~> 2017-03-12T05:45:10.765Z\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static utc(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) {\n if (isUndefined(year)) {\n return new DateTime({\n ts: Settings.now(),\n zone: FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance\n });\n } else {\n return quickDT(\n {\n year,\n month,\n day,\n hour,\n minute,\n second,\n millisecond\n },\n FixedOffsetZone.utcInstance\n );\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime from a JavaScript Date object. Uses the default zone.\n * @param {Date} date - a JavaScript Date object\n * @param {Object} options - configuration options for the DateTime\n * @param {string|Zone} [options.zone='local'] - the zone to place the DateTime into\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static fromJSDate(date, options = {}) {\n const ts = isDate(date) ? date.valueOf() : NaN;\n if (Number.isNaN(ts)) {\n return DateTime.invalid(\"invalid input\");\n }\n\n const zoneToUse = normalizeZone(options.zone, Settings.defaultZone);\n if (!zoneToUse.isValid) {\n return DateTime.invalid(unsupportedZone(zoneToUse));\n }\n\n return new DateTime({\n ts: ts,\n zone: zoneToUse,\n loc: Locale.fromObject(options)\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime from a number of milliseconds since the epoch (meaning since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Uses the default zone.\n * @param {number} milliseconds - a number of milliseconds since 1970 UTC\n * @param {Object} options - configuration options for the DateTime\n * @param {string|Zone} [options.zone='local'] - the zone to place the DateTime into\n * @param {string} [options.locale] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} options.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} options.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static fromMillis(milliseconds, options = {}) {\n if (!isNumber(milliseconds)) {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\n `fromMillis requires a numerical input, but received a ${typeof milliseconds} with value ${milliseconds}`\n );\n } else if (milliseconds < -MAX_DATE || milliseconds > MAX_DATE) {\n // this isn't perfect because because we can still end up out of range because of additional shifting, but it's a start\n return DateTime.invalid(\"Timestamp out of range\");\n } else {\n return new DateTime({\n ts: milliseconds,\n zone: normalizeZone(options.zone, Settings.defaultZone),\n loc: Locale.fromObject(options)\n });\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime from a number of seconds since the epoch (meaning since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC). Uses the default zone.\n * @param {number} seconds - a number of seconds since 1970 UTC\n * @param {Object} options - configuration options for the DateTime\n * @param {string|Zone} [options.zone='local'] - the zone to place the DateTime into\n * @param {string} [options.locale] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} options.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} options.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static fromSeconds(seconds, options = {}) {\n if (!isNumber(seconds)) {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\"fromSeconds requires a numerical input\");\n } else {\n return new DateTime({\n ts: seconds * 1000,\n zone: normalizeZone(options.zone, Settings.defaultZone),\n loc: Locale.fromObject(options)\n });\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime from a JavaScript object with keys like 'year' and 'hour' with reasonable defaults.\n * @param {Object} obj - the object to create the DateTime from\n * @param {number} obj.year - a year, such as 1987\n * @param {number} obj.month - a month, 1-12\n * @param {number} obj.day - a day of the month, 1-31, depending on the month\n * @param {number} obj.ordinal - day of the year, 1-365 or 366\n * @param {number} obj.weekYear - an ISO week year\n * @param {number} obj.weekNumber - an ISO week number, between 1 and 52 or 53, depending on the year\n * @param {number} obj.weekday - an ISO weekday, 1-7, where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday\n * @param {number} obj.hour - hour of the day, 0-23\n * @param {number} obj.minute - minute of the hour, 0-59\n * @param {number} obj.second - second of the minute, 0-59\n * @param {number} obj.millisecond - millisecond of the second, 0-999\n * @param {string|Zone} [obj.zone='local'] - interpret the numbers in the context of a particular zone. Can take any value taken as the first argument to setZone()\n * @param {string} [obj.locale='system's locale'] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} obj.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} obj.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @example DateTime.fromObject({ year: 1982, month: 5, day: 25}).toISODate() //=> '1982-05-25'\n * @example DateTime.fromObject({ year: 1982 }).toISODate() //=> '1982-01-01'\n * @example DateTime.fromObject({ hour: 10, minute: 26, second: 6 }) //~> today at 10:26:06\n * @example DateTime.fromObject({ hour: 10, minute: 26, second: 6, zone: 'utc' }),\n * @example DateTime.fromObject({ hour: 10, minute: 26, second: 6, zone: 'local' })\n * @example DateTime.fromObject({ hour: 10, minute: 26, second: 6, zone: 'America/New_York' })\n * @example DateTime.fromObject({ weekYear: 2016, weekNumber: 2, weekday: 3 }).toISODate() //=> '2016-01-13'\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static fromObject(obj) {\n const zoneToUse = normalizeZone(obj.zone, Settings.defaultZone);\n if (!zoneToUse.isValid) {\n return DateTime.invalid(unsupportedZone(zoneToUse));\n }\n\n const tsNow = Settings.now(),\n offsetProvis = zoneToUse.offset(tsNow),\n normalized = normalizeObject(obj, normalizeUnit, [\n \"zone\",\n \"locale\",\n \"outputCalendar\",\n \"numberingSystem\"\n ]),\n containsOrdinal = !isUndefined(normalized.ordinal),\n containsGregorYear = !isUndefined(normalized.year),\n containsGregorMD = !isUndefined(normalized.month) || !isUndefined(normalized.day),\n containsGregor = containsGregorYear || containsGregorMD,\n definiteWeekDef = normalized.weekYear || normalized.weekNumber,\n loc = Locale.fromObject(obj);\n\n // cases:\n // just a weekday -> this week's instance of that weekday, no worries\n // (gregorian data or ordinal) + (weekYear or weekNumber) -> error\n // (gregorian month or day) + ordinal -> error\n // otherwise just use weeks or ordinals or gregorian, depending on what's specified\n\n if ((containsGregor || containsOrdinal) && definiteWeekDef) {\n throw new ConflictingSpecificationError(\n \"Can't mix weekYear/weekNumber units with year/month/day or ordinals\"\n );\n }\n\n if (containsGregorMD && containsOrdinal) {\n throw new ConflictingSpecificationError(\"Can't mix ordinal dates with month/day\");\n }\n\n const useWeekData = definiteWeekDef || (normalized.weekday && !containsGregor);\n\n // configure ourselves to deal with gregorian dates or week stuff\n let units,\n defaultValues,\n objNow = tsToObj(tsNow, offsetProvis);\n if (useWeekData) {\n units = orderedWeekUnits;\n defaultValues = defaultWeekUnitValues;\n objNow = gregorianToWeek(objNow);\n } else if (containsOrdinal) {\n units = orderedOrdinalUnits;\n defaultValues = defaultOrdinalUnitValues;\n objNow = gregorianToOrdinal(objNow);\n } else {\n units = orderedUnits;\n defaultValues = defaultUnitValues;\n }\n\n // set default values for missing stuff\n let foundFirst = false;\n for (const u of units) {\n const v = normalized[u];\n if (!isUndefined(v)) {\n foundFirst = true;\n } else if (foundFirst) {\n normalized[u] = defaultValues[u];\n } else {\n normalized[u] = objNow[u];\n }\n }\n\n // make sure the values we have are in range\n const higherOrderInvalid = useWeekData\n ? hasInvalidWeekData(normalized)\n : containsOrdinal\n ? hasInvalidOrdinalData(normalized)\n : hasInvalidGregorianData(normalized),\n invalid = higherOrderInvalid || hasInvalidTimeData(normalized);\n\n if (invalid) {\n return DateTime.invalid(invalid);\n }\n\n // compute the actual time\n const gregorian = useWeekData\n ? weekToGregorian(normalized)\n : containsOrdinal\n ? ordinalToGregorian(normalized)\n : normalized,\n [tsFinal, offsetFinal] = objToTS(gregorian, offsetProvis, zoneToUse),\n inst = new DateTime({\n ts: tsFinal,\n zone: zoneToUse,\n o: offsetFinal,\n loc\n });\n\n // gregorian data + weekday serves only to validate\n if (normalized.weekday && containsGregor && obj.weekday !== inst.weekday) {\n return DateTime.invalid(\n \"mismatched weekday\",\n `you can't specify both a weekday of ${normalized.weekday} and a date of ${inst.toISO()}`\n );\n }\n\n return inst;\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime from an ISO 8601 string\n * @param {string} text - the ISO string\n * @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation\n * @param {string|Zone} [opts.zone='local'] - use this zone if no offset is specified in the input string itself. Will also convert the time to this zone\n * @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with a fixed-offset zone specified in the string itself, if it specifies one\n * @param {string} [opts.locale='system's locale'] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} [opts.outputCalendar] - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} [opts.numberingSystem] - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-05-25T09:08:34.123')\n * @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-05-25T09:08:34.123+06:00')\n * @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-05-25T09:08:34.123+06:00', {setZone: true})\n * @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-05-25T09:08:34.123', {zone: 'utc'})\n * @example DateTime.fromISO('2016-W05-4')\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static fromISO(text, opts = {}) {\n const [vals, parsedZone] = parseISODate(text);\n return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, \"ISO 8601\", text);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime from an RFC 2822 string\n * @param {string} text - the RFC 2822 string\n * @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation\n * @param {string|Zone} [opts.zone='local'] - convert the time to this zone. Since the offset is always specified in the string itself, this has no effect on the interpretation of string, merely the zone the resulting DateTime is expressed in.\n * @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with a fixed-offset zone specified in the string itself, if it specifies one\n * @param {string} [opts.locale='system's locale'] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} opts.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @example DateTime.fromRFC2822('25 Nov 2016 13:23:12 GMT')\n * @example DateTime.fromRFC2822('Fri, 25 Nov 2016 13:23:12 +0600')\n * @example DateTime.fromRFC2822('25 Nov 2016 13:23 Z')\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static fromRFC2822(text, opts = {}) {\n const [vals, parsedZone] = parseRFC2822Date(text);\n return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, \"RFC 2822\", text);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime from an HTTP header date\n * @see https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1\n * @param {string} text - the HTTP header date\n * @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation\n * @param {string|Zone} [opts.zone='local'] - convert the time to this zone. Since HTTP dates are always in UTC, this has no effect on the interpretation of string, merely the zone the resulting DateTime is expressed in.\n * @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with the fixed-offset zone specified in the string. For HTTP dates, this is always UTC, so this option is equivalent to setting the `zone` option to 'utc', but this option is included for consistency with similar methods.\n * @param {string} [opts.locale='system's locale'] - a locale to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} opts.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @example DateTime.fromHTTP('Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT')\n * @example DateTime.fromHTTP('Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT')\n * @example DateTime.fromHTTP('Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994')\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static fromHTTP(text, opts = {}) {\n const [vals, parsedZone] = parseHTTPDate(text);\n return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, \"HTTP\", opts);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime from an input string and format string.\n * Defaults to en-US if no locale has been specified, regardless of the system's locale.\n * @see https://moment.github.io/luxon/docs/manual/parsing.html#table-of-tokens\n * @param {string} text - the string to parse\n * @param {string} fmt - the format the string is expected to be in (see the link below for the formats)\n * @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation\n * @param {string|Zone} [opts.zone='local'] - use this zone if no offset is specified in the input string itself. Will also convert the DateTime to this zone\n * @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with a zone specified in the string itself, if it specifies one\n * @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - a locale string to use when parsing. Will also set the DateTime to this locale\n * @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use when parsing. Will also set the resulting DateTime to this numbering system\n * @param {string} opts.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static fromFormat(text, fmt, opts = {}) {\n if (isUndefined(text) || isUndefined(fmt)) {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\"fromFormat requires an input string and a format\");\n }\n\n const { locale = null, numberingSystem = null } = opts,\n localeToUse = Locale.fromOpts({\n locale,\n numberingSystem,\n defaultToEN: true\n }),\n [vals, parsedZone, invalid] = parseFromTokens(localeToUse, text, fmt);\n if (invalid) {\n return DateTime.invalid(invalid);\n } else {\n return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, `format ${fmt}`, text);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use fromFormat instead\n */\n static fromString(text, fmt, opts = {}) {\n return DateTime.fromFormat(text, fmt, opts);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create a DateTime from a SQL date, time, or datetime\n * Defaults to en-US if no locale has been specified, regardless of the system's locale\n * @param {string} text - the string to parse\n * @param {Object} opts - options to affect the creation\n * @param {string|Zone} [opts.zone='local'] - use this zone if no offset is specified in the input string itself. Will also convert the DateTime to this zone\n * @param {boolean} [opts.setZone=false] - override the zone with a zone specified in the string itself, if it specifies one\n * @param {string} [opts.locale='en-US'] - a locale string to use when parsing. Will also set the DateTime to this locale\n * @param {string} opts.numberingSystem - the numbering system to use when parsing. Will also set the resulting DateTime to this numbering system\n * @param {string} opts.outputCalendar - the output calendar to set on the resulting DateTime instance\n * @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15')\n * @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34')\n * @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342')\n * @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342+06:00')\n * @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342 America/Los_Angeles')\n * @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342 America/Los_Angeles', { setZone: true })\n * @example DateTime.fromSQL('2017-05-15 09:12:34.342', { zone: 'America/Los_Angeles' })\n * @example DateTime.fromSQL('09:12:34.342')\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static fromSQL(text, opts = {}) {\n const [vals, parsedZone] = parseSQL(text);\n return parseDataToDateTime(vals, parsedZone, opts, \"SQL\", text);\n }\n\n /**\n * Create an invalid DateTime.\n * @param {string} reason - simple string of why this DateTime is invalid. Should not contain parameters or anything else data-dependent\n * @param {string} [explanation=null] - longer explanation, may include parameters and other useful debugging information\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n static invalid(reason, explanation = null) {\n if (!reason) {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\"need to specify a reason the DateTime is invalid\");\n }\n\n const invalid = reason instanceof Invalid ? reason : new Invalid(reason, explanation);\n\n if (Settings.throwOnInvalid) {\n throw new InvalidDateTimeError(invalid);\n } else {\n return new DateTime({ invalid });\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Check if an object is a DateTime. Works across context boundaries\n * @param {object} o\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n static isDateTime(o) {\n return (o && o.isLuxonDateTime) || false;\n }\n\n // INFO\n\n /**\n * Get the value of unit.\n * @param {string} unit - a unit such as 'minute' or 'day'\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 7, 4).get('month'); //=> 7\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 7, 4).get('day'); //=> 4\n * @return {number}\n */\n get(unit) {\n return this[unit];\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns whether the DateTime is valid. Invalid DateTimes occur when:\n * * The DateTime was created from invalid calendar information, such as the 13th month or February 30\n * * The DateTime was created by an operation on another invalid date\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get isValid() {\n return this.invalid === null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an error code if this DateTime is invalid, or null if the DateTime is valid\n * @type {string}\n */\n get invalidReason() {\n return this.invalid ? this.invalid.reason : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an explanation of why this DateTime became invalid, or null if the DateTime is valid\n * @type {string}\n */\n get invalidExplanation() {\n return this.invalid ? this.invalid.explanation : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the locale of a DateTime, such 'en-GB'. The locale is used when formatting the DateTime\n *\n * @type {string}\n */\n get locale() {\n return this.isValid ? this.loc.locale : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the numbering system of a DateTime, such 'beng'. The numbering system is used when formatting the DateTime\n *\n * @type {string}\n */\n get numberingSystem() {\n return this.isValid ? this.loc.numberingSystem : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the output calendar of a DateTime, such 'islamic'. The output calendar is used when formatting the DateTime\n *\n * @type {string}\n */\n get outputCalendar() {\n return this.isValid ? this.loc.outputCalendar : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the time zone associated with this DateTime.\n * @type {Zone}\n */\n get zone() {\n return this._zone;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the name of the time zone.\n * @type {string}\n */\n get zoneName() {\n return this.isValid ? this.zone.name : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the year\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).year //=> 2017\n * @type {number}\n */\n get year() {\n return this.isValid ? this.c.year : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the quarter\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).quarter //=> 2\n * @type {number}\n */\n get quarter() {\n return this.isValid ? Math.ceil(this.c.month / 3) : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the month (1-12).\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).month //=> 5\n * @type {number}\n */\n get month() {\n return this.isValid ? this.c.month : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the day of the month (1-30ish).\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).day //=> 25\n * @type {number}\n */\n get day() {\n return this.isValid ? this.c.day : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the hour of the day (0-23).\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25, 9).hour //=> 9\n * @type {number}\n */\n get hour() {\n return this.isValid ? this.c.hour : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the minute of the hour (0-59).\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25, 9, 30).minute //=> 30\n * @type {number}\n */\n get minute() {\n return this.isValid ? this.c.minute : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the second of the minute (0-59).\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25, 9, 30, 52).second //=> 52\n * @type {number}\n */\n get second() {\n return this.isValid ? this.c.second : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the millisecond of the second (0-999).\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25, 9, 30, 52, 654).millisecond //=> 654\n * @type {number}\n */\n get millisecond() {\n return this.isValid ? this.c.millisecond : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the week year\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 12, 31).weekYear //=> 2015\n * @type {number}\n */\n get weekYear() {\n return this.isValid ? possiblyCachedWeekData(this).weekYear : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the week number of the week year (1-52ish).\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).weekNumber //=> 21\n * @type {number}\n */\n get weekNumber() {\n return this.isValid ? possiblyCachedWeekData(this).weekNumber : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the day of the week.\n * 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 11, 31).weekday //=> 4\n * @type {number}\n */\n get weekday() {\n return this.isValid ? possiblyCachedWeekData(this).weekday : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the ordinal (meaning the day of the year)\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).ordinal //=> 145\n * @type {number|DateTime}\n */\n get ordinal() {\n return this.isValid ? gregorianToOrdinal(this.c).ordinal : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the human readable short month name, such as 'Oct'.\n * Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 10, 30).monthShort //=> Oct\n * @type {string}\n */\n get monthShort() {\n return this.isValid ? Info.months(\"short\", { locObj: this.loc })[this.month - 1] : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the human readable long month name, such as 'October'.\n * Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 10, 30).monthLong //=> October\n * @type {string}\n */\n get monthLong() {\n return this.isValid ? Info.months(\"long\", { locObj: this.loc })[this.month - 1] : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the human readable short weekday, such as 'Mon'.\n * Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 10, 30).weekdayShort //=> Mon\n * @type {string}\n */\n get weekdayShort() {\n return this.isValid ? Info.weekdays(\"short\", { locObj: this.loc })[this.weekday - 1] : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the human readable long weekday, such as 'Monday'.\n * Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 10, 30).weekdayLong //=> Monday\n * @type {string}\n */\n get weekdayLong() {\n return this.isValid ? Info.weekdays(\"long\", { locObj: this.loc })[this.weekday - 1] : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the UTC offset of this DateTime in minutes\n * @example DateTime.now().offset //=> -240\n * @example DateTime.utc().offset //=> 0\n * @type {number}\n */\n get offset() {\n return this.isValid ? +this.o : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the short human name for the zone's current offset, for example \"EST\" or \"EDT\".\n * Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified\n * @type {string}\n */\n get offsetNameShort() {\n if (this.isValid) {\n return this.zone.offsetName(this.ts, {\n format: \"short\",\n locale: this.locale\n });\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get the long human name for the zone's current offset, for example \"Eastern Standard Time\" or \"Eastern Daylight Time\".\n * Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified\n * @type {string}\n */\n get offsetNameLong() {\n if (this.isValid) {\n return this.zone.offsetName(this.ts, {\n format: \"long\",\n locale: this.locale\n });\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Get whether this zone's offset ever changes, as in a DST.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get isOffsetFixed() {\n return this.isValid ? this.zone.universal : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get whether the DateTime is in a DST.\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get isInDST() {\n if (this.isOffsetFixed) {\n return false;\n } else {\n return (\n this.offset > this.set({ month: 1 }).offset || this.offset > this.set({ month: 5 }).offset\n );\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns true if this DateTime is in a leap year, false otherwise\n * @example DateTime.local(2016).isInLeapYear //=> true\n * @example DateTime.local(2013).isInLeapYear //=> false\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n get isInLeapYear() {\n return isLeapYear(this.year);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the number of days in this DateTime's month\n * @example DateTime.local(2016, 2).daysInMonth //=> 29\n * @example DateTime.local(2016, 3).daysInMonth //=> 31\n * @type {number}\n */\n get daysInMonth() {\n return daysInMonth(this.year, this.month);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the number of days in this DateTime's year\n * @example DateTime.local(2016).daysInYear //=> 366\n * @example DateTime.local(2013).daysInYear //=> 365\n * @type {number}\n */\n get daysInYear() {\n return this.isValid ? daysInYear(this.year) : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the number of weeks in this DateTime's year\n * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date\n * @example DateTime.local(2004).weeksInWeekYear //=> 53\n * @example DateTime.local(2013).weeksInWeekYear //=> 52\n * @type {number}\n */\n get weeksInWeekYear() {\n return this.isValid ? weeksInWeekYear(this.weekYear) : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the resolved Intl options for this DateTime.\n * This is useful in understanding the behavior of formatting methods\n * @param {Object} opts - the same options as toLocaleString\n * @return {Object}\n */\n resolvedLocaleOpts(opts = {}) {\n const { locale, numberingSystem, calendar } = Formatter.create(\n this.loc.clone(opts),\n opts\n ).resolvedOptions(this);\n return { locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar: calendar };\n }\n\n // TRANSFORM\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" the DateTime's zone to UTC. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.\n *\n * Equivalent to {@link setZone}('utc')\n * @param {number} [offset=0] - optionally, an offset from UTC in minutes\n * @param {Object} [opts={}] - options to pass to `setZone()`\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n toUTC(offset = 0, opts = {}) {\n return this.setZone(FixedOffsetZone.instance(offset), opts);\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" the DateTime's zone to the host's local zone. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.\n *\n * Equivalent to `setZone('local')`\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n toLocal() {\n return this.setZone(Settings.defaultZone);\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" the DateTime's zone to specified zone. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.\n *\n * By default, the setter keeps the underlying time the same (as in, the same timestamp), but the new instance will report different local times and consider DSTs when making computations, as with {@link plus}. You may wish to use {@link toLocal} and {@link toUTC} which provide simple convenience wrappers for commonly used zones.\n * @param {string|Zone} [zone='local'] - a zone identifier. As a string, that can be any IANA zone supported by the host environment, or a fixed-offset name of the form 'UTC+3', or the strings 'local' or 'utc'. You may also supply an instance of a {@link Zone} class.\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {boolean} [opts.keepLocalTime=false] - If true, adjust the underlying time so that the local time stays the same, but in the target zone. You should rarely need this.\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n setZone(zone, { keepLocalTime = false, keepCalendarTime = false } = {}) {\n zone = normalizeZone(zone, Settings.defaultZone);\n if (zone.equals(this.zone)) {\n return this;\n } else if (!zone.isValid) {\n return DateTime.invalid(unsupportedZone(zone));\n } else {\n let newTS = this.ts;\n if (keepLocalTime || keepCalendarTime) {\n const offsetGuess = zone.offset(this.ts);\n const asObj = this.toObject();\n [newTS] = objToTS(asObj, offsetGuess, zone);\n }\n return clone(this, { ts: newTS, zone });\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" the locale, numberingSystem, or outputCalendar. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.\n * @param {Object} properties - the properties to set\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).reconfigure({ locale: 'en-GB' })\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n reconfigure({ locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar } = {}) {\n const loc = this.loc.clone({ locale, numberingSystem, outputCalendar });\n return clone(this, { loc });\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" the locale. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.\n * Just a convenient alias for reconfigure({ locale })\n * @example DateTime.local(2017, 5, 25).setLocale('en-GB')\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n setLocale(locale) {\n return this.reconfigure({ locale });\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" the values of specified units. Returns a newly-constructed DateTime.\n * You can only set units with this method; for \"setting\" metadata, see {@link reconfigure} and {@link setZone}.\n * @param {Object} values - a mapping of units to numbers\n * @example dt.set({ year: 2017 })\n * @example dt.set({ hour: 8, minute: 30 })\n * @example dt.set({ weekday: 5 })\n * @example dt.set({ year: 2005, ordinal: 234 })\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n set(values) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n\n const normalized = normalizeObject(values, normalizeUnit, []),\n settingWeekStuff =\n !isUndefined(normalized.weekYear) ||\n !isUndefined(normalized.weekNumber) ||\n !isUndefined(normalized.weekday),\n containsOrdinal = !isUndefined(normalized.ordinal),\n containsGregorYear = !isUndefined(normalized.year),\n containsGregorMD = !isUndefined(normalized.month) || !isUndefined(normalized.day),\n containsGregor = containsGregorYear || containsGregorMD,\n definiteWeekDef = normalized.weekYear || normalized.weekNumber;\n\n if ((containsGregor || containsOrdinal) && definiteWeekDef) {\n throw new ConflictingSpecificationError(\n \"Can't mix weekYear/weekNumber units with year/month/day or ordinals\"\n );\n }\n\n if (containsGregorMD && containsOrdinal) {\n throw new ConflictingSpecificationError(\"Can't mix ordinal dates with month/day\");\n }\n\n let mixed;\n if (settingWeekStuff) {\n mixed = weekToGregorian(Object.assign(gregorianToWeek(this.c), normalized));\n } else if (!isUndefined(normalized.ordinal)) {\n mixed = ordinalToGregorian(Object.assign(gregorianToOrdinal(this.c), normalized));\n } else {\n mixed = Object.assign(this.toObject(), normalized);\n\n // if we didn't set the day but we ended up on an overflow date,\n // use the last day of the right month\n if (isUndefined(normalized.day)) {\n mixed.day = Math.min(daysInMonth(mixed.year, mixed.month), mixed.day);\n }\n }\n\n const [ts, o] = objToTS(mixed, this.o, this.zone);\n return clone(this, { ts, o });\n }\n\n /**\n * Add a period of time to this DateTime and return the resulting DateTime\n *\n * Adding hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds increases the timestamp by the right number of milliseconds. Adding days, months, or years shifts the calendar, accounting for DSTs and leap years along the way. Thus, `dt.plus({ hours: 24 })` may result in a different time than `dt.plus({ days: 1 })` if there's a DST shift in between.\n * @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The amount to add. Either a Luxon Duration, a number of milliseconds, the object argument to Duration.fromObject()\n * @example DateTime.now().plus(123) //~> in 123 milliseconds\n * @example DateTime.now().plus({ minutes: 15 }) //~> in 15 minutes\n * @example DateTime.now().plus({ days: 1 }) //~> this time tomorrow\n * @example DateTime.now().plus({ days: -1 }) //~> this time yesterday\n * @example DateTime.now().plus({ hours: 3, minutes: 13 }) //~> in 3 hr, 13 min\n * @example DateTime.now().plus(Duration.fromObject({ hours: 3, minutes: 13 })) //~> in 3 hr, 13 min\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n plus(duration) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n const dur = friendlyDuration(duration);\n return clone(this, adjustTime(this, dur));\n }\n\n /**\n * Subtract a period of time to this DateTime and return the resulting DateTime\n * See {@link plus}\n * @param {Duration|Object|number} duration - The amount to subtract. Either a Luxon Duration, a number of milliseconds, the object argument to Duration.fromObject()\n @return {DateTime}\n */\n minus(duration) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n const dur = friendlyDuration(duration).negate();\n return clone(this, adjustTime(this, dur));\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" this DateTime to the beginning of a unit of time.\n * @param {string} unit - The unit to go to the beginning of. Can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', or 'millisecond'.\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).startOf('month').toISODate(); //=> '2014-03-01'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).startOf('year').toISODate(); //=> '2014-01-01'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).startOf('week').toISODate(); //=> '2014-03-03', weeks always start on Mondays\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3, 5, 30).startOf('day').toISOTime(); //=> '00:00.000-05:00'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3, 5, 30).startOf('hour').toISOTime(); //=> '05:00:00.000-05:00'\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n startOf(unit) {\n if (!this.isValid) return this;\n const o = {},\n normalizedUnit = Duration.normalizeUnit(unit);\n switch (normalizedUnit) {\n case \"years\":\n o.month = 1;\n // falls through\n case \"quarters\":\n case \"months\":\n o.day = 1;\n // falls through\n case \"weeks\":\n case \"days\":\n o.hour = 0;\n // falls through\n case \"hours\":\n o.minute = 0;\n // falls through\n case \"minutes\":\n o.second = 0;\n // falls through\n case \"seconds\":\n o.millisecond = 0;\n break;\n case \"milliseconds\":\n break;\n // no default, invalid units throw in normalizeUnit()\n }\n\n if (normalizedUnit === \"weeks\") {\n o.weekday = 1;\n }\n\n if (normalizedUnit === \"quarters\") {\n const q = Math.ceil(this.month / 3);\n o.month = (q - 1) * 3 + 1;\n }\n\n return this.set(o);\n }\n\n /**\n * \"Set\" this DateTime to the end (meaning the last millisecond) of a unit of time\n * @param {string} unit - The unit to go to the end of. Can be 'year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', or 'millisecond'.\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).endOf('month').toISO(); //=> '2014-03-31T23:59:59.999-05:00'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).endOf('year').toISO(); //=> '2014-12-31T23:59:59.999-05:00'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3).endOf('week').toISO(); // => '2014-03-09T23:59:59.999-05:00', weeks start on Mondays\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3, 5, 30).endOf('day').toISO(); //=> '2014-03-03T23:59:59.999-05:00'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 3, 3, 5, 30).endOf('hour').toISO(); //=> '2014-03-03T05:59:59.999-05:00'\n * @return {DateTime}\n */\n endOf(unit) {\n return this.isValid\n ? this.plus({ [unit]: 1 })\n .startOf(unit)\n .minus(1)\n : this;\n }\n\n // OUTPUT\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this DateTime formatted according to the specified format string.\n * **You may not want this.** See {@link toLocaleString} for a more flexible formatting tool. For a table of tokens and their interpretations, see [here](https://moment.github.io/luxon/docs/manual/formatting.html#table-of-tokens).\n * Defaults to en-US if no locale has been specified, regardless of the system's locale.\n * @see https://moment.github.io/luxon/docs/manual/formatting.html#table-of-tokens\n * @param {string} fmt - the format string\n * @param {Object} opts - opts to override the configuration options\n * @example DateTime.now().toFormat('yyyy LLL dd') //=> '2017 Apr 22'\n * @example DateTime.now().setLocale('fr').toFormat('yyyy LLL dd') //=> '2017 avr. 22'\n * @example DateTime.now().toFormat('yyyy LLL dd', { locale: \"fr\" }) //=> '2017 avr. 22'\n * @example DateTime.now().toFormat(\"HH 'hours and' mm 'minutes'\") //=> '20 hours and 55 minutes'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toFormat(fmt, opts = {}) {\n return this.isValid\n ? Formatter.create(this.loc.redefaultToEN(opts)).formatDateTimeFromString(this, fmt)\n : INVALID;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a localized string representing this date. Accepts the same options as the Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor and any presets defined by Luxon, such as `DateTime.DATE_FULL` or `DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE`.\n * The exact behavior of this method is browser-specific, but in general it will return an appropriate representation\n * of the DateTime in the assigned locale.\n * Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified\n * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DateTimeFormat\n * @param opts {Object} - Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor options and configuration options\n * @example DateTime.now().toLocaleString(); //=> 4/20/2017\n * @example DateTime.now().setLocale('en-gb').toLocaleString(); //=> '20/04/2017'\n * @example DateTime.now().toLocaleString({ locale: 'en-gb' }); //=> '20/04/2017'\n * @example DateTime.now().toLocaleString(DateTime.DATE_FULL); //=> 'April 20, 2017'\n * @example DateTime.now().toLocaleString(DateTime.TIME_SIMPLE); //=> '11:32 AM'\n * @example DateTime.now().toLocaleString(DateTime.DATETIME_SHORT); //=> '4/20/2017, 11:32 AM'\n * @example DateTime.now().toLocaleString({ weekday: 'long', month: 'long', day: '2-digit' }); //=> 'Thursday, April 20'\n * @example DateTime.now().toLocaleString({ weekday: 'short', month: 'short', day: '2-digit', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); //=> 'Thu, Apr 20, 11:27 AM'\n * @example DateTime.now().toLocaleString({ hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', hour12: false }); //=> '11:32'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toLocaleString(opts = Formats.DATE_SHORT) {\n return this.isValid\n ? Formatter.create(this.loc.clone(opts), opts).formatDateTime(this)\n : INVALID;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an array of format \"parts\", meaning individual tokens along with metadata. This is allows callers to post-process individual sections of the formatted output.\n * Defaults to the system's locale if no locale has been specified\n * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/DateTimeFormat/formatToParts\n * @param opts {Object} - Intl.DateTimeFormat constructor options, same as `toLocaleString`.\n * @example DateTime.now().toLocaleParts(); //=> [\n * //=> { type: 'day', value: '25' },\n * //=> { type: 'literal', value: '/' },\n * //=> { type: 'month', value: '05' },\n * //=> { type: 'literal', value: '/' },\n * //=> { type: 'year', value: '1982' }\n * //=> ]\n */\n toLocaleParts(opts = {}) {\n return this.isValid\n ? Formatter.create(this.loc.clone(opts), opts).formatDateTimeParts(this)\n : [];\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {boolean} [opts.suppressMilliseconds=false] - exclude milliseconds from the format if they're 0\n * @param {boolean} [opts.suppressSeconds=false] - exclude seconds from the format if they're 0\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffset=true] - include the offset, such as 'Z' or '-04:00'\n * @param {string} [opts.format='extended'] - choose between the basic and extended format\n * @example DateTime.utc(1982, 5, 25).toISO() //=> '1982-05-25T00:00:00.000Z'\n * @example DateTime.now().toISO() //=> '2017-04-22T20:47:05.335-04:00'\n * @example DateTime.now().toISO({ includeOffset: false }) //=> '2017-04-22T20:47:05.335'\n * @example DateTime.now().toISO({ format: 'basic' }) //=> '20170422T204705.335-0400'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toISO(opts = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return `${this.toISODate(opts)}T${this.toISOTime(opts)}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's date component\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {string} [opts.format='extended'] - choose between the basic and extended format\n * @example DateTime.utc(1982, 5, 25).toISODate() //=> '1982-05-25'\n * @example DateTime.utc(1982, 5, 25).toISODate({ format: 'basic' }) //=> '19820525'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toISODate({ format = \"extended\" } = {}) {\n let fmt = format === \"basic\" ? \"yyyyMMdd\" : \"yyyy-MM-dd\";\n if (this.year > 9999) {\n fmt = \"+\" + fmt;\n }\n\n return toTechFormat(this, fmt);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's week date\n * @example DateTime.utc(1982, 5, 25).toISOWeekDate() //=> '1982-W21-2'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toISOWeekDate() {\n return toTechFormat(this, \"kkkk-'W'WW-c\");\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601-compliant string representation of this DateTime's time component\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {boolean} [opts.suppressMilliseconds=false] - exclude milliseconds from the format if they're 0\n * @param {boolean} [opts.suppressSeconds=false] - exclude seconds from the format if they're 0\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffset=true] - include the offset, such as 'Z' or '-04:00'\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includePrefix=false] - include the `T` prefix\n * @param {string} [opts.format='extended'] - choose between the basic and extended format\n * @example DateTime.utc().set({ hour: 7, minute: 34 }).toISOTime() //=> '07:34:19.361Z'\n * @example DateTime.utc().set({ hour: 7, minute: 34, seconds: 0, milliseconds: 0 }).toISOTime({ suppressSeconds: true }) //=> '07:34Z'\n * @example DateTime.utc().set({ hour: 7, minute: 34 }).toISOTime({ format: 'basic' }) //=> '073419.361Z'\n * @example DateTime.utc().set({ hour: 7, minute: 34 }).toISOTime({ includePrefix: true }) //=> 'T07:34:19.361Z'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toISOTime({\n suppressMilliseconds = false,\n suppressSeconds = false,\n includeOffset = true,\n includePrefix = false,\n format = \"extended\"\n } = {}) {\n return toTechTimeFormat(this, {\n suppressSeconds,\n suppressMilliseconds,\n includeOffset,\n includePrefix,\n format\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an RFC 2822-compatible string representation of this DateTime, always in UTC\n * @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13).toRFC2822() //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 00:00:00 +0000'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 7, 13).toRFC2822() //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 00:00:00 -0400'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toRFC2822() {\n return toTechFormat(this, \"EEE, dd LLL yyyy HH:mm:ss ZZZ\", false);\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in HTTP headers.\n * Specifically, the string conforms to RFC 1123.\n * @see https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1\n * @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13).toHTTP() //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMT'\n * @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13, 19).toHTTP() //=> 'Sun, 13 Jul 2014 19:00:00 GMT'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toHTTP() {\n return toTechFormat(this.toUTC(), \"EEE, dd LLL yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'\");\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL Date\n * @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13).toSQLDate() //=> '2014-07-13'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toSQLDate() {\n return toTechFormat(this, \"yyyy-MM-dd\");\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL Time\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includeZone=false] - include the zone, such as 'America/New_York'. Overrides includeOffset.\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffset=true] - include the offset, such as 'Z' or '-04:00'\n * @example DateTime.utc().toSQL() //=> '05:15:16.345'\n * @example DateTime.now().toSQL() //=> '05:15:16.345 -04:00'\n * @example DateTime.now().toSQL({ includeOffset: false }) //=> '05:15:16.345'\n * @example DateTime.now().toSQL({ includeZone: false }) //=> '05:15:16.345 America/New_York'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toSQLTime({ includeOffset = true, includeZone = false } = {}) {\n return toTechTimeFormat(this, {\n includeOffset,\n includeZone,\n spaceZone: true\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in SQL DateTime\n * @param {Object} opts - options\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includeZone=false] - include the zone, such as 'America/New_York'. Overrides includeOffset.\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includeOffset=true] - include the offset, such as 'Z' or '-04:00'\n * @example DateTime.utc(2014, 7, 13).toSQL() //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000 Z'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 7, 13).toSQL() //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000 -04:00'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 7, 13).toSQL({ includeOffset: false }) //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000'\n * @example DateTime.local(2014, 7, 13).toSQL({ includeZone: true }) //=> '2014-07-13 00:00:00.000 America/New_York'\n * @return {string}\n */\n toSQL(opts = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return `${this.toSQLDate()} ${this.toSQLTime(opts)}`;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this DateTime appropriate for debugging\n * @return {string}\n */\n toString() {\n return this.isValid ? this.toISO() : INVALID;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the epoch milliseconds of this DateTime. Alias of {@link toMillis}\n * @return {number}\n */\n valueOf() {\n return this.toMillis();\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the epoch milliseconds of this DateTime.\n * @return {number}\n */\n toMillis() {\n return this.isValid ? this.ts : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the epoch seconds of this DateTime.\n * @return {number}\n */\n toSeconds() {\n return this.isValid ? this.ts / 1000 : NaN;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns an ISO 8601 representation of this DateTime appropriate for use in JSON.\n * @return {string}\n */\n toJSON() {\n return this.toISO();\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a BSON serializable equivalent to this DateTime.\n * @return {Date}\n */\n toBSON() {\n return this.toJSDate();\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a JavaScript object with this DateTime's year, month, day, and so on.\n * @param opts - options for generating the object\n * @param {boolean} [opts.includeConfig=false] - include configuration attributes in the output\n * @example DateTime.now().toObject() //=> { year: 2017, month: 4, day: 22, hour: 20, minute: 49, second: 42, millisecond: 268 }\n * @return {Object}\n */\n toObject(opts = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid) return {};\n\n const base = Object.assign({}, this.c);\n\n if (opts.includeConfig) {\n base.outputCalendar = this.outputCalendar;\n base.numberingSystem = this.loc.numberingSystem;\n base.locale = this.loc.locale;\n }\n return base;\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a JavaScript Date equivalent to this DateTime.\n * @return {Date}\n */\n toJSDate() {\n return new Date(this.isValid ? this.ts : NaN);\n }\n\n // COMPARE\n\n /**\n * Return the difference between two DateTimes as a Duration.\n * @param {DateTime} otherDateTime - the DateTime to compare this one to\n * @param {string|string[]} [unit=['milliseconds']] - the unit or array of units (such as 'hours' or 'days') to include in the duration.\n * @param {Object} opts - options that affect the creation of the Duration\n * @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use\n * @example\n * var i1 = DateTime.fromISO('1982-05-25T09:45'),\n * i2 = DateTime.fromISO('1983-10-14T10:30');\n * i2.diff(i1).toObject() //=> { milliseconds: 43807500000 }\n * i2.diff(i1, 'hours').toObject() //=> { hours: 12168.75 }\n * i2.diff(i1, ['months', 'days']).toObject() //=> { months: 16, days: 19.03125 }\n * i2.diff(i1, ['months', 'days', 'hours']).toObject() //=> { months: 16, days: 19, hours: 0.75 }\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n diff(otherDateTime, unit = \"milliseconds\", opts = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid || !otherDateTime.isValid) {\n return Duration.invalid(\n this.invalid || otherDateTime.invalid,\n \"created by diffing an invalid DateTime\"\n );\n }\n\n const durOpts = Object.assign(\n { locale: this.locale, numberingSystem: this.numberingSystem },\n opts\n );\n\n const units = maybeArray(unit).map(Duration.normalizeUnit),\n otherIsLater = otherDateTime.valueOf() > this.valueOf(),\n earlier = otherIsLater ? this : otherDateTime,\n later = otherIsLater ? otherDateTime : this,\n diffed = diff(earlier, later, units, durOpts);\n\n return otherIsLater ? diffed.negate() : diffed;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the difference between this DateTime and right now.\n * See {@link diff}\n * @param {string|string[]} [unit=['milliseconds']] - the unit or units units (such as 'hours' or 'days') to include in the duration\n * @param {Object} opts - options that affect the creation of the Duration\n * @param {string} [opts.conversionAccuracy='casual'] - the conversion system to use\n * @return {Duration}\n */\n diffNow(unit = \"milliseconds\", opts = {}) {\n return this.diff(DateTime.now(), unit, opts);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return an Interval spanning between this DateTime and another DateTime\n * @param {DateTime} otherDateTime - the other end point of the Interval\n * @return {Interval}\n */\n until(otherDateTime) {\n return this.isValid ? Interval.fromDateTimes(this, otherDateTime) : this;\n }\n\n /**\n * Return whether this DateTime is in the same unit of time as another DateTime.\n * Higher-order units must also be identical for this function to return `true`.\n * Note that time zones are **ignored** in this comparison, which compares the **local** calendar time. Use {@link setZone} to convert one of the dates if needed.\n * @param {DateTime} otherDateTime - the other DateTime\n * @param {string} unit - the unit of time to check sameness on\n * @example DateTime.now().hasSame(otherDT, 'day'); //~> true if otherDT is in the same current calendar day\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n hasSame(otherDateTime, unit) {\n if (!this.isValid) return false;\n\n const inputMs = otherDateTime.valueOf();\n const otherZoneDateTime = this.setZone(otherDateTime.zone, { keepLocalTime: true });\n return otherZoneDateTime.startOf(unit) <= inputMs && inputMs <= otherZoneDateTime.endOf(unit);\n }\n\n /**\n * Equality check\n * Two DateTimes are equal iff they represent the same millisecond, have the same zone and location, and are both valid.\n * To compare just the millisecond values, use `+dt1 === +dt2`.\n * @param {DateTime} other - the other DateTime\n * @return {boolean}\n */\n equals(other) {\n return (\n this.isValid &&\n other.isValid &&\n this.valueOf() === other.valueOf() &&\n this.zone.equals(other.zone) &&\n this.loc.equals(other.loc)\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of a this time relative to now, such as \"in two days\". Can only internationalize if your\n * platform supports Intl.RelativeTimeFormat. Rounds down by default.\n * @param {Object} options - options that affect the output\n * @param {DateTime} [options.base=DateTime.now()] - the DateTime to use as the basis to which this time is compared. Defaults to now.\n * @param {string} [options.style=\"long\"] - the style of units, must be \"long\", \"short\", or \"narrow\"\n * @param {string|string[]} options.unit - use a specific unit or array of units; if omitted, or an array, the method will pick the best unit. Use an array or one of \"years\", \"quarters\", \"months\", \"weeks\", \"days\", \"hours\", \"minutes\", or \"seconds\"\n * @param {boolean} [options.round=true] - whether to round the numbers in the output.\n * @param {number} [options.padding=0] - padding in milliseconds. This allows you to round up the result if it fits inside the threshold. Don't use in combination with {round: false} because the decimal output will include the padding.\n * @param {string} options.locale - override the locale of this DateTime\n * @param {string} options.numberingSystem - override the numberingSystem of this DateTime. The Intl system may choose not to honor this\n * @example DateTime.now().plus({ days: 1 }).toRelative() //=> \"in 1 day\"\n * @example DateTime.now().setLocale(\"es\").toRelative({ days: 1 }) //=> \"dentro de 1 día\"\n * @example DateTime.now().plus({ days: 1 }).toRelative({ locale: \"fr\" }) //=> \"dans 23 heures\"\n * @example DateTime.now().minus({ days: 2 }).toRelative() //=> \"2 days ago\"\n * @example DateTime.now().minus({ days: 2 }).toRelative({ unit: \"hours\" }) //=> \"48 hours ago\"\n * @example DateTime.now().minus({ hours: 36 }).toRelative({ round: false }) //=> \"1.5 days ago\"\n */\n toRelative(options = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid) return null;\n const base = options.base || DateTime.fromObject({ zone: this.zone }),\n padding = options.padding ? (this < base ? -options.padding : options.padding) : 0;\n let units = [\"years\", \"months\", \"days\", \"hours\", \"minutes\", \"seconds\"];\n let unit = options.unit;\n if (Array.isArray(options.unit)) {\n units = options.unit;\n unit = undefined;\n }\n return diffRelative(\n base,\n this.plus(padding),\n Object.assign(options, {\n numeric: \"always\",\n units,\n unit\n })\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string representation of this date relative to today, such as \"yesterday\" or \"next month\".\n * Only internationalizes on platforms that supports Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.\n * @param {Object} options - options that affect the output\n * @param {DateTime} [options.base=DateTime.now()] - the DateTime to use as the basis to which this time is compared. Defaults to now.\n * @param {string} options.locale - override the locale of this DateTime\n * @param {string} options.unit - use a specific unit; if omitted, the method will pick the unit. Use one of \"years\", \"quarters\", \"months\", \"weeks\", or \"days\"\n * @param {string} options.numberingSystem - override the numberingSystem of this DateTime. The Intl system may choose not to honor this\n * @example DateTime.now().plus({ days: 1 }).toRelativeCalendar() //=> \"tomorrow\"\n * @example DateTime.now().setLocale(\"es\").plus({ days: 1 }).toRelative() //=> \"\"mañana\"\n * @example DateTime.now().plus({ days: 1 }).toRelativeCalendar({ locale: \"fr\" }) //=> \"demain\"\n * @example DateTime.now().minus({ days: 2 }).toRelativeCalendar() //=> \"2 days ago\"\n */\n toRelativeCalendar(options = {}) {\n if (!this.isValid) return null;\n\n return diffRelative(\n options.base || DateTime.fromObject({ zone: this.zone }),\n this,\n Object.assign(options, {\n numeric: \"auto\",\n units: [\"years\", \"months\", \"days\"],\n calendary: true\n })\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the min of several date times\n * @param {...DateTime} dateTimes - the DateTimes from which to choose the minimum\n * @return {DateTime} the min DateTime, or undefined if called with no argument\n */\n static min(...dateTimes) {\n if (!dateTimes.every(DateTime.isDateTime)) {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\"min requires all arguments be DateTimes\");\n }\n return bestBy(dateTimes, i => i.valueOf(), Math.min);\n }\n\n /**\n * Return the max of several date times\n * @param {...DateTime} dateTimes - the DateTimes from which to choose the maximum\n * @return {DateTime} the max DateTime, or undefined if called with no argument\n */\n static max(...dateTimes) {\n if (!dateTimes.every(DateTime.isDateTime)) {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\"max requires all arguments be DateTimes\");\n }\n return bestBy(dateTimes, i => i.valueOf(), Math.max);\n }\n\n // MISC\n\n /**\n * Explain how a string would be parsed by fromFormat()\n * @param {string} text - the string to parse\n * @param {string} fmt - the format the string is expected to be in (see description)\n * @param {Object} options - options taken by fromFormat()\n * @return {Object}\n */\n static fromFormatExplain(text, fmt, options = {}) {\n const { locale = null, numberingSystem = null } = options,\n localeToUse = Locale.fromOpts({\n locale,\n numberingSystem,\n defaultToEN: true\n });\n return explainFromTokens(localeToUse, text, fmt);\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated use fromFormatExplain instead\n */\n static fromStringExplain(text, fmt, options = {}) {\n return DateTime.fromFormatExplain(text, fmt, options);\n }\n\n // FORMAT PRESETS\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 10/14/1983\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATE_SHORT() {\n return Formats.DATE_SHORT;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'Oct 14, 1983'\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATE_MED() {\n return Formats.DATE_MED;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'Fri, Oct 14, 1983'\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY() {\n return Formats.DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'October 14, 1983'\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATE_FULL() {\n return Formats.DATE_FULL;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'Tuesday, October 14, 1983'\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATE_HUGE() {\n return Formats.DATE_HUGE;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '09:30 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get TIME_SIMPLE() {\n return Formats.TIME_SIMPLE;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get TIME_WITH_SECONDS() {\n return Formats.TIME_WITH_SECONDS;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 AM EDT'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get TIME_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET() {\n return Formats.TIME_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get TIME_WITH_LONG_OFFSET() {\n return Formats.TIME_WITH_LONG_OFFSET;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '09:30', always 24-hour.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get TIME_24_SIMPLE() {\n return Formats.TIME_24_SIMPLE;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23', always 24-hour.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS() {\n return Formats.TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 EDT', always 24-hour.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get TIME_24_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET() {\n return Formats.TIME_24_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '09:30:23 Eastern Daylight Time', always 24-hour.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get TIME_24_WITH_LONG_OFFSET() {\n return Formats.TIME_24_WITH_LONG_OFFSET;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '10/14/1983, 9:30 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATETIME_SHORT() {\n return Formats.DATETIME_SHORT;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like '10/14/1983, 9:30:33 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATETIME_SHORT_WITH_SECONDS() {\n return Formats.DATETIME_SHORT_WITH_SECONDS;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'Oct 14, 1983, 9:30 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATETIME_MED() {\n return Formats.DATETIME_MED;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'Oct 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATETIME_MED_WITH_SECONDS() {\n return Formats.DATETIME_MED_WITH_SECONDS;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'Fri, 14 Oct 1983, 9:30 AM'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATETIME_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY() {\n return Formats.DATETIME_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'October 14, 1983, 9:30 AM EDT'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATETIME_FULL() {\n return Formats.DATETIME_FULL;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'October 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM EDT'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATETIME_FULL_WITH_SECONDS() {\n return Formats.DATETIME_FULL_WITH_SECONDS;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'Friday, October 14, 1983, 9:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATETIME_HUGE() {\n return Formats.DATETIME_HUGE;\n }\n\n /**\n * {@link toLocaleString} format like 'Friday, October 14, 1983, 9:30:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time'. Only 12-hour if the locale is.\n * @type {Object}\n */\n static get DATETIME_HUGE_WITH_SECONDS() {\n return Formats.DATETIME_HUGE_WITH_SECONDS;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * @private\n */\nexport function friendlyDateTime(dateTimeish) {\n if (DateTime.isDateTime(dateTimeish)) {\n return dateTimeish;\n } else if (dateTimeish && dateTimeish.valueOf && isNumber(dateTimeish.valueOf())) {\n return DateTime.fromJSDate(dateTimeish);\n } else if (dateTimeish && typeof dateTimeish === \"object\") {\n return DateTime.fromObject(dateTimeish);\n } else {\n throw new InvalidArgumentError(\n `Unknown datetime argument: ${dateTimeish}, of type ${typeof dateTimeish}`\n );\n }\n}\n", "import DateTime from \"./datetime.js\";\nimport Duration from \"./duration.js\";\nimport Interval from \"./interval.js\";\nimport Info from \"./info.js\";\nimport Zone from \"./zone.js\";\nimport FixedOffsetZone from \"./zones/fixedOffsetZone.js\";\nimport IANAZone from \"./zones/IANAZone.js\";\nimport InvalidZone from \"./zones/invalidZone.js\";\nimport LocalZone from \"./zones/localZone.js\";\nimport Settings from \"./settings.js\";\n\nconst VERSION = \"1.28.1\";\n\nexport {\n VERSION,\n DateTime,\n Duration,\n Interval,\n Info,\n Zone,\n FixedOffsetZone,\n IANAZone,\n InvalidZone,\n LocalZone,\n Settings\n};\n", "/*\nUnobtrusive JavaScript\nhttps://github.com/rails/rails/blob/main/actionview/app/javascript\nReleased under the MIT license\n */\n(function(global, factory) {\n typeof exports === \"object\" && typeof module !== \"undefined\" ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== \"undefined\" ? globalThis : global || self, \n global.Rails = factory());\n})(this, (function() {\n \"use strict\";\n const linkClickSelector = \"a[data-confirm], a[data-method], a[data-remote]:not([disabled]), a[data-disable-with], a[data-disable]\";\n const buttonClickSelector = {\n selector: \"button[data-remote]:not([form]), button[data-confirm]:not([form])\",\n exclude: \"form button\"\n };\n const inputChangeSelector = \"select[data-remote], input[data-remote], textarea[data-remote]\";\n const formSubmitSelector = \"form:not([data-turbo=true])\";\n const formInputClickSelector = \"form:not([data-turbo=true]) input[type=submit], form:not([data-turbo=true]) input[type=image], form:not([data-turbo=true]) button[type=submit], form:not([data-turbo=true]) button:not([type]), input[type=submit][form], input[type=image][form], button[type=submit][form], button[form]:not([type])\";\n const formDisableSelector = \"input[data-disable-with]:enabled, button[data-disable-with]:enabled, textarea[data-disable-with]:enabled, input[data-disable]:enabled, button[data-disable]:enabled, textarea[data-disable]:enabled\";\n const formEnableSelector = \"input[data-disable-with]:disabled, button[data-disable-with]:disabled, textarea[data-disable-with]:disabled, input[data-disable]:disabled, button[data-disable]:disabled, textarea[data-disable]:disabled\";\n const fileInputSelector = \"input[name][type=file]:not([disabled])\";\n const linkDisableSelector = \"a[data-disable-with], a[data-disable]\";\n const buttonDisableSelector = \"button[data-remote][data-disable-with], button[data-remote][data-disable]\";\n let nonce = null;\n const loadCSPNonce = () => {\n const metaTag = document.querySelector(\"meta[name=csp-nonce]\");\n return nonce = metaTag && metaTag.content;\n };\n const cspNonce = () => nonce || loadCSPNonce();\n const m = Element.prototype.matches || Element.prototype.matchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;\n const matches = function(element, selector) {\n if (selector.exclude) {\n return m.call(element, selector.selector) && !m.call(element, selector.exclude);\n } else {\n return m.call(element, selector);\n }\n };\n const EXPANDO = \"_ujsData\";\n const getData = (element, key) => element[EXPANDO] ? element[EXPANDO][key] : undefined;\n const setData = function(element, key, value) {\n if (!element[EXPANDO]) {\n element[EXPANDO] = {};\n }\n return element[EXPANDO][key] = value;\n };\n const $ = selector => Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector));\n const isContentEditable = function(element) {\n var isEditable = false;\n do {\n if (element.isContentEditable) {\n isEditable = true;\n break;\n }\n element = element.parentElement;\n } while (element);\n return isEditable;\n };\n const csrfToken = () => {\n const meta = document.querySelector(\"meta[name=csrf-token]\");\n return meta && meta.content;\n };\n const csrfParam = () => {\n const meta = document.querySelector(\"meta[name=csrf-param]\");\n return meta && meta.content;\n };\n const CSRFProtection = xhr => {\n const token = csrfToken();\n if (token) {\n return xhr.setRequestHeader(\"X-CSRF-Token\", token);\n }\n };\n const refreshCSRFTokens = () => {\n const token = csrfToken();\n const param = csrfParam();\n if (token && param) {\n return $('form input[name=\"' + param + '\"]').forEach((input => input.value = token));\n }\n };\n const AcceptHeaders = {\n \"*\": \"*/*\",\n text: \"text/plain\",\n html: \"text/html\",\n xml: \"application/xml, text/xml\",\n json: \"application/json, text/javascript\",\n script: \"text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript\"\n };\n const ajax = options => {\n options = prepareOptions(options);\n var xhr = createXHR(options, (function() {\n const response = processResponse(xhr.response != null ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText, xhr.getResponseHeader(\"Content-Type\"));\n if (Math.floor(xhr.status / 100) === 2) {\n if (typeof options.success === \"function\") {\n options.success(response, xhr.statusText, xhr);\n }\n } else {\n if (typeof options.error === \"function\") {\n options.error(response, xhr.statusText, xhr);\n }\n }\n return typeof options.complete === \"function\" ? options.complete(xhr, xhr.statusText) : undefined;\n }));\n if (options.beforeSend && !options.beforeSend(xhr, options)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.OPENED) {\n return xhr.send(options.data);\n }\n };\n var prepareOptions = function(options) {\n options.url = options.url || location.href;\n options.type = options.type.toUpperCase();\n if (options.type === \"GET\" && options.data) {\n if (options.url.indexOf(\"?\") < 0) {\n options.url += \"?\" + options.data;\n } else {\n options.url += \"&\" + options.data;\n }\n }\n if (!(options.dataType in AcceptHeaders)) {\n options.dataType = \"*\";\n }\n options.accept = AcceptHeaders[options.dataType];\n if (options.dataType !== \"*\") {\n options.accept += \", */*; q=0.01\";\n }\n return options;\n };\n var createXHR = function(options, done) {\n const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;\n xhr.open(options.type, options.url, true);\n xhr.setRequestHeader(\"Accept\", options.accept);\n if (typeof options.data === \"string\") {\n xhr.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\", \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8\");\n }\n if (!options.crossDomain) {\n xhr.setRequestHeader(\"X-Requested-With\", \"XMLHttpRequest\");\n CSRFProtection(xhr);\n }\n xhr.withCredentials = !!options.withCredentials;\n xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {\n if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {\n return done(xhr);\n }\n };\n return xhr;\n };\n var processResponse = function(response, type) {\n if (typeof response === \"string\" && typeof type === \"string\") {\n if (type.match(/\\bjson\\b/)) {\n try {\n response = JSON.parse(response);\n } catch (error) {}\n } else if (type.match(/\\b(?:java|ecma)script\\b/)) {\n const script = document.createElement(\"script\");\n script.setAttribute(\"nonce\", cspNonce());\n script.text = response;\n document.head.appendChild(script).parentNode.removeChild(script);\n } else if (type.match(/\\b(xml|html|svg)\\b/)) {\n const parser = new DOMParser;\n type = type.replace(/;.+/, \"\");\n try {\n response = parser.parseFromString(response, type);\n } catch (error1) {}\n }\n }\n return response;\n };\n const href = element => element.href;\n const isCrossDomain = function(url) {\n const originAnchor = document.createElement(\"a\");\n originAnchor.href = location.href;\n const urlAnchor = document.createElement(\"a\");\n try {\n urlAnchor.href = url;\n return !((!urlAnchor.protocol || urlAnchor.protocol === \":\") && !urlAnchor.host || originAnchor.protocol + \"//\" + originAnchor.host === urlAnchor.protocol + \"//\" + urlAnchor.host);\n } catch (e) {\n return true;\n }\n };\n let preventDefault;\n let {CustomEvent: CustomEvent} = window;\n if (typeof CustomEvent !== \"function\") {\n CustomEvent = function(event, params) {\n const evt = document.createEvent(\"CustomEvent\");\n evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail);\n return evt;\n };\n CustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype;\n ({preventDefault: preventDefault} = CustomEvent.prototype);\n CustomEvent.prototype.preventDefault = function() {\n const result = preventDefault.call(this);\n if (this.cancelable && !this.defaultPrevented) {\n Object.defineProperty(this, \"defaultPrevented\", {\n get() {\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n return result;\n };\n }\n const fire = (obj, name, data) => {\n const event = new CustomEvent(name, {\n bubbles: true,\n cancelable: true,\n detail: data\n });\n obj.dispatchEvent(event);\n return !event.defaultPrevented;\n };\n const stopEverything = e => {\n fire(e.target, \"ujs:everythingStopped\");\n e.preventDefault();\n e.stopPropagation();\n e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n };\n const delegate = (element, selector, eventType, handler) => element.addEventListener(eventType, (function(e) {\n let {target: target} = e;\n while (!!(target instanceof Element) && !matches(target, selector)) {\n target = target.parentNode;\n }\n if (target instanceof Element && handler.call(target, e) === false) {\n e.preventDefault();\n e.stopPropagation();\n }\n }));\n const toArray = e => Array.prototype.slice.call(e);\n const serializeElement = (element, additionalParam) => {\n let inputs = [ element ];\n if (matches(element, \"form\")) {\n inputs = toArray(element.elements);\n }\n const params = [];\n inputs.forEach((function(input) {\n if (!input.name || input.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n if (matches(input, \"fieldset[disabled] *\")) {\n return;\n }\n if (matches(input, \"select\")) {\n toArray(input.options).forEach((function(option) {\n if (option.selected) {\n params.push({\n name: input.name,\n value: option.value\n });\n }\n }));\n } else if (input.checked || [ \"radio\", \"checkbox\", \"submit\" ].indexOf(input.type) === -1) {\n params.push({\n name: input.name,\n value: input.value\n });\n }\n }));\n if (additionalParam) {\n params.push(additionalParam);\n }\n return params.map((function(param) {\n if (param.name) {\n return `${encodeURIComponent(param.name)}=${encodeURIComponent(param.value)}`;\n } else {\n return param;\n }\n })).join(\"&\");\n };\n const formElements = (form, selector) => {\n if (matches(form, \"form\")) {\n return toArray(form.elements).filter((el => matches(el, selector)));\n } else {\n return toArray(form.querySelectorAll(selector));\n }\n };\n const handleConfirmWithRails = rails => function(e) {\n if (!allowAction(this, rails)) {\n stopEverything(e);\n }\n };\n const confirm = (message, element) => window.confirm(message);\n var allowAction = function(element, rails) {\n let callback;\n const message = element.getAttribute(\"data-confirm\");\n if (!message) {\n return true;\n }\n let answer = false;\n if (fire(element, \"confirm\")) {\n try {\n answer = rails.confirm(message, element);\n } catch (error) {}\n callback = fire(element, \"confirm:complete\", [ answer ]);\n }\n return answer && callback;\n };\n const handleDisabledElement = function(e) {\n const element = this;\n if (element.disabled) {\n stopEverything(e);\n }\n };\n const enableElement = e => {\n let element;\n if (e instanceof Event) {\n if (isXhrRedirect(e)) {\n return;\n }\n element = e.target;\n } else {\n element = e;\n }\n if (isContentEditable(element)) {\n return;\n }\n if (matches(element, linkDisableSelector)) {\n return enableLinkElement(element);\n } else if (matches(element, buttonDisableSelector) || matches(element, formEnableSelector)) {\n return enableFormElement(element);\n } else if (matches(element, formSubmitSelector)) {\n return enableFormElements(element);\n }\n };\n const disableElement = e => {\n const element = e instanceof Event ? e.target : e;\n if (isContentEditable(element)) {\n return;\n }\n if (matches(element, linkDisableSelector)) {\n return disableLinkElement(element);\n } else if (matches(element, buttonDisableSelector) || matches(element, formDisableSelector)) {\n return disableFormElement(element);\n } else if (matches(element, formSubmitSelector)) {\n return disableFormElements(element);\n }\n };\n var disableLinkElement = function(element) {\n if (getData(element, \"ujs:disabled\")) {\n return;\n }\n const replacement = element.getAttribute(\"data-disable-with\");\n if (replacement != null) {\n setData(element, \"ujs:enable-with\", element.innerHTML);\n element.innerHTML = replacement;\n }\n element.addEventListener(\"click\", stopEverything);\n return setData(element, \"ujs:disabled\", true);\n };\n var enableLinkElement = function(element) {\n const originalText = getData(element, \"ujs:enable-with\");\n if (originalText != null) {\n element.innerHTML = originalText;\n setData(element, \"ujs:enable-with\", null);\n }\n element.removeEventListener(\"click\", stopEverything);\n return setData(element, \"ujs:disabled\", null);\n };\n var disableFormElements = form => formElements(form, formDisableSelector).forEach(disableFormElement);\n var disableFormElement = function(element) {\n if (getData(element, \"ujs:disabled\")) {\n return;\n }\n const replacement = element.getAttribute(\"data-disable-with\");\n if (replacement != null) {\n if (matches(element, \"button\")) {\n setData(element, \"ujs:enable-with\", element.innerHTML);\n element.innerHTML = replacement;\n } else {\n setData(element, \"ujs:enable-with\", element.value);\n element.value = replacement;\n }\n }\n element.disabled = true;\n return setData(element, \"ujs:disabled\", true);\n };\n var enableFormElements = form => formElements(form, formEnableSelector).forEach((element => enableFormElement(element)));\n var enableFormElement = function(element) {\n const originalText = getData(element, \"ujs:enable-with\");\n if (originalText != null) {\n if (matches(element, \"button\")) {\n element.innerHTML = originalText;\n } else {\n element.value = originalText;\n }\n setData(element, \"ujs:enable-with\", null);\n }\n element.disabled = false;\n return setData(element, \"ujs:disabled\", null);\n };\n var isXhrRedirect = function(event) {\n const xhr = event.detail ? event.detail[0] : undefined;\n return xhr && xhr.getResponseHeader(\"X-Xhr-Redirect\");\n };\n const handleMethodWithRails = rails => function(e) {\n const link = this;\n const method = link.getAttribute(\"data-method\");\n if (!method) {\n return;\n }\n if (isContentEditable(this)) {\n return;\n }\n const href = rails.href(link);\n const csrfToken$1 = csrfToken();\n const csrfParam$1 = csrfParam();\n const form = document.createElement(\"form\");\n let formContent = ``;\n if (csrfParam$1 && csrfToken$1 && !isCrossDomain(href)) {\n formContent += ``;\n }\n formContent += '';\n form.method = \"post\";\n form.action = href;\n form.target = link.target;\n form.innerHTML = formContent;\n form.style.display = \"none\";\n document.body.appendChild(form);\n form.querySelector('[type=\"submit\"]').click();\n stopEverything(e);\n };\n const isRemote = function(element) {\n const value = element.getAttribute(\"data-remote\");\n return value != null && value !== \"false\";\n };\n const handleRemoteWithRails = rails => function(e) {\n let data, method, url;\n const element = this;\n if (!isRemote(element)) {\n return true;\n }\n if (!fire(element, \"ajax:before\")) {\n fire(element, \"ajax:stopped\");\n return false;\n }\n if (isContentEditable(element)) {\n fire(element, \"ajax:stopped\");\n return false;\n }\n const withCredentials = element.getAttribute(\"data-with-credentials\");\n const dataType = element.getAttribute(\"data-type\") || \"script\";\n if (matches(element, formSubmitSelector)) {\n const button = getData(element, \"ujs:submit-button\");\n method = getData(element, \"ujs:submit-button-formmethod\") || element.getAttribute(\"method\") || \"get\";\n url = getData(element, \"ujs:submit-button-formaction\") || element.getAttribute(\"action\") || location.href;\n if (method.toUpperCase() === \"GET\") {\n url = url.replace(/\\?.*$/, \"\");\n }\n if (element.enctype === \"multipart/form-data\") {\n data = new FormData(element);\n if (button != null) {\n data.append(button.name, button.value);\n }\n } else {\n data = serializeElement(element, button);\n }\n setData(element, \"ujs:submit-button\", null);\n setData(element, \"ujs:submit-button-formmethod\", null);\n setData(element, \"ujs:submit-button-formaction\", null);\n } else if (matches(element, buttonClickSelector) || matches(element, inputChangeSelector)) {\n method = element.getAttribute(\"data-method\");\n url = element.getAttribute(\"data-url\");\n data = serializeElement(element, element.getAttribute(\"data-params\"));\n } else {\n method = element.getAttribute(\"data-method\");\n url = rails.href(element);\n data = element.getAttribute(\"data-params\");\n }\n ajax({\n type: method || \"GET\",\n url: url,\n data: data,\n dataType: dataType,\n beforeSend(xhr, options) {\n if (fire(element, \"ajax:beforeSend\", [ xhr, options ])) {\n return fire(element, \"ajax:send\", [ xhr ]);\n } else {\n fire(element, \"ajax:stopped\");\n return false;\n }\n },\n success(...args) {\n return fire(element, \"ajax:success\", args);\n },\n error(...args) {\n return fire(element, \"ajax:error\", args);\n },\n complete(...args) {\n return fire(element, \"ajax:complete\", args);\n },\n crossDomain: isCrossDomain(url),\n withCredentials: withCredentials != null && withCredentials !== \"false\"\n });\n stopEverything(e);\n };\n const formSubmitButtonClick = function(e) {\n const button = this;\n const {form: form} = button;\n if (!form) {\n return;\n }\n if (button.name) {\n setData(form, \"ujs:submit-button\", {\n name: button.name,\n value: button.value\n });\n }\n setData(form, \"ujs:formnovalidate-button\", button.formNoValidate);\n setData(form, \"ujs:submit-button-formaction\", button.getAttribute(\"formaction\"));\n return setData(form, \"ujs:submit-button-formmethod\", button.getAttribute(\"formmethod\"));\n };\n const preventInsignificantClick = function(e) {\n const link = this;\n const method = (link.getAttribute(\"data-method\") || \"GET\").toUpperCase();\n const data = link.getAttribute(\"data-params\");\n const metaClick = e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey;\n const insignificantMetaClick = metaClick && method === \"GET\" && !data;\n const nonPrimaryMouseClick = e.button != null && e.button !== 0;\n if (nonPrimaryMouseClick || insignificantMetaClick) {\n e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n }\n };\n const Rails = {\n $: $,\n ajax: ajax,\n buttonClickSelector: buttonClickSelector,\n buttonDisableSelector: buttonDisableSelector,\n confirm: confirm,\n cspNonce: cspNonce,\n csrfToken: csrfToken,\n csrfParam: csrfParam,\n CSRFProtection: CSRFProtection,\n delegate: delegate,\n disableElement: disableElement,\n enableElement: enableElement,\n fileInputSelector: fileInputSelector,\n fire: fire,\n formElements: formElements,\n formEnableSelector: formEnableSelector,\n formDisableSelector: formDisableSelector,\n formInputClickSelector: formInputClickSelector,\n formSubmitButtonClick: formSubmitButtonClick,\n formSubmitSelector: formSubmitSelector,\n getData: getData,\n handleDisabledElement: handleDisabledElement,\n href: href,\n inputChangeSelector: inputChangeSelector,\n isCrossDomain: isCrossDomain,\n linkClickSelector: linkClickSelector,\n linkDisableSelector: linkDisableSelector,\n loadCSPNonce: loadCSPNonce,\n matches: matches,\n preventInsignificantClick: preventInsignificantClick,\n refreshCSRFTokens: refreshCSRFTokens,\n serializeElement: serializeElement,\n setData: setData,\n stopEverything: stopEverything\n };\n const handleConfirm = handleConfirmWithRails(Rails);\n Rails.handleConfirm = handleConfirm;\n const handleMethod = handleMethodWithRails(Rails);\n Rails.handleMethod = handleMethod;\n const handleRemote = handleRemoteWithRails(Rails);\n Rails.handleRemote = handleRemote;\n const start = function() {\n if (window._rails_loaded) {\n throw new Error(\"rails-ujs has already been loaded!\");\n }\n window.addEventListener(\"pageshow\", (function() {\n $(formEnableSelector).forEach((function(el) {\n if (getData(el, \"ujs:disabled\")) {\n enableElement(el);\n }\n }));\n $(linkDisableSelector).forEach((function(el) {\n if (getData(el, \"ujs:disabled\")) {\n enableElement(el);\n }\n }));\n }));\n delegate(document, linkDisableSelector, \"ajax:complete\", enableElement);\n delegate(document, linkDisableSelector, \"ajax:stopped\", enableElement);\n delegate(document, buttonDisableSelector, \"ajax:complete\", enableElement);\n delegate(document, buttonDisableSelector, \"ajax:stopped\", enableElement);\n delegate(document, linkClickSelector, \"click\", preventInsignificantClick);\n delegate(document, linkClickSelector, \"click\", handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, linkClickSelector, \"click\", handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, linkClickSelector, \"click\", disableElement);\n delegate(document, linkClickSelector, \"click\", handleRemote);\n delegate(document, linkClickSelector, \"click\", handleMethod);\n delegate(document, buttonClickSelector, \"click\", preventInsignificantClick);\n delegate(document, buttonClickSelector, \"click\", handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, buttonClickSelector, \"click\", handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, buttonClickSelector, \"click\", disableElement);\n delegate(document, buttonClickSelector, \"click\", handleRemote);\n delegate(document, inputChangeSelector, \"change\", handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, inputChangeSelector, \"change\", handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, inputChangeSelector, \"change\", handleRemote);\n delegate(document, formSubmitSelector, \"submit\", handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, formSubmitSelector, \"submit\", handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, formSubmitSelector, \"submit\", handleRemote);\n delegate(document, formSubmitSelector, \"submit\", (e => setTimeout((() => disableElement(e)), 13)));\n delegate(document, formSubmitSelector, \"ajax:send\", disableElement);\n delegate(document, formSubmitSelector, \"ajax:complete\", enableElement);\n delegate(document, formInputClickSelector, \"click\", preventInsignificantClick);\n delegate(document, formInputClickSelector, \"click\", handleDisabledElement);\n delegate(document, formInputClickSelector, \"click\", handleConfirm);\n delegate(document, formInputClickSelector, \"click\", formSubmitButtonClick);\n document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", refreshCSRFTokens);\n document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", loadCSPNonce);\n return window._rails_loaded = true;\n };\n Rails.start = start;\n if (typeof jQuery !== \"undefined\" && jQuery && jQuery.ajax) {\n if (jQuery.rails) {\n throw new Error(\"If you load both jquery_ujs and rails-ujs, use rails-ujs only.\");\n }\n jQuery.rails = Rails;\n jQuery.ajaxPrefilter((function(options, originalOptions, xhr) {\n if (!options.crossDomain) {\n return CSRFProtection(xhr);\n }\n }));\n }\n if (typeof exports !== \"object\" && typeof module === \"undefined\") {\n window.Rails = Rails;\n if (fire(document, \"rails:attachBindings\")) {\n start();\n }\n }\n return Rails;\n}));\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap dom/data.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\n/**\n * Constants\n */\n\nconst elementMap = new Map()\n\nexport default {\n set(element, key, instance) {\n if (!elementMap.has(element)) {\n elementMap.set(element, new Map())\n }\n\n const instanceMap = elementMap.get(element)\n\n // make it clear we only want one instance per element\n // can be removed later when multiple key/instances are fine to be used\n if (!instanceMap.has(key) && instanceMap.size !== 0) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n console.error(`Bootstrap doesn't allow more than one instance per element. Bound instance: ${Array.from(instanceMap.keys())[0]}.`)\n return\n }\n\n instanceMap.set(key, instance)\n },\n\n get(element, key) {\n if (elementMap.has(element)) {\n return elementMap.get(element).get(key) || null\n }\n\n return null\n },\n\n remove(element, key) {\n if (!elementMap.has(element)) {\n return\n }\n\n const instanceMap = elementMap.get(element)\n\n instanceMap.delete(key)\n\n // free up element references if there are no instances left for an element\n if (instanceMap.size === 0) {\n elementMap.delete(element)\n }\n }\n}\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap util/index.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nconst MAX_UID = 1_000_000\nconst MILLISECONDS_MULTIPLIER = 1000\nconst TRANSITION_END = 'transitionend'\n\n/**\n * Properly escape IDs selectors to handle weird IDs\n * @param {string} selector\n * @returns {string}\n */\nconst parseSelector = selector => {\n if (selector && window.CSS && window.CSS.escape) {\n // document.querySelector needs escaping to handle IDs (html5+) containing for instance /\n selector = selector.replace(/#([^\\s\"#']+)/g, (match, id) => `#${CSS.escape(id)}`)\n }\n\n return selector\n}\n\n// Shout-out Angus Croll (https://goo.gl/pxwQGp)\nconst toType = object => {\n if (object === null || object === undefined) {\n return `${object}`\n }\n\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(object).match(/\\s([a-z]+)/i)[1].toLowerCase()\n}\n\n/**\n * Public Util API\n */\n\nconst getUID = prefix => {\n do {\n prefix += Math.floor(Math.random() * MAX_UID)\n } while (document.getElementById(prefix))\n\n return prefix\n}\n\nconst getTransitionDurationFromElement = element => {\n if (!element) {\n return 0\n }\n\n // Get transition-duration of the element\n let { transitionDuration, transitionDelay } = window.getComputedStyle(element)\n\n const floatTransitionDuration = Number.parseFloat(transitionDuration)\n const floatTransitionDelay = Number.parseFloat(transitionDelay)\n\n // Return 0 if element or transition duration is not found\n if (!floatTransitionDuration && !floatTransitionDelay) {\n return 0\n }\n\n // If multiple durations are defined, take the first\n transitionDuration = transitionDuration.split(',')[0]\n transitionDelay = transitionDelay.split(',')[0]\n\n return (Number.parseFloat(transitionDuration) + Number.parseFloat(transitionDelay)) * MILLISECONDS_MULTIPLIER\n}\n\nconst triggerTransitionEnd = element => {\n element.dispatchEvent(new Event(TRANSITION_END))\n}\n\nconst isElement = object => {\n if (!object || typeof object !== 'object') {\n return false\n }\n\n if (typeof object.jquery !== 'undefined') {\n object = object[0]\n }\n\n return typeof object.nodeType !== 'undefined'\n}\n\nconst getElement = object => {\n // it's a jQuery object or a node element\n if (isElement(object)) {\n return object.jquery ? object[0] : object\n }\n\n if (typeof object === 'string' && object.length > 0) {\n return document.querySelector(parseSelector(object))\n }\n\n return null\n}\n\nconst isVisible = element => {\n if (!isElement(element) || element.getClientRects().length === 0) {\n return false\n }\n\n const elementIsVisible = getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('visibility') === 'visible'\n // Handle `details` element as its content may falsie appear visible when it is closed\n const closedDetails = element.closest('details:not([open])')\n\n if (!closedDetails) {\n return elementIsVisible\n }\n\n if (closedDetails !== element) {\n const summary = element.closest('summary')\n if (summary && summary.parentNode !== closedDetails) {\n return false\n }\n\n if (summary === null) {\n return false\n }\n }\n\n return elementIsVisible\n}\n\nconst isDisabled = element => {\n if (!element || element.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n return true\n }\n\n if (element.classList.contains('disabled')) {\n return true\n }\n\n if (typeof element.disabled !== 'undefined') {\n return element.disabled\n }\n\n return element.hasAttribute('disabled') && element.getAttribute('disabled') !== 'false'\n}\n\nconst findShadowRoot = element => {\n if (!document.documentElement.attachShadow) {\n return null\n }\n\n // Can find the shadow root otherwise it'll return the document\n if (typeof element.getRootNode === 'function') {\n const root = element.getRootNode()\n return root instanceof ShadowRoot ? root : null\n }\n\n if (element instanceof ShadowRoot) {\n return element\n }\n\n // when we don't find a shadow root\n if (!element.parentNode) {\n return null\n }\n\n return findShadowRoot(element.parentNode)\n}\n\nconst noop = () => {}\n\n/**\n * Trick to restart an element's animation\n *\n * @param {HTMLElement} element\n * @return void\n *\n * @see https://www.charistheo.io/blog/2021/02/restart-a-css-animation-with-javascript/#restarting-a-css-animation\n */\nconst reflow = element => {\n element.offsetHeight // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions\n}\n\nconst getjQuery = () => {\n if (window.jQuery && !document.body.hasAttribute('data-bs-no-jquery')) {\n return window.jQuery\n }\n\n return null\n}\n\nconst DOMContentLoadedCallbacks = []\n\nconst onDOMContentLoaded = callback => {\n if (document.readyState === 'loading') {\n // add listener on the first call when the document is in loading state\n if (!DOMContentLoadedCallbacks.length) {\n document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {\n for (const callback of DOMContentLoadedCallbacks) {\n callback()\n }\n })\n }\n\n DOMContentLoadedCallbacks.push(callback)\n } else {\n callback()\n }\n}\n\nconst isRTL = () => document.documentElement.dir === 'rtl'\n\nconst defineJQueryPlugin = plugin => {\n onDOMContentLoaded(() => {\n const $ = getjQuery()\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if ($) {\n const name = plugin.NAME\n const JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT = $.fn[name]\n $.fn[name] = plugin.jQueryInterface\n $.fn[name].Constructor = plugin\n $.fn[name].noConflict = () => {\n $.fn[name] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT\n return plugin.jQueryInterface\n }\n }\n })\n}\n\nconst execute = (possibleCallback, args = [], defaultValue = possibleCallback) => {\n return typeof possibleCallback === 'function' ? possibleCallback(...args) : defaultValue\n}\n\nconst executeAfterTransition = (callback, transitionElement, waitForTransition = true) => {\n if (!waitForTransition) {\n execute(callback)\n return\n }\n\n const durationPadding = 5\n const emulatedDuration = getTransitionDurationFromElement(transitionElement) + durationPadding\n\n let called = false\n\n const handler = ({ target }) => {\n if (target !== transitionElement) {\n return\n }\n\n called = true\n transitionElement.removeEventListener(TRANSITION_END, handler)\n execute(callback)\n }\n\n transitionElement.addEventListener(TRANSITION_END, handler)\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (!called) {\n triggerTransitionEnd(transitionElement)\n }\n }, emulatedDuration)\n}\n\n/**\n * Return the previous/next element of a list.\n *\n * @param {array} list The list of elements\n * @param activeElement The active element\n * @param shouldGetNext Choose to get next or previous element\n * @param isCycleAllowed\n * @return {Element|elem} The proper element\n */\nconst getNextActiveElement = (list, activeElement, shouldGetNext, isCycleAllowed) => {\n const listLength = list.length\n let index = list.indexOf(activeElement)\n\n // if the element does not exist in the list return an element\n // depending on the direction and if cycle is allowed\n if (index === -1) {\n return !shouldGetNext && isCycleAllowed ? list[listLength - 1] : list[0]\n }\n\n index += shouldGetNext ? 1 : -1\n\n if (isCycleAllowed) {\n index = (index + listLength) % listLength\n }\n\n return list[Math.max(0, Math.min(index, listLength - 1))]\n}\n\nexport {\n defineJQueryPlugin,\n execute,\n executeAfterTransition,\n findShadowRoot,\n getElement,\n getjQuery,\n getNextActiveElement,\n getTransitionDurationFromElement,\n getUID,\n isDisabled,\n isElement,\n isRTL,\n isVisible,\n noop,\n onDOMContentLoaded,\n parseSelector,\n reflow,\n triggerTransitionEnd,\n toType\n}\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap dom/event-handler.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nimport { getjQuery } from '../util/index.js'\n\n/**\n * Constants\n */\n\nconst namespaceRegex = /[^.]*(?=\\..*)\\.|.*/\nconst stripNameRegex = /\\..*/\nconst stripUidRegex = /::\\d+$/\nconst eventRegistry = {} // Events storage\nlet uidEvent = 1\nconst customEvents = {\n mouseenter: 'mouseover',\n mouseleave: 'mouseout'\n}\n\nconst nativeEvents = new Set([\n 'click',\n 'dblclick',\n 'mouseup',\n 'mousedown',\n 'contextmenu',\n 'mousewheel',\n 'DOMMouseScroll',\n 'mouseover',\n 'mouseout',\n 'mousemove',\n 'selectstart',\n 'selectend',\n 'keydown',\n 'keypress',\n 'keyup',\n 'orientationchange',\n 'touchstart',\n 'touchmove',\n 'touchend',\n 'touchcancel',\n 'pointerdown',\n 'pointermove',\n 'pointerup',\n 'pointerleave',\n 'pointercancel',\n 'gesturestart',\n 'gesturechange',\n 'gestureend',\n 'focus',\n 'blur',\n 'change',\n 'reset',\n 'select',\n 'submit',\n 'focusin',\n 'focusout',\n 'load',\n 'unload',\n 'beforeunload',\n 'resize',\n 'move',\n 'DOMContentLoaded',\n 'readystatechange',\n 'error',\n 'abort',\n 'scroll'\n])\n\n/**\n * Private methods\n */\n\nfunction makeEventUid(element, uid) {\n return (uid && `${uid}::${uidEvent++}`) || element.uidEvent || uidEvent++\n}\n\nfunction getElementEvents(element) {\n const uid = makeEventUid(element)\n\n element.uidEvent = uid\n eventRegistry[uid] = eventRegistry[uid] || {}\n\n return eventRegistry[uid]\n}\n\nfunction bootstrapHandler(element, fn) {\n return function handler(event) {\n hydrateObj(event, { delegateTarget: element })\n\n if (handler.oneOff) {\n EventHandler.off(element, event.type, fn)\n }\n\n return fn.apply(element, [event])\n }\n}\n\nfunction bootstrapDelegationHandler(element, selector, fn) {\n return function handler(event) {\n const domElements = element.querySelectorAll(selector)\n\n for (let { target } = event; target && target !== this; target = target.parentNode) {\n for (const domElement of domElements) {\n if (domElement !== target) {\n continue\n }\n\n hydrateObj(event, { delegateTarget: target })\n\n if (handler.oneOff) {\n EventHandler.off(element, event.type, selector, fn)\n }\n\n return fn.apply(target, [event])\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction findHandler(events, callable, delegationSelector = null) {\n return Object.values(events)\n .find(event => event.callable === callable && event.delegationSelector === delegationSelector)\n}\n\nfunction normalizeParameters(originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction) {\n const isDelegated = typeof handler === 'string'\n // TODO: tooltip passes `false` instead of selector, so we need to check\n const callable = isDelegated ? delegationFunction : (handler || delegationFunction)\n let typeEvent = getTypeEvent(originalTypeEvent)\n\n if (!nativeEvents.has(typeEvent)) {\n typeEvent = originalTypeEvent\n }\n\n return [isDelegated, callable, typeEvent]\n}\n\nfunction addHandler(element, originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction, oneOff) {\n if (typeof originalTypeEvent !== 'string' || !element) {\n return\n }\n\n let [isDelegated, callable, typeEvent] = normalizeParameters(originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction)\n\n // in case of mouseenter or mouseleave wrap the handler within a function that checks for its DOM position\n // this prevents the handler from being dispatched the same way as mouseover or mouseout does\n if (originalTypeEvent in customEvents) {\n const wrapFunction = fn => {\n return function (event) {\n if (!event.relatedTarget || (event.relatedTarget !== event.delegateTarget && !event.delegateTarget.contains(event.relatedTarget))) {\n return fn.call(this, event)\n }\n }\n }\n\n callable = wrapFunction(callable)\n }\n\n const events = getElementEvents(element)\n const handlers = events[typeEvent] || (events[typeEvent] = {})\n const previousFunction = findHandler(handlers, callable, isDelegated ? handler : null)\n\n if (previousFunction) {\n previousFunction.oneOff = previousFunction.oneOff && oneOff\n\n return\n }\n\n const uid = makeEventUid(callable, originalTypeEvent.replace(namespaceRegex, ''))\n const fn = isDelegated ?\n bootstrapDelegationHandler(element, handler, callable) :\n bootstrapHandler(element, callable)\n\n fn.delegationSelector = isDelegated ? handler : null\n fn.callable = callable\n fn.oneOff = oneOff\n fn.uidEvent = uid\n handlers[uid] = fn\n\n element.addEventListener(typeEvent, fn, isDelegated)\n}\n\nfunction removeHandler(element, events, typeEvent, handler, delegationSelector) {\n const fn = findHandler(events[typeEvent], handler, delegationSelector)\n\n if (!fn) {\n return\n }\n\n element.removeEventListener(typeEvent, fn, Boolean(delegationSelector))\n delete events[typeEvent][fn.uidEvent]\n}\n\nfunction removeNamespacedHandlers(element, events, typeEvent, namespace) {\n const storeElementEvent = events[typeEvent] || {}\n\n for (const [handlerKey, event] of Object.entries(storeElementEvent)) {\n if (handlerKey.includes(namespace)) {\n removeHandler(element, events, typeEvent, event.callable, event.delegationSelector)\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction getTypeEvent(event) {\n // allow to get the native events from namespaced events ('click.bs.button' --> 'click')\n event = event.replace(stripNameRegex, '')\n return customEvents[event] || event\n}\n\nconst EventHandler = {\n on(element, event, handler, delegationFunction) {\n addHandler(element, event, handler, delegationFunction, false)\n },\n\n one(element, event, handler, delegationFunction) {\n addHandler(element, event, handler, delegationFunction, true)\n },\n\n off(element, originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction) {\n if (typeof originalTypeEvent !== 'string' || !element) {\n return\n }\n\n const [isDelegated, callable, typeEvent] = normalizeParameters(originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction)\n const inNamespace = typeEvent !== originalTypeEvent\n const events = getElementEvents(element)\n const storeElementEvent = events[typeEvent] || {}\n const isNamespace = originalTypeEvent.startsWith('.')\n\n if (typeof callable !== 'undefined') {\n // Simplest case: handler is passed, remove that listener ONLY.\n if (!Object.keys(storeElementEvent).length) {\n return\n }\n\n removeHandler(element, events, typeEvent, callable, isDelegated ? handler : null)\n return\n }\n\n if (isNamespace) {\n for (const elementEvent of Object.keys(events)) {\n removeNamespacedHandlers(element, events, elementEvent, originalTypeEvent.slice(1))\n }\n }\n\n for (const [keyHandlers, event] of Object.entries(storeElementEvent)) {\n const handlerKey = keyHandlers.replace(stripUidRegex, '')\n\n if (!inNamespace || originalTypeEvent.includes(handlerKey)) {\n removeHandler(element, events, typeEvent, event.callable, event.delegationSelector)\n }\n }\n },\n\n trigger(element, event, args) {\n if (typeof event !== 'string' || !element) {\n return null\n }\n\n const $ = getjQuery()\n const typeEvent = getTypeEvent(event)\n const inNamespace = event !== typeEvent\n\n let jQueryEvent = null\n let bubbles = true\n let nativeDispatch = true\n let defaultPrevented = false\n\n if (inNamespace && $) {\n jQueryEvent = $.Event(event, args)\n\n $(element).trigger(jQueryEvent)\n bubbles = !jQueryEvent.isPropagationStopped()\n nativeDispatch = !jQueryEvent.isImmediatePropagationStopped()\n defaultPrevented = jQueryEvent.isDefaultPrevented()\n }\n\n const evt = hydrateObj(new Event(event, { bubbles, cancelable: true }), args)\n\n if (defaultPrevented) {\n evt.preventDefault()\n }\n\n if (nativeDispatch) {\n element.dispatchEvent(evt)\n }\n\n if (evt.defaultPrevented && jQueryEvent) {\n jQueryEvent.preventDefault()\n }\n\n return evt\n }\n}\n\nfunction hydrateObj(obj, meta = {}) {\n for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(meta)) {\n try {\n obj[key] = value\n } catch {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n configurable: true,\n get() {\n return value\n }\n })\n }\n }\n\n return obj\n}\n\nexport default EventHandler\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap dom/manipulator.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nfunction normalizeData(value) {\n if (value === 'true') {\n return true\n }\n\n if (value === 'false') {\n return false\n }\n\n if (value === Number(value).toString()) {\n return Number(value)\n }\n\n if (value === '' || value === 'null') {\n return null\n }\n\n if (typeof value !== 'string') {\n return value\n }\n\n try {\n return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(value))\n } catch {\n return value\n }\n}\n\nfunction normalizeDataKey(key) {\n return key.replace(/[A-Z]/g, chr => `-${chr.toLowerCase()}`)\n}\n\nconst Manipulator = {\n setDataAttribute(element, key, value) {\n element.setAttribute(`data-bs-${normalizeDataKey(key)}`, value)\n },\n\n removeDataAttribute(element, key) {\n element.removeAttribute(`data-bs-${normalizeDataKey(key)}`)\n },\n\n getDataAttributes(element) {\n if (!element) {\n return {}\n }\n\n const attributes = {}\n const bsKeys = Object.keys(element.dataset).filter(key => key.startsWith('bs') && !key.startsWith('bsConfig'))\n\n for (const key of bsKeys) {\n let pureKey = key.replace(/^bs/, '')\n pureKey = pureKey.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + pureKey.slice(1, pureKey.length)\n attributes[pureKey] = normalizeData(element.dataset[key])\n }\n\n return attributes\n },\n\n getDataAttribute(element, key) {\n return normalizeData(element.getAttribute(`data-bs-${normalizeDataKey(key)}`))\n }\n}\n\nexport default Manipulator\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap util/config.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nimport Manipulator from '../dom/manipulator.js'\nimport { isElement, toType } from './index.js'\n\n/**\n * Class definition\n */\n\nclass Config {\n // Getters\n static get Default() {\n return {}\n }\n\n static get DefaultType() {\n return {}\n }\n\n static get NAME() {\n throw new Error('You have to implement the static method \"NAME\", for each component!')\n }\n\n _getConfig(config) {\n config = this._mergeConfigObj(config)\n config = this._configAfterMerge(config)\n this._typeCheckConfig(config)\n return config\n }\n\n _configAfterMerge(config) {\n return config\n }\n\n _mergeConfigObj(config, element) {\n const jsonConfig = isElement(element) ? Manipulator.getDataAttribute(element, 'config') : {} // try to parse\n\n return {\n ...this.constructor.Default,\n ...(typeof jsonConfig === 'object' ? jsonConfig : {}),\n ...(isElement(element) ? Manipulator.getDataAttributes(element) : {}),\n ...(typeof config === 'object' ? config : {})\n }\n }\n\n _typeCheckConfig(config, configTypes = this.constructor.DefaultType) {\n for (const [property, expectedTypes] of Object.entries(configTypes)) {\n const value = config[property]\n const valueType = isElement(value) ? 'element' : toType(value)\n\n if (!new RegExp(expectedTypes).test(valueType)) {\n throw new TypeError(\n `${this.constructor.NAME.toUpperCase()}: Option \"${property}\" provided type \"${valueType}\" but expected type \"${expectedTypes}\".`\n )\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport default Config\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap base-component.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nimport Data from './dom/data.js'\nimport EventHandler from './dom/event-handler.js'\nimport Config from './util/config.js'\nimport { executeAfterTransition, getElement } from './util/index.js'\n\n/**\n * Constants\n */\n\nconst VERSION = '5.3.3'\n\n/**\n * Class definition\n */\n\nclass BaseComponent extends Config {\n constructor(element, config) {\n super()\n\n element = getElement(element)\n if (!element) {\n return\n }\n\n this._element = element\n this._config = this._getConfig(config)\n\n Data.set(this._element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY, this)\n }\n\n // Public\n dispose() {\n Data.remove(this._element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY)\n EventHandler.off(this._element, this.constructor.EVENT_KEY)\n\n for (const propertyName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) {\n this[propertyName] = null\n }\n }\n\n _queueCallback(callback, element, isAnimated = true) {\n executeAfterTransition(callback, element, isAnimated)\n }\n\n _getConfig(config) {\n config = this._mergeConfigObj(config, this._element)\n config = this._configAfterMerge(config)\n this._typeCheckConfig(config)\n return config\n }\n\n // Static\n static getInstance(element) {\n return Data.get(getElement(element), this.DATA_KEY)\n }\n\n static getOrCreateInstance(element, config = {}) {\n return this.getInstance(element) || new this(element, typeof config === 'object' ? config : null)\n }\n\n static get VERSION() {\n return VERSION\n }\n\n static get DATA_KEY() {\n return `bs.${this.NAME}`\n }\n\n static get EVENT_KEY() {\n return `.${this.DATA_KEY}`\n }\n\n static eventName(name) {\n return `${name}${this.EVENT_KEY}`\n }\n}\n\nexport default BaseComponent\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap dom/selector-engine.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nimport { isDisabled, isVisible, parseSelector } from '../util/index.js'\n\nconst getSelector = element => {\n let selector = element.getAttribute('data-bs-target')\n\n if (!selector || selector === '#') {\n let hrefAttribute = element.getAttribute('href')\n\n // The only valid content that could double as a selector are IDs or classes,\n // so everything starting with `#` or `.`. If a \"real\" URL is used as the selector,\n // `document.querySelector` will rightfully complain it is invalid.\n // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/32273\n if (!hrefAttribute || (!hrefAttribute.includes('#') && !hrefAttribute.startsWith('.'))) {\n return null\n }\n\n // Just in case some CMS puts out a full URL with the anchor appended\n if (hrefAttribute.includes('#') && !hrefAttribute.startsWith('#')) {\n hrefAttribute = `#${hrefAttribute.split('#')[1]}`\n }\n\n selector = hrefAttribute && hrefAttribute !== '#' ? hrefAttribute.trim() : null\n }\n\n return selector ? selector.split(',').map(sel => parseSelector(sel)).join(',') : null\n}\n\nconst SelectorEngine = {\n find(selector, element = document.documentElement) {\n return [].concat(...Element.prototype.querySelectorAll.call(element, selector))\n },\n\n findOne(selector, element = document.documentElement) {\n return Element.prototype.querySelector.call(element, selector)\n },\n\n children(element, selector) {\n return [].concat(...element.children).filter(child => child.matches(selector))\n },\n\n parents(element, selector) {\n const parents = []\n let ancestor = element.parentNode.closest(selector)\n\n while (ancestor) {\n parents.push(ancestor)\n ancestor = ancestor.parentNode.closest(selector)\n }\n\n return parents\n },\n\n prev(element, selector) {\n let previous = element.previousElementSibling\n\n while (previous) {\n if (previous.matches(selector)) {\n return [previous]\n }\n\n previous = previous.previousElementSibling\n }\n\n return []\n },\n // TODO: this is now unused; remove later along with prev()\n next(element, selector) {\n let next = element.nextElementSibling\n\n while (next) {\n if (next.matches(selector)) {\n return [next]\n }\n\n next = next.nextElementSibling\n }\n\n return []\n },\n\n focusableChildren(element) {\n const focusables = [\n 'a',\n 'button',\n 'input',\n 'textarea',\n 'select',\n 'details',\n '[tabindex]',\n '[contenteditable=\"true\"]'\n ].map(selector => `${selector}:not([tabindex^=\"-\"])`).join(',')\n\n return this.find(focusables, element).filter(el => !isDisabled(el) && isVisible(el))\n },\n\n getSelectorFromElement(element) {\n const selector = getSelector(element)\n\n if (selector) {\n return SelectorEngine.findOne(selector) ? selector : null\n }\n\n return null\n },\n\n getElementFromSelector(element) {\n const selector = getSelector(element)\n\n return selector ? SelectorEngine.findOne(selector) : null\n },\n\n getMultipleElementsFromSelector(element) {\n const selector = getSelector(element)\n\n return selector ? SelectorEngine.find(selector) : []\n }\n}\n\nexport default SelectorEngine\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap util/backdrop.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nimport EventHandler from '../dom/event-handler.js'\nimport Config from './config.js'\nimport {\n execute, executeAfterTransition, getElement, reflow\n} from './index.js'\n\n/**\n * Constants\n */\n\nconst NAME = 'backdrop'\nconst CLASS_NAME_FADE = 'fade'\nconst CLASS_NAME_SHOW = 'show'\nconst EVENT_MOUSEDOWN = `mousedown.bs.${NAME}`\n\nconst Default = {\n className: 'modal-backdrop',\n clickCallback: null,\n isAnimated: false,\n isVisible: true, // if false, we use the backdrop helper without adding any element to the dom\n rootElement: 'body' // give the choice to place backdrop under different elements\n}\n\nconst DefaultType = {\n className: 'string',\n clickCallback: '(function|null)',\n isAnimated: 'boolean',\n isVisible: 'boolean',\n rootElement: '(element|string)'\n}\n\n/**\n * Class definition\n */\n\nclass Backdrop extends Config {\n constructor(config) {\n super()\n this._config = this._getConfig(config)\n this._isAppended = false\n this._element = null\n }\n\n // Getters\n static get Default() {\n return Default\n }\n\n static get DefaultType() {\n return DefaultType\n }\n\n static get NAME() {\n return NAME\n }\n\n // Public\n show(callback) {\n if (!this._config.isVisible) {\n execute(callback)\n return\n }\n\n this._append()\n\n const element = this._getElement()\n if (this._config.isAnimated) {\n reflow(element)\n }\n\n element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW)\n\n this._emulateAnimation(() => {\n execute(callback)\n })\n }\n\n hide(callback) {\n if (!this._config.isVisible) {\n execute(callback)\n return\n }\n\n this._getElement().classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW)\n\n this._emulateAnimation(() => {\n this.dispose()\n execute(callback)\n })\n }\n\n dispose() {\n if (!this._isAppended) {\n return\n }\n\n EventHandler.off(this._element, EVENT_MOUSEDOWN)\n\n this._element.remove()\n this._isAppended = false\n }\n\n // Private\n _getElement() {\n if (!this._element) {\n const backdrop = document.createElement('div')\n backdrop.className = this._config.className\n if (this._config.isAnimated) {\n backdrop.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_FADE)\n }\n\n this._element = backdrop\n }\n\n return this._element\n }\n\n _configAfterMerge(config) {\n // use getElement() with the default \"body\" to get a fresh Element on each instantiation\n config.rootElement = getElement(config.rootElement)\n return config\n }\n\n _append() {\n if (this._isAppended) {\n return\n }\n\n const element = this._getElement()\n this._config.rootElement.append(element)\n\n EventHandler.on(element, EVENT_MOUSEDOWN, () => {\n execute(this._config.clickCallback)\n })\n\n this._isAppended = true\n }\n\n _emulateAnimation(callback) {\n executeAfterTransition(callback, this._getElement(), this._config.isAnimated)\n }\n}\n\nexport default Backdrop\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap util/component-functions.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nimport EventHandler from '../dom/event-handler.js'\nimport SelectorEngine from '../dom/selector-engine.js'\nimport { isDisabled } from './index.js'\n\nconst enableDismissTrigger = (component, method = 'hide') => {\n const clickEvent = `click.dismiss${component.EVENT_KEY}`\n const name = component.NAME\n\n EventHandler.on(document, clickEvent, `[data-bs-dismiss=\"${name}\"]`, function (event) {\n if (['A', 'AREA'].includes(this.tagName)) {\n event.preventDefault()\n }\n\n if (isDisabled(this)) {\n return\n }\n\n const target = SelectorEngine.getElementFromSelector(this) || this.closest(`.${name}`)\n const instance = component.getOrCreateInstance(target)\n\n // Method argument is left, for Alert and only, as it doesn't implement the 'hide' method\n instance[method]()\n })\n}\n\nexport {\n enableDismissTrigger\n}\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap util/focustrap.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nimport EventHandler from '../dom/event-handler.js'\nimport SelectorEngine from '../dom/selector-engine.js'\nimport Config from './config.js'\n\n/**\n * Constants\n */\n\nconst NAME = 'focustrap'\nconst DATA_KEY = 'bs.focustrap'\nconst EVENT_KEY = `.${DATA_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_FOCUSIN = `focusin${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_KEYDOWN_TAB = `keydown.tab${EVENT_KEY}`\n\nconst TAB_KEY = 'Tab'\nconst TAB_NAV_FORWARD = 'forward'\nconst TAB_NAV_BACKWARD = 'backward'\n\nconst Default = {\n autofocus: true,\n trapElement: null // The element to trap focus inside of\n}\n\nconst DefaultType = {\n autofocus: 'boolean',\n trapElement: 'element'\n}\n\n/**\n * Class definition\n */\n\nclass FocusTrap extends Config {\n constructor(config) {\n super()\n this._config = this._getConfig(config)\n this._isActive = false\n this._lastTabNavDirection = null\n }\n\n // Getters\n static get Default() {\n return Default\n }\n\n static get DefaultType() {\n return DefaultType\n }\n\n static get NAME() {\n return NAME\n }\n\n // Public\n activate() {\n if (this._isActive) {\n return\n }\n\n if (this._config.autofocus) {\n this._config.trapElement.focus()\n }\n\n EventHandler.off(document, EVENT_KEY) // guard against infinite focus loop\n EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_FOCUSIN, event => this._handleFocusin(event))\n EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_KEYDOWN_TAB, event => this._handleKeydown(event))\n\n this._isActive = true\n }\n\n deactivate() {\n if (!this._isActive) {\n return\n }\n\n this._isActive = false\n EventHandler.off(document, EVENT_KEY)\n }\n\n // Private\n _handleFocusin(event) {\n const { trapElement } = this._config\n\n if (event.target === document || event.target === trapElement || trapElement.contains(event.target)) {\n return\n }\n\n const elements = SelectorEngine.focusableChildren(trapElement)\n\n if (elements.length === 0) {\n trapElement.focus()\n } else if (this._lastTabNavDirection === TAB_NAV_BACKWARD) {\n elements[elements.length - 1].focus()\n } else {\n elements[0].focus()\n }\n }\n\n _handleKeydown(event) {\n if (event.key !== TAB_KEY) {\n return\n }\n\n this._lastTabNavDirection = event.shiftKey ? TAB_NAV_BACKWARD : TAB_NAV_FORWARD\n }\n}\n\nexport default FocusTrap\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap util/scrollBar.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nimport Manipulator from '../dom/manipulator.js'\nimport SelectorEngine from '../dom/selector-engine.js'\nimport { isElement } from './index.js'\n\n/**\n * Constants\n */\n\nconst SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT = '.fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top'\nconst SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT = '.sticky-top'\nconst PROPERTY_PADDING = 'padding-right'\nconst PROPERTY_MARGIN = 'margin-right'\n\n/**\n * Class definition\n */\n\nclass ScrollBarHelper {\n constructor() {\n this._element = document.body\n }\n\n // Public\n getWidth() {\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/innerWidth#usage_notes\n const documentWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth\n return Math.abs(window.innerWidth - documentWidth)\n }\n\n hide() {\n const width = this.getWidth()\n this._disableOverFlow()\n // give padding to element to balance the hidden scrollbar width\n this._setElementAttributes(this._element, PROPERTY_PADDING, calculatedValue => calculatedValue + width)\n // trick: We adjust positive paddingRight and negative marginRight to sticky-top elements to keep showing fullwidth\n this._setElementAttributes(SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT, PROPERTY_PADDING, calculatedValue => calculatedValue + width)\n this._setElementAttributes(SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT, PROPERTY_MARGIN, calculatedValue => calculatedValue - width)\n }\n\n reset() {\n this._resetElementAttributes(this._element, 'overflow')\n this._resetElementAttributes(this._element, PROPERTY_PADDING)\n this._resetElementAttributes(SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT, PROPERTY_PADDING)\n this._resetElementAttributes(SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT, PROPERTY_MARGIN)\n }\n\n isOverflowing() {\n return this.getWidth() > 0\n }\n\n // Private\n _disableOverFlow() {\n this._saveInitialAttribute(this._element, 'overflow')\n this._element.style.overflow = 'hidden'\n }\n\n _setElementAttributes(selector, styleProperty, callback) {\n const scrollbarWidth = this.getWidth()\n const manipulationCallBack = element => {\n if (element !== this._element && window.innerWidth > element.clientWidth + scrollbarWidth) {\n return\n }\n\n this._saveInitialAttribute(element, styleProperty)\n const calculatedValue = window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(styleProperty)\n element.style.setProperty(styleProperty, `${callback(Number.parseFloat(calculatedValue))}px`)\n }\n\n this._applyManipulationCallback(selector, manipulationCallBack)\n }\n\n _saveInitialAttribute(element, styleProperty) {\n const actualValue = element.style.getPropertyValue(styleProperty)\n if (actualValue) {\n Manipulator.setDataAttribute(element, styleProperty, actualValue)\n }\n }\n\n _resetElementAttributes(selector, styleProperty) {\n const manipulationCallBack = element => {\n const value = Manipulator.getDataAttribute(element, styleProperty)\n // We only want to remove the property if the value is `null`; the value can also be zero\n if (value === null) {\n element.style.removeProperty(styleProperty)\n return\n }\n\n Manipulator.removeDataAttribute(element, styleProperty)\n element.style.setProperty(styleProperty, value)\n }\n\n this._applyManipulationCallback(selector, manipulationCallBack)\n }\n\n _applyManipulationCallback(selector, callBack) {\n if (isElement(selector)) {\n callBack(selector)\n return\n }\n\n for (const sel of SelectorEngine.find(selector, this._element)) {\n callBack(sel)\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport default ScrollBarHelper\n", "/**\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Bootstrap modal.js\n * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)\n * --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n */\n\nimport BaseComponent from './base-component.js'\nimport EventHandler from './dom/event-handler.js'\nimport SelectorEngine from './dom/selector-engine.js'\nimport Backdrop from './util/backdrop.js'\nimport { enableDismissTrigger } from './util/component-functions.js'\nimport FocusTrap from './util/focustrap.js'\nimport {\n defineJQueryPlugin, isRTL, isVisible, reflow\n} from './util/index.js'\nimport ScrollBarHelper from './util/scrollbar.js'\n\n/**\n * Constants\n */\n\nconst NAME = 'modal'\nconst DATA_KEY = 'bs.modal'\nconst EVENT_KEY = `.${DATA_KEY}`\nconst DATA_API_KEY = '.data-api'\nconst ESCAPE_KEY = 'Escape'\n\nconst EVENT_HIDE = `hide${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED = `hidePrevented${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_HIDDEN = `hidden${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_SHOW = `show${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_SHOWN = `shown${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_RESIZE = `resize${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS = `click.dismiss${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS = `mousedown.dismiss${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS = `keydown.dismiss${EVENT_KEY}`\nconst EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API = `click${EVENT_KEY}${DATA_API_KEY}`\n\nconst CLASS_NAME_OPEN = 'modal-open'\nconst CLASS_NAME_FADE = 'fade'\nconst CLASS_NAME_SHOW = 'show'\nconst CLASS_NAME_STATIC = 'modal-static'\n\nconst OPEN_SELECTOR = '.modal.show'\nconst SELECTOR_DIALOG = '.modal-dialog'\nconst SELECTOR_MODAL_BODY = '.modal-body'\nconst SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE = '[data-bs-toggle=\"modal\"]'\n\nconst Default = {\n backdrop: true,\n focus: true,\n keyboard: true\n}\n\nconst DefaultType = {\n backdrop: '(boolean|string)',\n focus: 'boolean',\n keyboard: 'boolean'\n}\n\n/**\n * Class definition\n */\n\nclass Modal extends BaseComponent {\n constructor(element, config) {\n super(element, config)\n\n this._dialog = SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_DIALOG, this._element)\n this._backdrop = this._initializeBackDrop()\n this._focustrap = this._initializeFocusTrap()\n this._isShown = false\n this._isTransitioning = false\n this._scrollBar = new ScrollBarHelper()\n\n this._addEventListeners()\n }\n\n // Getters\n static get Default() {\n return Default\n }\n\n static get DefaultType() {\n return DefaultType\n }\n\n static get NAME() {\n return NAME\n }\n\n // Public\n toggle(relatedTarget) {\n return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(relatedTarget)\n }\n\n show(relatedTarget) {\n if (this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {\n return\n }\n\n const showEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOW, {\n relatedTarget\n })\n\n if (showEvent.defaultPrevented) {\n return\n }\n\n this._isShown = true\n this._isTransitioning = true\n\n this._scrollBar.hide()\n\n document.body.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_OPEN)\n\n this._adjustDialog()\n\n this._backdrop.show(() => this._showElement(relatedTarget))\n }\n\n hide() {\n if (!this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {\n return\n }\n\n const hideEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDE)\n\n if (hideEvent.defaultPrevented) {\n return\n }\n\n this._isShown = false\n this._isTransitioning = true\n this._focustrap.deactivate()\n\n this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW)\n\n this._queueCallback(() => this._hideModal(), this._element, this._isAnimated())\n }\n\n dispose() {\n EventHandler.off(window, EVENT_KEY)\n EventHandler.off(this._dialog, EVENT_KEY)\n\n this._backdrop.dispose()\n this._focustrap.deactivate()\n\n super.dispose()\n }\n\n handleUpdate() {\n this._adjustDialog()\n }\n\n // Private\n _initializeBackDrop() {\n return new Backdrop({\n isVisible: Boolean(this._config.backdrop), // 'static' option will be translated to true, and booleans will keep their value,\n isAnimated: this._isAnimated()\n })\n }\n\n _initializeFocusTrap() {\n return new FocusTrap({\n trapElement: this._element\n })\n }\n\n _showElement(relatedTarget) {\n // try to append dynamic modal\n if (!document.body.contains(this._element)) {\n document.body.append(this._element)\n }\n\n this._element.style.display = 'block'\n this._element.removeAttribute('aria-hidden')\n this._element.setAttribute('aria-modal', true)\n this._element.setAttribute('role', 'dialog')\n this._element.scrollTop = 0\n\n const modalBody = SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_MODAL_BODY, this._dialog)\n if (modalBody) {\n modalBody.scrollTop = 0\n }\n\n reflow(this._element)\n\n this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW)\n\n const transitionComplete = () => {\n if (this._config.focus) {\n this._focustrap.activate()\n }\n\n this._isTransitioning = false\n EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOWN, {\n relatedTarget\n })\n }\n\n this._queueCallback(transitionComplete, this._dialog, this._isAnimated())\n }\n\n _addEventListeners() {\n EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS, event => {\n if (event.key !== ESCAPE_KEY) {\n return\n }\n\n if (this._config.keyboard) {\n this.hide()\n return\n }\n\n this._triggerBackdropTransition()\n })\n\n EventHandler.on(window, EVENT_RESIZE, () => {\n if (this._isShown && !this._isTransitioning) {\n this._adjustDialog()\n }\n })\n\n EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS, event => {\n // a bad trick to segregate clicks that may start inside dialog but end outside, and avoid listen to scrollbar clicks\n EventHandler.one(this._element, EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS, event2 => {\n if (this._element !== event.target || this._element !== event2.target) {\n return\n }\n\n if (this._config.backdrop === 'static') {\n this._triggerBackdropTransition()\n return\n }\n\n if (this._config.backdrop) {\n this.hide()\n }\n })\n })\n }\n\n _hideModal() {\n this._element.style.display = 'none'\n this._element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true)\n this._element.removeAttribute('aria-modal')\n this._element.removeAttribute('role')\n this._isTransitioning = false\n\n this._backdrop.hide(() => {\n document.body.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_OPEN)\n this._resetAdjustments()\n this._scrollBar.reset()\n EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDDEN)\n })\n }\n\n _isAnimated() {\n return this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_FADE)\n }\n\n _triggerBackdropTransition() {\n const hideEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED)\n if (hideEvent.defaultPrevented) {\n return\n }\n\n const isModalOverflowing = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight\n const initialOverflowY = this._element.style.overflowY\n // return if the following background transition hasn't yet completed\n if (initialOverflowY === 'hidden' || this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_STATIC)) {\n return\n }\n\n if (!isModalOverflowing) {\n this._element.style.overflowY = 'hidden'\n }\n\n this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_STATIC)\n this._queueCallback(() => {\n this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_STATIC)\n this._queueCallback(() => {\n this._element.style.overflowY = initialOverflowY\n }, this._dialog)\n }, this._dialog)\n\n this._element.focus()\n }\n\n /**\n * The following methods are used to handle overflowing modals\n */\n\n _adjustDialog() {\n const isModalOverflowing = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight\n const scrollbarWidth = this._scrollBar.getWidth()\n const isBodyOverflowing = scrollbarWidth > 0\n\n if (isBodyOverflowing && !isModalOverflowing) {\n const property = isRTL() ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingRight'\n this._element.style[property] = `${scrollbarWidth}px`\n }\n\n if (!isBodyOverflowing && isModalOverflowing) {\n const property = isRTL() ? 'paddingRight' : 'paddingLeft'\n this._element.style[property] = `${scrollbarWidth}px`\n }\n }\n\n _resetAdjustments() {\n this._element.style.paddingLeft = ''\n this._element.style.paddingRight = ''\n }\n\n // Static\n static jQueryInterface(config, relatedTarget) {\n return this.each(function () {\n const data = Modal.getOrCreateInstance(this, config)\n\n if (typeof config !== 'string') {\n return\n }\n\n if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {\n throw new TypeError(`No method named \"${config}\"`)\n }\n\n data[config](relatedTarget)\n })\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Data API implementation\n */\n\nEventHandler.on(document, EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE, function (event) {\n const target = SelectorEngine.getElementFromSelector(this)\n\n if (['A', 'AREA'].includes(this.tagName)) {\n event.preventDefault()\n }\n\n EventHandler.one(target, EVENT_SHOW, showEvent => {\n if (showEvent.defaultPrevented) {\n // only register focus restorer if modal will actually get shown\n return\n }\n\n EventHandler.one(target, EVENT_HIDDEN, () => {\n if (isVisible(this)) {\n this.focus()\n }\n })\n })\n\n // avoid conflict when clicking modal toggler while another one is open\n const alreadyOpen = SelectorEngine.findOne(OPEN_SELECTOR)\n if (alreadyOpen) {\n Modal.getInstance(alreadyOpen).hide()\n }\n\n const data = Modal.getOrCreateInstance(target)\n\n data.toggle(this)\n})\n\nenableDismissTrigger(Modal)\n\n/**\n * jQuery\n */\n\ndefineJQueryPlugin(Modal)\n\nexport default Modal\n", "var V3_URL = 'https://js.stripe.com/v3';\nvar V3_URL_REGEX = /^https:\\/\\/js\\.stripe\\.com\\/v3\\/?(\\?.*)?$/;\nvar EXISTING_SCRIPT_MESSAGE = 'loadStripe.setLoadParameters was called but an existing Stripe.js script already exists in the document; existing script parameters will be used';\nvar findScript = function findScript() {\n var scripts = document.querySelectorAll(\"script[src^=\\\"\".concat(V3_URL, \"\\\"]\"));\n\n for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n var script = scripts[i];\n\n if (!V3_URL_REGEX.test(script.src)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n return script;\n }\n\n return null;\n};\n\nvar injectScript = function injectScript(params) {\n var queryString = params && !params.advancedFraudSignals ? '?advancedFraudSignals=false' : '';\n var script = document.createElement('script');\n script.src = \"\".concat(V3_URL).concat(queryString);\n var headOrBody = document.head || document.body;\n\n if (!headOrBody) {\n throw new Error('Expected document.body not to be null. Stripe.js requires a element.');\n }\n\n headOrBody.appendChild(script);\n return script;\n};\n\nvar registerWrapper = function registerWrapper(stripe, startTime) {\n if (!stripe || !stripe._registerWrapper) {\n return;\n }\n\n stripe._registerWrapper({\n name: 'stripe-js',\n version: \"1.54.2\",\n startTime: startTime\n });\n};\n\nvar stripePromise = null;\nvar loadScript = function loadScript(params) {\n // Ensure that we only attempt to load Stripe.js at most once\n if (stripePromise !== null) {\n return stripePromise;\n }\n\n stripePromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n if (typeof window === 'undefined' || typeof document === 'undefined') {\n // Resolve to null when imported server side. This makes the module\n // safe to import in an isomorphic code base.\n resolve(null);\n return;\n }\n\n if (window.Stripe && params) {\n console.warn(EXISTING_SCRIPT_MESSAGE);\n }\n\n if (window.Stripe) {\n resolve(window.Stripe);\n return;\n }\n\n try {\n var script = findScript();\n\n if (script && params) {\n console.warn(EXISTING_SCRIPT_MESSAGE);\n } else if (!script) {\n script = injectScript(params);\n }\n\n script.addEventListener('load', function () {\n if (window.Stripe) {\n resolve(window.Stripe);\n } else {\n reject(new Error('Stripe.js not available'));\n }\n });\n script.addEventListener('error', function () {\n reject(new Error('Failed to load Stripe.js'));\n });\n } catch (error) {\n reject(error);\n return;\n }\n });\n return stripePromise;\n};\nvar initStripe = function initStripe(maybeStripe, args, startTime) {\n if (maybeStripe === null) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var stripe = maybeStripe.apply(undefined, args);\n registerWrapper(stripe, startTime);\n return stripe;\n}; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types\n\n// own script injection.\n\nvar stripePromise$1 = Promise.resolve().then(function () {\n return loadScript(null);\n});\nvar loadCalled = false;\nstripePromise$1[\"catch\"](function (err) {\n if (!loadCalled) {\n console.warn(err);\n }\n});\nvar loadStripe = function loadStripe() {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n loadCalled = true;\n var startTime = Date.now();\n return stripePromise$1.then(function (maybeStripe) {\n return initStripe(maybeStripe, args, startTime);\n });\n};\n\nexport { loadStripe };\n", "/*\n * International Telephone Input v17.0.13\n * https://github.com/jackocnr/intl-tel-input.git\n * Licensed under the MIT license\n */\n\n// wrap in UMD\n(function(factory) {\n if (typeof module === \"object\" && module.exports) module.exports = factory(); else window.intlTelInput = factory();\n})(function(undefined) {\n \"use strict\";\n return function() {\n // Array of country objects for the flag dropdown.\n // Here is the criteria for the plugin to support a given country/territory\n // - It has an iso2 code: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2\n // - It has it's own country calling code (it is not a sub-region of another country): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes\n // - It has a flag in the region-flags project: https://github.com/behdad/region-flags/tree/gh-pages/png\n // - It is supported by libphonenumber (it must be listed on this page): https://github.com/googlei18n/libphonenumber/blob/master/resources/ShortNumberMetadata.xml\n // Each country array has the following information:\n // [\n // Country name,\n // iso2 code,\n // International dial code,\n // Order (if >1 country with same dial code),\n // Area codes\n // ]\n var allCountries = [ [ \"Afghanistan (\u202B\u0627\u0641\u063A\u0627\u0646\u0633\u062A\u0627\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"af\", \"93\" ], [ \"Albania (Shqip\u00EBri)\", \"al\", \"355\" ], [ \"Algeria (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u062C\u0632\u0627\u0626\u0631\u202C\u200E)\", \"dz\", \"213\" ], [ \"American Samoa\", \"as\", \"1\", 5, [ \"684\" ] ], [ \"Andorra\", \"ad\", \"376\" ], [ \"Angola\", \"ao\", \"244\" ], [ \"Anguilla\", \"ai\", \"1\", 6, [ \"264\" ] ], [ \"Antigua and Barbuda\", \"ag\", \"1\", 7, [ \"268\" ] ], [ \"Argentina\", \"ar\", \"54\" ], [ \"Armenia (\u0540\u0561\u0575\u0561\u057D\u057F\u0561\u0576)\", \"am\", \"374\" ], [ \"Aruba\", \"aw\", \"297\" ], [ \"Ascension Island\", \"ac\", \"247\" ], [ \"Australia\", \"au\", \"61\", 0 ], [ \"Austria (\u00D6sterreich)\", \"at\", \"43\" ], [ \"Azerbaijan (Az\u0259rbaycan)\", \"az\", \"994\" ], [ \"Bahamas\", \"bs\", \"1\", 8, [ \"242\" ] ], [ \"Bahrain (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u0628\u062D\u0631\u064A\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"bh\", \"973\" ], [ \"Bangladesh (\u09AC\u09BE\u0982\u09B2\u09BE\u09A6\u09C7\u09B6)\", \"bd\", \"880\" ], [ \"Barbados\", \"bb\", \"1\", 9, [ \"246\" ] ], [ \"Belarus (\u0411\u0435\u043B\u0430\u0440\u0443\u0441\u044C)\", \"by\", \"375\" ], [ \"Belgium (Belgi\u00EB)\", \"be\", \"32\" ], [ \"Belize\", \"bz\", \"501\" ], [ \"Benin (B\u00E9nin)\", \"bj\", \"229\" ], [ \"Bermuda\", \"bm\", \"1\", 10, [ \"441\" ] ], [ \"Bhutan (\u0F60\u0F56\u0FB2\u0F74\u0F42)\", \"bt\", \"975\" ], [ \"Bolivia\", \"bo\", \"591\" ], [ \"Bosnia and Herzegovina (\u0411\u043E\u0441\u043D\u0430 \u0438 \u0425\u0435\u0440\u0446\u0435\u0433\u043E\u0432\u0438\u043D\u0430)\", \"ba\", \"387\" ], [ \"Botswana\", \"bw\", \"267\" ], [ \"Brazil (Brasil)\", \"br\", \"55\" ], [ \"British Indian Ocean Territory\", \"io\", \"246\" ], [ \"British Virgin Islands\", \"vg\", \"1\", 11, [ \"284\" ] ], [ \"Brunei\", \"bn\", \"673\" ], [ \"Bulgaria (\u0411\u044A\u043B\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0438\u044F)\", \"bg\", \"359\" ], [ \"Burkina Faso\", \"bf\", \"226\" ], [ \"Burundi (Uburundi)\", \"bi\", \"257\" ], [ \"Cambodia (\u1780\u1798\u17D2\u1796\u17BB\u1787\u17B6)\", \"kh\", \"855\" ], [ \"Cameroon (Cameroun)\", \"cm\", \"237\" ], [ \"Canada\", \"ca\", \"1\", 1, [ \"204\", \"226\", \"236\", \"249\", \"250\", \"289\", \"306\", \"343\", \"365\", \"387\", \"403\", \"416\", \"418\", \"431\", \"437\", \"438\", \"450\", \"506\", \"514\", \"519\", \"548\", \"579\", \"581\", \"587\", \"604\", \"613\", \"639\", \"647\", \"672\", \"705\", \"709\", \"742\", \"778\", \"780\", \"782\", \"807\", \"819\", \"825\", \"867\", \"873\", \"902\", \"905\" ] ], [ \"Cape Verde (Kabu Verdi)\", \"cv\", \"238\" ], [ \"Caribbean Netherlands\", \"bq\", \"599\", 1, [ \"3\", \"4\", \"7\" ] ], [ \"Cayman Islands\", \"ky\", \"1\", 12, [ \"345\" ] ], [ \"Central African Republic (R\u00E9publique centrafricaine)\", \"cf\", \"236\" ], [ \"Chad (Tchad)\", \"td\", \"235\" ], [ \"Chile\", \"cl\", \"56\" ], [ \"China (\u4E2D\u56FD)\", \"cn\", \"86\" ], [ \"Christmas Island\", \"cx\", \"61\", 2, [ \"89164\" ] ], [ \"Cocos (Keeling) Islands\", \"cc\", \"61\", 1, [ \"89162\" ] ], [ \"Colombia\", \"co\", \"57\" ], [ \"Comoros (\u202B\u062C\u0632\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0645\u0631\u202C\u200E)\", \"km\", \"269\" ], [ \"Congo (DRC) (Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo)\", \"cd\", \"243\" ], [ \"Congo (Republic) (Congo-Brazzaville)\", \"cg\", \"242\" ], [ \"Cook Islands\", \"ck\", \"682\" ], [ \"Costa Rica\", \"cr\", \"506\" ], [ \"C\u00F4te d\u2019Ivoire\", \"ci\", \"225\" ], [ \"Croatia (Hrvatska)\", \"hr\", \"385\" ], [ \"Cuba\", \"cu\", \"53\" ], [ \"Cura\u00E7ao\", \"cw\", \"599\", 0 ], [ \"Cyprus (\u039A\u03CD\u03C0\u03C1\u03BF\u03C2)\", \"cy\", \"357\" ], [ \"Czech Republic (\u010Cesk\u00E1 republika)\", \"cz\", \"420\" ], [ \"Denmark (Danmark)\", \"dk\", \"45\" ], [ \"Djibouti\", \"dj\", \"253\" ], [ \"Dominica\", \"dm\", \"1\", 13, [ \"767\" ] ], [ \"Dominican Republic (Rep\u00FAblica Dominicana)\", \"do\", \"1\", 2, [ \"809\", \"829\", \"849\" ] ], [ \"Ecuador\", \"ec\", \"593\" ], [ \"Egypt (\u202B\u0645\u0635\u0631\u202C\u200E)\", \"eg\", \"20\" ], [ \"El Salvador\", \"sv\", \"503\" ], [ \"Equatorial Guinea (Guinea Ecuatorial)\", \"gq\", \"240\" ], [ \"Eritrea\", \"er\", \"291\" ], [ \"Estonia (Eesti)\", \"ee\", \"372\" ], [ \"Eswatini\", \"sz\", \"268\" ], [ \"Ethiopia\", \"et\", \"251\" ], [ \"Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)\", \"fk\", \"500\" ], [ \"Faroe Islands (F\u00F8royar)\", \"fo\", \"298\" ], [ \"Fiji\", \"fj\", \"679\" ], [ \"Finland (Suomi)\", \"fi\", \"358\", 0 ], [ \"France\", \"fr\", \"33\" ], [ \"French Guiana (Guyane fran\u00E7aise)\", \"gf\", \"594\" ], [ \"French Polynesia (Polyn\u00E9sie fran\u00E7aise)\", \"pf\", \"689\" ], [ \"Gabon\", \"ga\", \"241\" ], [ \"Gambia\", \"gm\", \"220\" ], [ \"Georgia (\u10E1\u10D0\u10E5\u10D0\u10E0\u10D7\u10D5\u10D4\u10DA\u10DD)\", \"ge\", \"995\" ], [ \"Germany (Deutschland)\", \"de\", \"49\" ], [ \"Ghana (Gaana)\", \"gh\", \"233\" ], [ \"Gibraltar\", \"gi\", \"350\" ], [ \"Greece (\u0395\u03BB\u03BB\u03AC\u03B4\u03B1)\", \"gr\", \"30\" ], [ \"Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat)\", \"gl\", \"299\" ], [ \"Grenada\", \"gd\", \"1\", 14, [ \"473\" ] ], [ \"Guadeloupe\", \"gp\", \"590\", 0 ], [ \"Guam\", \"gu\", \"1\", 15, [ \"671\" ] ], [ \"Guatemala\", \"gt\", \"502\" ], [ \"Guernsey\", \"gg\", \"44\", 1, [ \"1481\", \"7781\", \"7839\", \"7911\" ] ], [ \"Guinea (Guin\u00E9e)\", \"gn\", \"224\" ], [ \"Guinea-Bissau (Guin\u00E9 Bissau)\", \"gw\", \"245\" ], [ \"Guyana\", \"gy\", \"592\" ], [ \"Haiti\", \"ht\", \"509\" ], [ \"Honduras\", \"hn\", \"504\" ], [ \"Hong Kong (\u9999\u6E2F)\", \"hk\", \"852\" ], [ \"Hungary (Magyarorsz\u00E1g)\", \"hu\", \"36\" ], [ \"Iceland (\u00CDsland)\", \"is\", \"354\" ], [ \"India (\u092D\u093E\u0930\u0924)\", \"in\", \"91\" ], [ \"Indonesia\", \"id\", \"62\" ], [ \"Iran (\u202B\u0627\u06CC\u0631\u0627\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"ir\", \"98\" ], [ \"Iraq (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0627\u0642\u202C\u200E)\", \"iq\", \"964\" ], [ \"Ireland\", \"ie\", \"353\" ], [ \"Isle of Man\", \"im\", \"44\", 2, [ \"1624\", \"74576\", \"7524\", \"7924\", \"7624\" ] ], [ \"Israel (\u202B\u05D9\u05E9\u05E8\u05D0\u05DC\u202C\u200E)\", \"il\", \"972\" ], [ \"Italy (Italia)\", \"it\", \"39\", 0 ], [ \"Jamaica\", \"jm\", \"1\", 4, [ \"876\", \"658\" ] ], [ \"Japan (\u65E5\u672C)\", \"jp\", \"81\" ], [ \"Jersey\", \"je\", \"44\", 3, [ \"1534\", \"7509\", \"7700\", \"7797\", \"7829\", \"7937\" ] ], [ \"Jordan (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u0623\u0631\u062F\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"jo\", \"962\" ], [ \"Kazakhstan (\u041A\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0445\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043D)\", \"kz\", \"7\", 1, [ \"33\", \"7\" ] ], [ \"Kenya\", \"ke\", \"254\" ], [ \"Kiribati\", \"ki\", \"686\" ], [ \"Kosovo\", \"xk\", \"383\" ], [ \"Kuwait (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u0643\u0648\u064A\u062A\u202C\u200E)\", \"kw\", \"965\" ], [ \"Kyrgyzstan (\u041A\u044B\u0440\u0433\u044B\u0437\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043D)\", \"kg\", \"996\" ], [ \"Laos (\u0EA5\u0EB2\u0EA7)\", \"la\", \"856\" ], [ \"Latvia (Latvija)\", \"lv\", \"371\" ], [ \"Lebanon (\u202B\u0644\u0628\u0646\u0627\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"lb\", \"961\" ], [ \"Lesotho\", \"ls\", \"266\" ], [ \"Liberia\", \"lr\", \"231\" ], [ \"Libya (\u202B\u0644\u064A\u0628\u064A\u0627\u202C\u200E)\", \"ly\", \"218\" ], [ \"Liechtenstein\", \"li\", \"423\" ], [ \"Lithuania (Lietuva)\", \"lt\", \"370\" ], [ \"Luxembourg\", \"lu\", \"352\" ], [ \"Macau (\u6FB3\u9580)\", \"mo\", \"853\" ], [ \"Macedonia (FYROM) (\u041C\u0430\u043A\u0435\u0434\u043E\u043D\u0438\u0458\u0430)\", \"mk\", \"389\" ], [ \"Madagascar (Madagasikara)\", \"mg\", \"261\" ], [ \"Malawi\", \"mw\", \"265\" ], [ \"Malaysia\", \"my\", \"60\" ], [ \"Maldives\", \"mv\", \"960\" ], [ \"Mali\", \"ml\", \"223\" ], [ \"Malta\", \"mt\", \"356\" ], [ \"Marshall Islands\", \"mh\", \"692\" ], [ \"Martinique\", \"mq\", \"596\" ], [ \"Mauritania (\u202B\u0645\u0648\u0631\u064A\u062A\u0627\u0646\u064A\u0627\u202C\u200E)\", \"mr\", \"222\" ], [ \"Mauritius (Moris)\", \"mu\", \"230\" ], [ \"Mayotte\", \"yt\", \"262\", 1, [ \"269\", \"639\" ] ], [ \"Mexico (M\u00E9xico)\", \"mx\", \"52\" ], [ \"Micronesia\", \"fm\", \"691\" ], [ \"Moldova (Republica Moldova)\", \"md\", \"373\" ], [ \"Monaco\", \"mc\", \"377\" ], [ \"Mongolia (\u041C\u043E\u043D\u0433\u043E\u043B)\", \"mn\", \"976\" ], [ \"Montenegro (Crna Gora)\", \"me\", \"382\" ], [ \"Montserrat\", \"ms\", \"1\", 16, [ \"664\" ] ], [ \"Morocco (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u0645\u063A\u0631\u0628\u202C\u200E)\", \"ma\", \"212\", 0 ], [ \"Mozambique (Mo\u00E7ambique)\", \"mz\", \"258\" ], [ \"Myanmar (Burma) (\u1019\u103C\u1014\u103A\u1019\u102C)\", \"mm\", \"95\" ], [ \"Namibia (Namibi\u00EB)\", \"na\", \"264\" ], [ \"Nauru\", \"nr\", \"674\" ], [ \"Nepal (\u0928\u0947\u092A\u093E\u0932)\", \"np\", \"977\" ], [ \"Netherlands (Nederland)\", \"nl\", \"31\" ], [ \"New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie)\", \"nc\", \"687\" ], [ \"New Zealand\", \"nz\", \"64\" ], [ \"Nicaragua\", \"ni\", \"505\" ], [ \"Niger (Nijar)\", \"ne\", \"227\" ], [ \"Nigeria\", \"ng\", \"234\" ], [ \"Niue\", \"nu\", \"683\" ], [ \"Norfolk Island\", \"nf\", \"672\" ], [ \"North Korea (\uC870\uC120 \uBBFC\uC8FC\uC8FC\uC758 \uC778\uBBFC \uACF5\uD654\uAD6D)\", \"kp\", \"850\" ], [ \"Northern Mariana Islands\", \"mp\", \"1\", 17, [ \"670\" ] ], [ \"Norway (Norge)\", \"no\", \"47\", 0 ], [ \"Oman (\u202B\u0639\u064F\u0645\u0627\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"om\", \"968\" ], [ \"Pakistan (\u202B\u067E\u0627\u06A9\u0633\u062A\u0627\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"pk\", \"92\" ], [ \"Palau\", \"pw\", \"680\" ], [ \"Palestine (\u202B\u0641\u0644\u0633\u0637\u064A\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"ps\", \"970\" ], [ \"Panama (Panam\u00E1)\", \"pa\", \"507\" ], [ \"Papua New Guinea\", \"pg\", \"675\" ], [ \"Paraguay\", \"py\", \"595\" ], [ \"Peru (Per\u00FA)\", \"pe\", \"51\" ], [ \"Philippines\", \"ph\", \"63\" ], [ \"Poland (Polska)\", \"pl\", \"48\" ], [ \"Portugal\", \"pt\", \"351\" ], [ \"Puerto Rico\", \"pr\", \"1\", 3, [ \"787\", \"939\" ] ], [ \"Qatar (\u202B\u0642\u0637\u0631\u202C\u200E)\", \"qa\", \"974\" ], [ \"R\u00E9union (La R\u00E9union)\", \"re\", \"262\", 0 ], [ \"Romania (Rom\u00E2nia)\", \"ro\", \"40\" ], [ \"Russia (\u0420\u043E\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044F)\", \"ru\", \"7\", 0 ], [ \"Rwanda\", \"rw\", \"250\" ], [ \"Saint Barth\u00E9lemy\", \"bl\", \"590\", 1 ], [ \"Saint Helena\", \"sh\", \"290\" ], [ \"Saint Kitts and Nevis\", \"kn\", \"1\", 18, [ \"869\" ] ], [ \"Saint Lucia\", \"lc\", \"1\", 19, [ \"758\" ] ], [ \"Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie fran\u00E7aise))\", \"mf\", \"590\", 2 ], [ \"Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)\", \"pm\", \"508\" ], [ \"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines\", \"vc\", \"1\", 20, [ \"784\" ] ], [ \"Samoa\", \"ws\", \"685\" ], [ \"San Marino\", \"sm\", \"378\" ], [ \"S\u00E3o Tom\u00E9 and Pr\u00EDncipe (S\u00E3o Tom\u00E9 e Pr\u00EDncipe)\", \"st\", \"239\" ], [ \"Saudi Arabia (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0645\u0644\u0643\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0639\u0648\u062F\u064A\u0629\u202C\u200E)\", \"sa\", \"966\" ], [ \"Senegal (S\u00E9n\u00E9gal)\", \"sn\", \"221\" ], [ \"Serbia (\u0421\u0440\u0431\u0438\u0458\u0430)\", \"rs\", \"381\" ], [ \"Seychelles\", \"sc\", \"248\" ], [ \"Sierra Leone\", \"sl\", \"232\" ], [ \"Singapore\", \"sg\", \"65\" ], [ \"Sint Maarten\", \"sx\", \"1\", 21, [ \"721\" ] ], [ \"Slovakia (Slovensko)\", \"sk\", \"421\" ], [ \"Slovenia (Slovenija)\", \"si\", \"386\" ], [ \"Solomon Islands\", \"sb\", \"677\" ], [ \"Somalia (Soomaaliya)\", \"so\", \"252\" ], [ \"South Africa\", \"za\", \"27\" ], [ \"South Korea (\uB300\uD55C\uBBFC\uAD6D)\", \"kr\", \"82\" ], [ \"South Sudan (\u202B\u062C\u0646\u0648\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0648\u062F\u0627\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"ss\", \"211\" ], [ \"Spain (Espa\u00F1a)\", \"es\", \"34\" ], [ \"Sri Lanka (\u0DC1\u0DCA\u200D\u0DBB\u0DD3 \u0DBD\u0D82\u0D9A\u0DCF\u0DC0)\", \"lk\", \"94\" ], [ \"Sudan (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0648\u062F\u0627\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"sd\", \"249\" ], [ \"Suriname\", \"sr\", \"597\" ], [ \"Svalbard and Jan Mayen\", \"sj\", \"47\", 1, [ \"79\" ] ], [ \"Sweden (Sverige)\", \"se\", \"46\" ], [ \"Switzerland (Schweiz)\", \"ch\", \"41\" ], [ \"Syria (\u202B\u0633\u0648\u0631\u064A\u0627\u202C\u200E)\", \"sy\", \"963\" ], [ \"Taiwan (\u53F0\u7063)\", \"tw\", \"886\" ], [ \"Tajikistan\", \"tj\", \"992\" ], [ \"Tanzania\", \"tz\", \"255\" ], [ \"Thailand (\u0E44\u0E17\u0E22)\", \"th\", \"66\" ], [ \"Timor-Leste\", \"tl\", \"670\" ], [ \"Togo\", \"tg\", \"228\" ], [ \"Tokelau\", \"tk\", \"690\" ], [ \"Tonga\", \"to\", \"676\" ], [ \"Trinidad and Tobago\", \"tt\", \"1\", 22, [ \"868\" ] ], [ \"Tunisia (\u202B\u062A\u0648\u0646\u0633\u202C\u200E)\", \"tn\", \"216\" ], [ \"Turkey (T\u00FCrkiye)\", \"tr\", \"90\" ], [ \"Turkmenistan\", \"tm\", \"993\" ], [ \"Turks and Caicos Islands\", \"tc\", \"1\", 23, [ \"649\" ] ], [ \"Tuvalu\", \"tv\", \"688\" ], [ \"U.S. Virgin Islands\", \"vi\", \"1\", 24, [ \"340\" ] ], [ \"Uganda\", \"ug\", \"256\" ], [ \"Ukraine (\u0423\u043A\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043D\u0430)\", \"ua\", \"380\" ], [ \"United Arab Emirates (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u0625\u0645\u0627\u0631\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0628\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u062D\u062F\u0629\u202C\u200E)\", \"ae\", \"971\" ], [ \"United Kingdom\", \"gb\", \"44\", 0 ], [ \"United States\", \"us\", \"1\", 0 ], [ \"Uruguay\", \"uy\", \"598\" ], [ \"Uzbekistan (O\u02BBzbekiston)\", \"uz\", \"998\" ], [ \"Vanuatu\", \"vu\", \"678\" ], [ \"Vatican City (Citt\u00E0 del Vaticano)\", \"va\", \"39\", 1, [ \"06698\" ] ], [ \"Venezuela\", \"ve\", \"58\" ], [ \"Vietnam (Vi\u1EC7t Nam)\", \"vn\", \"84\" ], [ \"Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)\", \"wf\", \"681\" ], [ \"Western Sahara (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u0635\u062D\u0631\u0627\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u063A\u0631\u0628\u064A\u0629\u202C\u200E)\", \"eh\", \"212\", 1, [ \"5288\", \"5289\" ] ], [ \"Yemen (\u202B\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0645\u0646\u202C\u200E)\", \"ye\", \"967\" ], [ \"Zambia\", \"zm\", \"260\" ], [ \"Zimbabwe\", \"zw\", \"263\" ], [ \"\u00C5land Islands\", \"ax\", \"358\", 1, [ \"18\" ] ] ];\n // loop over all of the countries above, restructuring the data to be objects with named keys\n for (var i = 0; i < allCountries.length; i++) {\n var c = allCountries[i];\n allCountries[i] = {\n name: c[0],\n iso2: c[1],\n dialCode: c[2],\n priority: c[3] || 0,\n areaCodes: c[4] || null\n };\n }\n \"use strict\";\n function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {\n if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n }\n }\n function _defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n }\n function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n }\n var intlTelInputGlobals = {\n getInstance: function getInstance(input) {\n var id = input.getAttribute(\"data-intl-tel-input-id\");\n return window.intlTelInputGlobals.instances[id];\n },\n instances: {},\n // using a global like this allows us to mock it in the tests\n documentReady: function documentReady() {\n return document.readyState === \"complete\";\n }\n };\n if (typeof window === \"object\") window.intlTelInputGlobals = intlTelInputGlobals;\n // these vars persist through all instances of the plugin\n var id = 0;\n var defaults = {\n // whether or not to allow the dropdown\n allowDropdown: true,\n // if there is just a dial code in the input: remove it on blur\n autoHideDialCode: true,\n // add a placeholder in the input with an example number for the selected country\n autoPlaceholder: \"polite\",\n // modify the parentClass\n customContainer: \"\",\n // modify the auto placeholder\n customPlaceholder: null,\n // append menu to specified element\n dropdownContainer: null,\n // don't display these countries\n excludeCountries: [],\n // format the input value during initialisation and on setNumber\n formatOnDisplay: true,\n // geoIp lookup function\n geoIpLookup: null,\n // inject a hidden input with this name, and on submit, populate it with the result of getNumber\n hiddenInput: \"\",\n // initial country\n initialCountry: \"\",\n // localized country names e.g. { 'de': 'Deutschland' }\n localizedCountries: null,\n // don't insert international dial codes\n nationalMode: true,\n // display only these countries\n onlyCountries: [],\n // number type to use for placeholders\n placeholderNumberType: \"MOBILE\",\n // the countries at the top of the list. defaults to united states and united kingdom\n preferredCountries: [ \"us\", \"gb\" ],\n // display the country dial code next to the selected flag so it's not part of the typed number\n separateDialCode: false,\n // specify the path to the libphonenumber script to enable validation/formatting\n utilsScript: \"\"\n };\n // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_North_American_Numbering_Plan_area_codes#Non-geographic_area_codes\n var regionlessNanpNumbers = [ \"800\", \"822\", \"833\", \"844\", \"855\", \"866\", \"877\", \"880\", \"881\", \"882\", \"883\", \"884\", \"885\", \"886\", \"887\", \"888\", \"889\" ];\n // utility function to iterate over an object. can't use Object.entries or native forEach because\n // of IE11\n var forEachProp = function forEachProp(obj, callback) {\n var keys = Object.keys(obj);\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\n callback(keys[i], obj[keys[i]]);\n }\n };\n // run a method on each instance of the plugin\n var forEachInstance = function forEachInstance(method) {\n forEachProp(window.intlTelInputGlobals.instances, function(key) {\n window.intlTelInputGlobals.instances[key][method]();\n });\n };\n // this is our plugin class that we will create an instance of\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars\n var Iti = /*#__PURE__*/\n function() {\n function Iti(input, options) {\n var _this = this;\n _classCallCheck(this, Iti);\n this.id = id++;\n this.telInput = input;\n this.activeItem = null;\n this.highlightedItem = null;\n // process specified options / defaults\n // alternative to Object.assign, which isn't supported by IE11\n var customOptions = options || {};\n this.options = {};\n forEachProp(defaults, function(key, value) {\n _this.options[key] = customOptions.hasOwnProperty(key) ? customOptions[key] : value;\n });\n this.hadInitialPlaceholder = Boolean(input.getAttribute(\"placeholder\"));\n }\n _createClass(Iti, [ {\n key: \"_init\",\n value: function _init() {\n var _this2 = this;\n // if in nationalMode, disable options relating to dial codes\n if (this.options.nationalMode) this.options.autoHideDialCode = false;\n // if separateDialCode then doesn't make sense to A) insert dial code into input\n // (autoHideDialCode), and B) display national numbers (because we're displaying the country\n // dial code next to them)\n if (this.options.separateDialCode) {\n this.options.autoHideDialCode = this.options.nationalMode = false;\n }\n // we cannot just test screen size as some smartphones/website meta tags will report desktop\n // resolutions\n // Note: for some reason jasmine breaks if you put this in the main Plugin function with the\n // rest of these declarations\n // Note: to target Android Mobiles (and not Tablets), we must find 'Android' and 'Mobile'\n this.isMobile = /Android.+Mobile|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n if (this.isMobile) {\n // trigger the mobile dropdown css\n document.body.classList.add(\"iti-mobile\");\n // on mobile, we want a full screen dropdown, so we must append it to the body\n if (!this.options.dropdownContainer) this.options.dropdownContainer = document.body;\n }\n // these promises get resolved when their individual requests complete\n // this way the dev can do something like iti.promise.then(...) to know when all requests are\n // complete\n if (typeof Promise !== \"undefined\") {\n var autoCountryPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n _this2.resolveAutoCountryPromise = resolve;\n _this2.rejectAutoCountryPromise = reject;\n });\n var utilsScriptPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n _this2.resolveUtilsScriptPromise = resolve;\n _this2.rejectUtilsScriptPromise = reject;\n });\n this.promise = Promise.all([ autoCountryPromise, utilsScriptPromise ]);\n } else {\n // prevent errors when Promise doesn't exist\n this.resolveAutoCountryPromise = this.rejectAutoCountryPromise = function() {};\n this.resolveUtilsScriptPromise = this.rejectUtilsScriptPromise = function() {};\n }\n // in various situations there could be no country selected initially, but we need to be able\n // to assume this variable exists\n this.selectedCountryData = {};\n // process all the data: onlyCountries, excludeCountries, preferredCountries etc\n this._processCountryData();\n // generate the markup\n this._generateMarkup();\n // set the initial state of the input value and the selected flag\n this._setInitialState();\n // start all of the event listeners: autoHideDialCode, input keydown, selectedFlag click\n this._initListeners();\n // utils script, and auto country\n this._initRequests();\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_processCountryData\",\n value: function _processCountryData() {\n // process onlyCountries or excludeCountries array if present\n this._processAllCountries();\n // process the countryCodes map\n this._processCountryCodes();\n // process the preferredCountries\n this._processPreferredCountries();\n // translate countries according to localizedCountries option\n if (this.options.localizedCountries) this._translateCountriesByLocale();\n // sort countries by name\n if (this.options.onlyCountries.length || this.options.localizedCountries) {\n this.countries.sort(this._countryNameSort);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_addCountryCode\",\n value: function _addCountryCode(iso2, countryCode, priority) {\n if (countryCode.length > this.countryCodeMaxLen) {\n this.countryCodeMaxLen = countryCode.length;\n }\n if (!this.countryCodes.hasOwnProperty(countryCode)) {\n this.countryCodes[countryCode] = [];\n }\n // bail if we already have this country for this countryCode\n for (var i = 0; i < this.countryCodes[countryCode].length; i++) {\n if (this.countryCodes[countryCode][i] === iso2) return;\n }\n // check for undefined as 0 is falsy\n var index = priority !== undefined ? priority : this.countryCodes[countryCode].length;\n this.countryCodes[countryCode][index] = iso2;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_processAllCountries\",\n value: function _processAllCountries() {\n if (this.options.onlyCountries.length) {\n var lowerCaseOnlyCountries = this.options.onlyCountries.map(function(country) {\n return country.toLowerCase();\n });\n this.countries = allCountries.filter(function(country) {\n return lowerCaseOnlyCountries.indexOf(country.iso2) > -1;\n });\n } else if (this.options.excludeCountries.length) {\n var lowerCaseExcludeCountries = this.options.excludeCountries.map(function(country) {\n return country.toLowerCase();\n });\n this.countries = allCountries.filter(function(country) {\n return lowerCaseExcludeCountries.indexOf(country.iso2) === -1;\n });\n } else {\n this.countries = allCountries;\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_translateCountriesByLocale\",\n value: function _translateCountriesByLocale() {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.countries.length; i++) {\n var iso = this.countries[i].iso2.toLowerCase();\n if (this.options.localizedCountries.hasOwnProperty(iso)) {\n this.countries[i].name = this.options.localizedCountries[iso];\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_countryNameSort\",\n value: function _countryNameSort(a, b) {\n return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_processCountryCodes\",\n value: function _processCountryCodes() {\n this.countryCodeMaxLen = 0;\n // here we store just dial codes\n this.dialCodes = {};\n // here we store \"country codes\" (both dial codes and their area codes)\n this.countryCodes = {};\n // first: add dial codes\n for (var i = 0; i < this.countries.length; i++) {\n var c = this.countries[i];\n if (!this.dialCodes[c.dialCode]) this.dialCodes[c.dialCode] = true;\n this._addCountryCode(c.iso2, c.dialCode, c.priority);\n }\n // next: add area codes\n // this is a second loop over countries, to make sure we have all of the \"root\" countries\n // already in the map, so that we can access them, as each time we add an area code substring\n // to the map, we also need to include the \"root\" country's code, as that also matches\n for (var _i = 0; _i < this.countries.length; _i++) {\n var _c = this.countries[_i];\n // area codes\n if (_c.areaCodes) {\n var rootCountryCode = this.countryCodes[_c.dialCode][0];\n // for each area code\n for (var j = 0; j < _c.areaCodes.length; j++) {\n var areaCode = _c.areaCodes[j];\n // for each digit in the area code to add all partial matches as well\n for (var k = 1; k < areaCode.length; k++) {\n var partialDialCode = _c.dialCode + areaCode.substr(0, k);\n // start with the root country, as that also matches this dial code\n this._addCountryCode(rootCountryCode, partialDialCode);\n this._addCountryCode(_c.iso2, partialDialCode);\n }\n // add the full area code\n this._addCountryCode(_c.iso2, _c.dialCode + areaCode);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_processPreferredCountries\",\n value: function _processPreferredCountries() {\n this.preferredCountries = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < this.options.preferredCountries.length; i++) {\n var countryCode = this.options.preferredCountries[i].toLowerCase();\n var countryData = this._getCountryData(countryCode, false, true);\n if (countryData) this.preferredCountries.push(countryData);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_createEl\",\n value: function _createEl(name, attrs, container) {\n var el = document.createElement(name);\n if (attrs) forEachProp(attrs, function(key, value) {\n return el.setAttribute(key, value);\n });\n if (container) container.appendChild(el);\n return el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_generateMarkup\",\n value: function _generateMarkup() {\n // if autocomplete does not exist on the element and its form, then\n // prevent autocomplete as there's no safe, cross-browser event we can react to, so it can\n // easily put the plugin in an inconsistent state e.g. the wrong flag selected for the\n // autocompleted number, which on submit could mean wrong number is saved (esp in nationalMode)\n if (!this.telInput.hasAttribute(\"autocomplete\") && !(this.telInput.form && this.telInput.form.hasAttribute(\"autocomplete\"))) {\n this.telInput.setAttribute(\"autocomplete\", \"off\");\n }\n // containers (mostly for positioning)\n var parentClass = \"iti\";\n if (this.options.allowDropdown) parentClass += \" iti--allow-dropdown\";\n if (this.options.separateDialCode) parentClass += \" iti--separate-dial-code\";\n if (this.options.customContainer) {\n parentClass += \" \";\n parentClass += this.options.customContainer;\n }\n var wrapper = this._createEl(\"div\", {\n \"class\": parentClass\n });\n this.telInput.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, this.telInput);\n this.flagsContainer = this._createEl(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"iti__flag-container\"\n }, wrapper);\n wrapper.appendChild(this.telInput);\n // selected flag (displayed to left of input)\n this.selectedFlag = this._createEl(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"iti__selected-flag\",\n role: \"combobox\",\n \"aria-controls\": \"iti-\".concat(this.id, \"__country-listbox\"),\n \"aria-owns\": \"iti-\".concat(this.id, \"__country-listbox\"),\n \"aria-expanded\": \"false\"\n }, this.flagsContainer);\n this.selectedFlagInner = this._createEl(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"iti__flag\"\n }, this.selectedFlag);\n if (this.options.separateDialCode) {\n this.selectedDialCode = this._createEl(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"iti__selected-dial-code\"\n }, this.selectedFlag);\n }\n if (this.options.allowDropdown) {\n // make element focusable and tab navigable\n this.selectedFlag.setAttribute(\"tabindex\", \"0\");\n this.dropdownArrow = this._createEl(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"iti__arrow\"\n }, this.selectedFlag);\n // country dropdown: preferred countries, then divider, then all countries\n this.countryList = this._createEl(\"ul\", {\n \"class\": \"iti__country-list iti__hide\",\n id: \"iti-\".concat(this.id, \"__country-listbox\"),\n role: \"listbox\",\n \"aria-label\": \"List of countries\"\n });\n if (this.preferredCountries.length) {\n this._appendListItems(this.preferredCountries, \"iti__preferred\", true);\n this._createEl(\"li\", {\n \"class\": \"iti__divider\",\n role: \"separator\",\n \"aria-disabled\": \"true\"\n }, this.countryList);\n }\n this._appendListItems(this.countries, \"iti__standard\");\n // create dropdownContainer markup\n if (this.options.dropdownContainer) {\n this.dropdown = this._createEl(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"iti iti--container\"\n });\n this.dropdown.appendChild(this.countryList);\n } else {\n this.flagsContainer.appendChild(this.countryList);\n }\n }\n if (this.options.hiddenInput) {\n var hiddenInputName = this.options.hiddenInput;\n var name = this.telInput.getAttribute(\"name\");\n if (name) {\n var i = name.lastIndexOf(\"[\");\n // if input name contains square brackets, then give the hidden input the same name,\n // replacing the contents of the last set of brackets with the given hiddenInput name\n if (i !== -1) hiddenInputName = \"\".concat(name.substr(0, i), \"[\").concat(hiddenInputName, \"]\");\n }\n this.hiddenInput = this._createEl(\"input\", {\n type: \"hidden\",\n name: hiddenInputName\n });\n wrapper.appendChild(this.hiddenInput);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_appendListItems\",\n value: function _appendListItems(countries, className, preferred) {\n // we create so many DOM elements, it is faster to build a temp string\n // and then add everything to the DOM in one go at the end\n var tmp = \"\";\n // for each country\n for (var i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {\n var c = countries[i];\n var idSuffix = preferred ? \"-preferred\" : \"\";\n // open the list item\n tmp += \"
  • \");\n // add the flag\n tmp += \"
    \");\n // and the country name and dial code\n tmp += \"\".concat(c.name, \"\");\n tmp += \"+\".concat(c.dialCode, \"\");\n // close the list item\n tmp += \"
  • \";\n }\n this.countryList.insertAdjacentHTML(\"beforeend\", tmp);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_setInitialState\",\n value: function _setInitialState() {\n // fix firefox bug: when first load page (with input with value set to number with intl dial\n // code) and initialising plugin removes the dial code from the input, then refresh page,\n // and we try to init plugin again but this time on number without dial code so get grey flag\n var attributeValue = this.telInput.getAttribute(\"value\");\n var inputValue = this.telInput.value;\n var useAttribute = attributeValue && attributeValue.charAt(0) === \"+\" && (!inputValue || inputValue.charAt(0) !== \"+\");\n var val = useAttribute ? attributeValue : inputValue;\n var dialCode = this._getDialCode(val);\n var isRegionlessNanp = this._isRegionlessNanp(val);\n var _this$options = this.options, initialCountry = _this$options.initialCountry, nationalMode = _this$options.nationalMode, autoHideDialCode = _this$options.autoHideDialCode, separateDialCode = _this$options.separateDialCode;\n // if we already have a dial code, and it's not a regionlessNanp, we can go ahead and set the\n // flag, else fall back to the default country\n if (dialCode && !isRegionlessNanp) {\n this._updateFlagFromNumber(val);\n } else if (initialCountry !== \"auto\") {\n // see if we should select a flag\n if (initialCountry) {\n this._setFlag(initialCountry.toLowerCase());\n } else {\n if (dialCode && isRegionlessNanp) {\n // has intl dial code, is regionless nanp, and no initialCountry, so default to US\n this._setFlag(\"us\");\n } else {\n // no dial code and no initialCountry, so default to first in list\n this.defaultCountry = this.preferredCountries.length ? this.preferredCountries[0].iso2 : this.countries[0].iso2;\n if (!val) {\n this._setFlag(this.defaultCountry);\n }\n }\n }\n // if empty and no nationalMode and no autoHideDialCode then insert the default dial code\n if (!val && !nationalMode && !autoHideDialCode && !separateDialCode) {\n this.telInput.value = \"+\".concat(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode);\n }\n }\n // NOTE: if initialCountry is set to auto, that will be handled separately\n // format - note this wont be run after _updateDialCode as that's only called if no val\n if (val) this._updateValFromNumber(val);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_initListeners\",\n value: function _initListeners() {\n this._initKeyListeners();\n if (this.options.autoHideDialCode) this._initBlurListeners();\n if (this.options.allowDropdown) this._initDropdownListeners();\n if (this.hiddenInput) this._initHiddenInputListener();\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_initHiddenInputListener\",\n value: function _initHiddenInputListener() {\n var _this3 = this;\n this._handleHiddenInputSubmit = function() {\n _this3.hiddenInput.value = _this3.getNumber();\n };\n if (this.telInput.form) this.telInput.form.addEventListener(\"submit\", this._handleHiddenInputSubmit);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_getClosestLabel\",\n value: function _getClosestLabel() {\n var el = this.telInput;\n while (el && el.tagName !== \"LABEL\") {\n el = el.parentNode;\n }\n return el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_initDropdownListeners\",\n value: function _initDropdownListeners() {\n var _this4 = this;\n // hack for input nested inside label (which is valid markup): clicking the selected-flag to\n // open the dropdown would then automatically trigger a 2nd click on the input which would\n // close it again\n this._handleLabelClick = function(e) {\n // if the dropdown is closed, then focus the input, else ignore the click\n if (_this4.countryList.classList.contains(\"iti__hide\")) _this4.telInput.focus(); else e.preventDefault();\n };\n var label = this._getClosestLabel();\n if (label) label.addEventListener(\"click\", this._handleLabelClick);\n // toggle country dropdown on click\n this._handleClickSelectedFlag = function() {\n // only intercept this event if we're opening the dropdown\n // else let it bubble up to the top (\"click-off-to-close\" listener)\n // we cannot just stopPropagation as it may be needed to close another instance\n if (_this4.countryList.classList.contains(\"iti__hide\") && !_this4.telInput.disabled && !_this4.telInput.readOnly) {\n _this4._showDropdown();\n }\n };\n this.selectedFlag.addEventListener(\"click\", this._handleClickSelectedFlag);\n // open dropdown list if currently focused\n this._handleFlagsContainerKeydown = function(e) {\n var isDropdownHidden = _this4.countryList.classList.contains(\"iti__hide\");\n if (isDropdownHidden && [ \"ArrowUp\", \"Up\", \"ArrowDown\", \"Down\", \" \", \"Enter\" ].indexOf(e.key) !== -1) {\n // prevent form from being submitted if \"ENTER\" was pressed\n e.preventDefault();\n // prevent event from being handled again by document\n e.stopPropagation();\n _this4._showDropdown();\n }\n // allow navigation from dropdown to input on TAB\n if (e.key === \"Tab\") _this4._closeDropdown();\n };\n this.flagsContainer.addEventListener(\"keydown\", this._handleFlagsContainerKeydown);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_initRequests\",\n value: function _initRequests() {\n var _this5 = this;\n // if the user has specified the path to the utils script, fetch it on window.load, else resolve\n if (this.options.utilsScript && !window.intlTelInputUtils) {\n // if the plugin is being initialised after the window.load event has already been fired\n if (window.intlTelInputGlobals.documentReady()) {\n window.intlTelInputGlobals.loadUtils(this.options.utilsScript);\n } else {\n // wait until the load event so we don't block any other requests e.g. the flags image\n window.addEventListener(\"load\", function() {\n window.intlTelInputGlobals.loadUtils(_this5.options.utilsScript);\n });\n }\n } else this.resolveUtilsScriptPromise();\n if (this.options.initialCountry === \"auto\") this._loadAutoCountry(); else this.resolveAutoCountryPromise();\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_loadAutoCountry\",\n value: function _loadAutoCountry() {\n // 3 options:\n // 1) already loaded (we're done)\n // 2) not already started loading (start)\n // 3) already started loading (do nothing - just wait for loading callback to fire)\n if (window.intlTelInputGlobals.autoCountry) {\n this.handleAutoCountry();\n } else if (!window.intlTelInputGlobals.startedLoadingAutoCountry) {\n // don't do this twice!\n window.intlTelInputGlobals.startedLoadingAutoCountry = true;\n if (typeof this.options.geoIpLookup === \"function\") {\n this.options.geoIpLookup(function(countryCode) {\n window.intlTelInputGlobals.autoCountry = countryCode.toLowerCase();\n // tell all instances the auto country is ready\n // TODO: this should just be the current instances\n // UPDATE: use setTimeout in case their geoIpLookup function calls this callback straight\n // away (e.g. if they have already done the geo ip lookup somewhere else). Using\n // setTimeout means that the current thread of execution will finish before executing\n // this, which allows the plugin to finish initialising.\n setTimeout(function() {\n return forEachInstance(\"handleAutoCountry\");\n });\n }, function() {\n return forEachInstance(\"rejectAutoCountryPromise\");\n });\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_initKeyListeners\",\n value: function _initKeyListeners() {\n var _this6 = this;\n // update flag on keyup\n this._handleKeyupEvent = function() {\n if (_this6._updateFlagFromNumber(_this6.telInput.value)) {\n _this6._triggerCountryChange();\n }\n };\n this.telInput.addEventListener(\"keyup\", this._handleKeyupEvent);\n // update flag on cut/paste events (now supported in all major browsers)\n this._handleClipboardEvent = function() {\n // hack because \"paste\" event is fired before input is updated\n setTimeout(_this6._handleKeyupEvent);\n };\n this.telInput.addEventListener(\"cut\", this._handleClipboardEvent);\n this.telInput.addEventListener(\"paste\", this._handleClipboardEvent);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_cap\",\n value: function _cap(number) {\n var max = this.telInput.getAttribute(\"maxlength\");\n return max && number.length > max ? number.substr(0, max) : number;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_initBlurListeners\",\n value: function _initBlurListeners() {\n var _this7 = this;\n // on blur or form submit: if just a dial code then remove it\n this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent = function() {\n _this7._removeEmptyDialCode();\n };\n if (this.telInput.form) this.telInput.form.addEventListener(\"submit\", this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent);\n this.telInput.addEventListener(\"blur\", this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_removeEmptyDialCode\",\n value: function _removeEmptyDialCode() {\n if (this.telInput.value.charAt(0) === \"+\") {\n var numeric = this._getNumeric(this.telInput.value);\n // if just a plus, or if just a dial code\n if (!numeric || this.selectedCountryData.dialCode === numeric) {\n this.telInput.value = \"\";\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_getNumeric\",\n value: function _getNumeric(s) {\n return s.replace(/\\D/g, \"\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_trigger\",\n value: function _trigger(name) {\n // have to use old school document.createEvent as IE11 doesn't support `new Event()` syntax\n var e = document.createEvent(\"Event\");\n e.initEvent(name, true, true);\n // can bubble, and is cancellable\n this.telInput.dispatchEvent(e);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_showDropdown\",\n value: function _showDropdown() {\n this.countryList.classList.remove(\"iti__hide\");\n this.selectedFlag.setAttribute(\"aria-expanded\", \"true\");\n this._setDropdownPosition();\n // update highlighting and scroll to active list item\n if (this.activeItem) {\n this._highlightListItem(this.activeItem, false);\n this._scrollTo(this.activeItem, true);\n }\n // bind all the dropdown-related listeners: mouseover, click, click-off, keydown\n this._bindDropdownListeners();\n // update the arrow\n this.dropdownArrow.classList.add(\"iti__arrow--up\");\n this._trigger(\"open:countrydropdown\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_toggleClass\",\n value: function _toggleClass(el, className, shouldHaveClass) {\n if (shouldHaveClass && !el.classList.contains(className)) el.classList.add(className); else if (!shouldHaveClass && el.classList.contains(className)) el.classList.remove(className);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_setDropdownPosition\",\n value: function _setDropdownPosition() {\n var _this8 = this;\n if (this.options.dropdownContainer) {\n this.options.dropdownContainer.appendChild(this.dropdown);\n }\n if (!this.isMobile) {\n var pos = this.telInput.getBoundingClientRect();\n // windowTop from https://stackoverflow.com/a/14384091/217866\n var windowTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;\n var inputTop = pos.top + windowTop;\n var dropdownHeight = this.countryList.offsetHeight;\n // dropdownFitsBelow = (dropdownBottom < windowBottom)\n var dropdownFitsBelow = inputTop + this.telInput.offsetHeight + dropdownHeight < windowTop + window.innerHeight;\n var dropdownFitsAbove = inputTop - dropdownHeight > windowTop;\n // by default, the dropdown will be below the input. If we want to position it above the\n // input, we add the dropup class.\n this._toggleClass(this.countryList, \"iti__country-list--dropup\", !dropdownFitsBelow && dropdownFitsAbove);\n // if dropdownContainer is enabled, calculate postion\n if (this.options.dropdownContainer) {\n // by default the dropdown will be directly over the input because it's not in the flow.\n // If we want to position it below, we need to add some extra top value.\n var extraTop = !dropdownFitsBelow && dropdownFitsAbove ? 0 : this.telInput.offsetHeight;\n // calculate placement\n this.dropdown.style.top = \"\".concat(inputTop + extraTop, \"px\");\n this.dropdown.style.left = \"\".concat(pos.left + document.body.scrollLeft, \"px\");\n // close menu on window scroll\n this._handleWindowScroll = function() {\n return _this8._closeDropdown();\n };\n window.addEventListener(\"scroll\", this._handleWindowScroll);\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_getClosestListItem\",\n value: function _getClosestListItem(target) {\n var el = target;\n while (el && el !== this.countryList && !el.classList.contains(\"iti__country\")) {\n el = el.parentNode;\n }\n // if we reached the countryList element, then return null\n return el === this.countryList ? null : el;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_bindDropdownListeners\",\n value: function _bindDropdownListeners() {\n var _this9 = this;\n // when mouse over a list item, just highlight that one\n // we add the class \"highlight\", so if they hit \"enter\" we know which one to select\n this._handleMouseoverCountryList = function(e) {\n // handle event delegation, as we're listening for this event on the countryList\n var listItem = _this9._getClosestListItem(e.target);\n if (listItem) _this9._highlightListItem(listItem, false);\n };\n this.countryList.addEventListener(\"mouseover\", this._handleMouseoverCountryList);\n // listen for country selection\n this._handleClickCountryList = function(e) {\n var listItem = _this9._getClosestListItem(e.target);\n if (listItem) _this9._selectListItem(listItem);\n };\n this.countryList.addEventListener(\"click\", this._handleClickCountryList);\n // click off to close\n // (except when this initial opening click is bubbling up)\n // we cannot just stopPropagation as it may be needed to close another instance\n var isOpening = true;\n this._handleClickOffToClose = function() {\n if (!isOpening) _this9._closeDropdown();\n isOpening = false;\n };\n document.documentElement.addEventListener(\"click\", this._handleClickOffToClose);\n // listen for up/down scrolling, enter to select, or letters to jump to country name.\n // use keydown as keypress doesn't fire for non-char keys and we want to catch if they\n // just hit down and hold it to scroll down (no keyup event).\n // listen on the document because that's where key events are triggered if no input has focus\n var query = \"\";\n var queryTimer = null;\n this._handleKeydownOnDropdown = function(e) {\n // prevent down key from scrolling the whole page,\n // and enter key from submitting a form etc\n e.preventDefault();\n // up and down to navigate\n if (e.key === \"ArrowUp\" || e.key === \"Up\" || e.key === \"ArrowDown\" || e.key === \"Down\") _this9._handleUpDownKey(e.key); else if (e.key === \"Enter\") _this9._handleEnterKey(); else if (e.key === \"Escape\") _this9._closeDropdown(); else if (/^[a-zA-Z\u00C0-\u00FF\u0430-\u044F\u0410-\u042F ]$/.test(e.key)) {\n // jump to countries that start with the query string\n if (queryTimer) clearTimeout(queryTimer);\n query += e.key.toLowerCase();\n _this9._searchForCountry(query);\n // if the timer hits 1 second, reset the query\n queryTimer = setTimeout(function() {\n query = \"\";\n }, 1e3);\n }\n };\n document.addEventListener(\"keydown\", this._handleKeydownOnDropdown);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_handleUpDownKey\",\n value: function _handleUpDownKey(key) {\n var next = key === \"ArrowUp\" || key === \"Up\" ? this.highlightedItem.previousElementSibling : this.highlightedItem.nextElementSibling;\n if (next) {\n // skip the divider\n if (next.classList.contains(\"iti__divider\")) {\n next = key === \"ArrowUp\" || key === \"Up\" ? next.previousElementSibling : next.nextElementSibling;\n }\n this._highlightListItem(next, true);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_handleEnterKey\",\n value: function _handleEnterKey() {\n if (this.highlightedItem) this._selectListItem(this.highlightedItem);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_searchForCountry\",\n value: function _searchForCountry(query) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.countries.length; i++) {\n if (this._startsWith(this.countries[i].name, query)) {\n var listItem = this.countryList.querySelector(\"#iti-\".concat(this.id, \"__item-\").concat(this.countries[i].iso2));\n // update highlighting and scroll\n this._highlightListItem(listItem, false);\n this._scrollTo(listItem, true);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_startsWith\",\n value: function _startsWith(a, b) {\n return a.substr(0, b.length).toLowerCase() === b;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_updateValFromNumber\",\n value: function _updateValFromNumber(originalNumber) {\n var number = originalNumber;\n if (this.options.formatOnDisplay && window.intlTelInputUtils && this.selectedCountryData) {\n var useNational = !this.options.separateDialCode && (this.options.nationalMode || number.charAt(0) !== \"+\");\n var _intlTelInputUtils$nu = intlTelInputUtils.numberFormat, NATIONAL = _intlTelInputUtils$nu.NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL = _intlTelInputUtils$nu.INTERNATIONAL;\n var format = useNational ? NATIONAL : INTERNATIONAL;\n number = intlTelInputUtils.formatNumber(number, this.selectedCountryData.iso2, format);\n }\n number = this._beforeSetNumber(number);\n this.telInput.value = number;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_updateFlagFromNumber\",\n value: function _updateFlagFromNumber(originalNumber) {\n // if we're in nationalMode and we already have US/Canada selected, make sure the number starts\n // with a +1 so _getDialCode will be able to extract the area code\n // update: if we dont yet have selectedCountryData, but we're here (trying to update the flag\n // from the number), that means we're initialising the plugin with a number that already has a\n // dial code, so fine to ignore this bit\n var number = originalNumber;\n var selectedDialCode = this.selectedCountryData.dialCode;\n var isNanp = selectedDialCode === \"1\";\n if (number && this.options.nationalMode && isNanp && number.charAt(0) !== \"+\") {\n if (number.charAt(0) !== \"1\") number = \"1\".concat(number);\n number = \"+\".concat(number);\n }\n // update flag if user types area code for another country\n if (this.options.separateDialCode && selectedDialCode && number.charAt(0) !== \"+\") {\n number = \"+\".concat(selectedDialCode).concat(number);\n }\n // try and extract valid dial code from input\n var dialCode = this._getDialCode(number, true);\n var numeric = this._getNumeric(number);\n var countryCode = null;\n if (dialCode) {\n var countryCodes = this.countryCodes[this._getNumeric(dialCode)];\n // check if the right country is already selected. this should be false if the number is\n // longer than the matched dial code because in this case we need to make sure that if\n // there are multiple country matches, that the first one is selected (note: we could\n // just check that here, but it requires the same loop that we already have later)\n var alreadySelected = countryCodes.indexOf(this.selectedCountryData.iso2) !== -1 && numeric.length <= dialCode.length - 1;\n var isRegionlessNanpNumber = selectedDialCode === \"1\" && this._isRegionlessNanp(numeric);\n // only update the flag if:\n // A) NOT (we currently have a NANP flag selected, and the number is a regionlessNanp)\n // AND\n // B) the right country is not already selected\n if (!isRegionlessNanpNumber && !alreadySelected) {\n // if using onlyCountries option, countryCodes[0] may be empty, so we must find the first\n // non-empty index\n for (var j = 0; j < countryCodes.length; j++) {\n if (countryCodes[j]) {\n countryCode = countryCodes[j];\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n } else if (number.charAt(0) === \"+\" && numeric.length) {\n // invalid dial code, so empty\n // Note: use getNumeric here because the number has not been formatted yet, so could contain\n // bad chars\n countryCode = \"\";\n } else if (!number || number === \"+\") {\n // empty, or just a plus, so default\n countryCode = this.defaultCountry;\n }\n if (countryCode !== null) {\n return this._setFlag(countryCode);\n }\n return false;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_isRegionlessNanp\",\n value: function _isRegionlessNanp(number) {\n var numeric = this._getNumeric(number);\n if (numeric.charAt(0) === \"1\") {\n var areaCode = numeric.substr(1, 3);\n return regionlessNanpNumbers.indexOf(areaCode) !== -1;\n }\n return false;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_highlightListItem\",\n value: function _highlightListItem(listItem, shouldFocus) {\n var prevItem = this.highlightedItem;\n if (prevItem) prevItem.classList.remove(\"iti__highlight\");\n this.highlightedItem = listItem;\n this.highlightedItem.classList.add(\"iti__highlight\");\n if (shouldFocus) this.highlightedItem.focus();\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_getCountryData\",\n value: function _getCountryData(countryCode, ignoreOnlyCountriesOption, allowFail) {\n var countryList = ignoreOnlyCountriesOption ? allCountries : this.countries;\n for (var i = 0; i < countryList.length; i++) {\n if (countryList[i].iso2 === countryCode) {\n return countryList[i];\n }\n }\n if (allowFail) {\n return null;\n }\n throw new Error(\"No country data for '\".concat(countryCode, \"'\"));\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_setFlag\",\n value: function _setFlag(countryCode) {\n var prevCountry = this.selectedCountryData.iso2 ? this.selectedCountryData : {};\n // do this first as it will throw an error and stop if countryCode is invalid\n this.selectedCountryData = countryCode ? this._getCountryData(countryCode, false, false) : {};\n // update the defaultCountry - we only need the iso2 from now on, so just store that\n if (this.selectedCountryData.iso2) {\n this.defaultCountry = this.selectedCountryData.iso2;\n }\n this.selectedFlagInner.setAttribute(\"class\", \"iti__flag iti__\".concat(countryCode));\n // update the selected country's title attribute\n var title = countryCode ? \"\".concat(this.selectedCountryData.name, \": +\").concat(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode) : \"Unknown\";\n this.selectedFlag.setAttribute(\"title\", title);\n if (this.options.separateDialCode) {\n var dialCode = this.selectedCountryData.dialCode ? \"+\".concat(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode) : \"\";\n this.selectedDialCode.innerHTML = dialCode;\n // offsetWidth is zero if input is in a hidden container during initialisation\n var selectedFlagWidth = this.selectedFlag.offsetWidth || this._getHiddenSelectedFlagWidth();\n // add 6px of padding after the grey selected-dial-code box, as this is what we use in the css\n this.telInput.style.paddingLeft = \"\".concat(selectedFlagWidth + 6, \"px\");\n }\n // and the input's placeholder\n this._updatePlaceholder();\n // update the active list item\n if (this.options.allowDropdown) {\n var prevItem = this.activeItem;\n if (prevItem) {\n prevItem.classList.remove(\"iti__active\");\n prevItem.setAttribute(\"aria-selected\", \"false\");\n }\n if (countryCode) {\n // check if there is a preferred item first, else fall back to standard\n var nextItem = this.countryList.querySelector(\"#iti-\".concat(this.id, \"__item-\").concat(countryCode, \"-preferred\")) || this.countryList.querySelector(\"#iti-\".concat(this.id, \"__item-\").concat(countryCode));\n nextItem.setAttribute(\"aria-selected\", \"true\");\n nextItem.classList.add(\"iti__active\");\n this.activeItem = nextItem;\n this.selectedFlag.setAttribute(\"aria-activedescendant\", nextItem.getAttribute(\"id\"));\n }\n }\n // return if the flag has changed or not\n return prevCountry.iso2 !== countryCode;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_getHiddenSelectedFlagWidth\",\n value: function _getHiddenSelectedFlagWidth() {\n // to get the right styling to apply, all we need is a shallow clone of the container,\n // and then to inject a deep clone of the selectedFlag element\n var containerClone = this.telInput.parentNode.cloneNode();\n containerClone.style.visibility = \"hidden\";\n document.body.appendChild(containerClone);\n var flagsContainerClone = this.flagsContainer.cloneNode();\n containerClone.appendChild(flagsContainerClone);\n var selectedFlagClone = this.selectedFlag.cloneNode(true);\n flagsContainerClone.appendChild(selectedFlagClone);\n var width = selectedFlagClone.offsetWidth;\n containerClone.parentNode.removeChild(containerClone);\n return width;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_updatePlaceholder\",\n value: function _updatePlaceholder() {\n var shouldSetPlaceholder = this.options.autoPlaceholder === \"aggressive\" || !this.hadInitialPlaceholder && this.options.autoPlaceholder === \"polite\";\n if (window.intlTelInputUtils && shouldSetPlaceholder) {\n var numberType = intlTelInputUtils.numberType[this.options.placeholderNumberType];\n var placeholder = this.selectedCountryData.iso2 ? intlTelInputUtils.getExampleNumber(this.selectedCountryData.iso2, this.options.nationalMode, numberType) : \"\";\n placeholder = this._beforeSetNumber(placeholder);\n if (typeof this.options.customPlaceholder === \"function\") {\n placeholder = this.options.customPlaceholder(placeholder, this.selectedCountryData);\n }\n this.telInput.setAttribute(\"placeholder\", placeholder);\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_selectListItem\",\n value: function _selectListItem(listItem) {\n // update selected flag and active list item\n var flagChanged = this._setFlag(listItem.getAttribute(\"data-country-code\"));\n this._closeDropdown();\n this._updateDialCode(listItem.getAttribute(\"data-dial-code\"), true);\n // focus the input\n this.telInput.focus();\n // put cursor at end - this fix is required for FF and IE11 (with nationalMode=false i.e. auto\n // inserting dial code), who try to put the cursor at the beginning the first time\n var len = this.telInput.value.length;\n this.telInput.setSelectionRange(len, len);\n if (flagChanged) {\n this._triggerCountryChange();\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_closeDropdown\",\n value: function _closeDropdown() {\n this.countryList.classList.add(\"iti__hide\");\n this.selectedFlag.setAttribute(\"aria-expanded\", \"false\");\n // update the arrow\n this.dropdownArrow.classList.remove(\"iti__arrow--up\");\n // unbind key events\n document.removeEventListener(\"keydown\", this._handleKeydownOnDropdown);\n document.documentElement.removeEventListener(\"click\", this._handleClickOffToClose);\n this.countryList.removeEventListener(\"mouseover\", this._handleMouseoverCountryList);\n this.countryList.removeEventListener(\"click\", this._handleClickCountryList);\n // remove menu from container\n if (this.options.dropdownContainer) {\n if (!this.isMobile) window.removeEventListener(\"scroll\", this._handleWindowScroll);\n if (this.dropdown.parentNode) this.dropdown.parentNode.removeChild(this.dropdown);\n }\n this._trigger(\"close:countrydropdown\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_scrollTo\",\n value: function _scrollTo(element, middle) {\n var container = this.countryList;\n // windowTop from https://stackoverflow.com/a/14384091/217866\n var windowTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;\n var containerHeight = container.offsetHeight;\n var containerTop = container.getBoundingClientRect().top + windowTop;\n var containerBottom = containerTop + containerHeight;\n var elementHeight = element.offsetHeight;\n var elementTop = element.getBoundingClientRect().top + windowTop;\n var elementBottom = elementTop + elementHeight;\n var newScrollTop = elementTop - containerTop + container.scrollTop;\n var middleOffset = containerHeight / 2 - elementHeight / 2;\n if (elementTop < containerTop) {\n // scroll up\n if (middle) newScrollTop -= middleOffset;\n container.scrollTop = newScrollTop;\n } else if (elementBottom > containerBottom) {\n // scroll down\n if (middle) newScrollTop += middleOffset;\n var heightDifference = containerHeight - elementHeight;\n container.scrollTop = newScrollTop - heightDifference;\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_updateDialCode\",\n value: function _updateDialCode(newDialCodeBare, hasSelectedListItem) {\n var inputVal = this.telInput.value;\n // save having to pass this every time\n var newDialCode = \"+\".concat(newDialCodeBare);\n var newNumber;\n if (inputVal.charAt(0) === \"+\") {\n // there's a plus so we're dealing with a replacement (doesn't matter if nationalMode or not)\n var prevDialCode = this._getDialCode(inputVal);\n if (prevDialCode) {\n // current number contains a valid dial code, so replace it\n newNumber = inputVal.replace(prevDialCode, newDialCode);\n } else {\n // current number contains an invalid dial code, so ditch it\n // (no way to determine where the invalid dial code ends and the rest of the number begins)\n newNumber = newDialCode;\n }\n } else if (this.options.nationalMode || this.options.separateDialCode) {\n // don't do anything\n return;\n } else {\n // nationalMode is disabled\n if (inputVal) {\n // there is an existing value with no dial code: prefix the new dial code\n newNumber = newDialCode + inputVal;\n } else if (hasSelectedListItem || !this.options.autoHideDialCode) {\n // no existing value and either they've just selected a list item, or autoHideDialCode is\n // disabled: insert new dial code\n newNumber = newDialCode;\n } else {\n return;\n }\n }\n this.telInput.value = newNumber;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_getDialCode\",\n value: function _getDialCode(number, includeAreaCode) {\n var dialCode = \"\";\n // only interested in international numbers (starting with a plus)\n if (number.charAt(0) === \"+\") {\n var numericChars = \"\";\n // iterate over chars\n for (var i = 0; i < number.length; i++) {\n var c = number.charAt(i);\n // if char is number (https://stackoverflow.com/a/8935649/217866)\n if (!isNaN(parseInt(c, 10))) {\n numericChars += c;\n // if current numericChars make a valid dial code\n if (includeAreaCode) {\n if (this.countryCodes[numericChars]) {\n // store the actual raw string (useful for matching later)\n dialCode = number.substr(0, i + 1);\n }\n } else {\n if (this.dialCodes[numericChars]) {\n dialCode = number.substr(0, i + 1);\n // if we're just looking for a dial code, we can break as soon as we find one\n break;\n }\n }\n // stop searching as soon as we can - in this case when we hit max len\n if (numericChars.length === this.countryCodeMaxLen) {\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return dialCode;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_getFullNumber\",\n value: function _getFullNumber() {\n var val = this.telInput.value.trim();\n var dialCode = this.selectedCountryData.dialCode;\n var prefix;\n var numericVal = this._getNumeric(val);\n if (this.options.separateDialCode && val.charAt(0) !== \"+\" && dialCode && numericVal) {\n // when using separateDialCode, it is visible so is effectively part of the typed number\n prefix = \"+\".concat(dialCode);\n } else {\n prefix = \"\";\n }\n return prefix + val;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_beforeSetNumber\",\n value: function _beforeSetNumber(originalNumber) {\n var number = originalNumber;\n if (this.options.separateDialCode) {\n var dialCode = this._getDialCode(number);\n // if there is a valid dial code\n if (dialCode) {\n // in case _getDialCode returned an area code as well\n dialCode = \"+\".concat(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode);\n // a lot of numbers will have a space separating the dial code and the main number, and\n // some NANP numbers will have a hyphen e.g. +1 684-733-1234 - in both cases we want to get\n // rid of it\n // NOTE: don't just trim all non-numerics as may want to preserve an open parenthesis etc\n var start = number[dialCode.length] === \" \" || number[dialCode.length] === \"-\" ? dialCode.length + 1 : dialCode.length;\n number = number.substr(start);\n }\n }\n return this._cap(number);\n }\n }, {\n key: \"_triggerCountryChange\",\n value: function _triggerCountryChange() {\n this._trigger(\"countrychange\");\n }\n }, {\n key: \"handleAutoCountry\",\n value: function handleAutoCountry() {\n if (this.options.initialCountry === \"auto\") {\n // we must set this even if there is an initial val in the input: in case the initial val is\n // invalid and they delete it - they should see their auto country\n this.defaultCountry = window.intlTelInputGlobals.autoCountry;\n // if there's no initial value in the input, then update the flag\n if (!this.telInput.value) {\n this.setCountry(this.defaultCountry);\n }\n this.resolveAutoCountryPromise();\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"handleUtils\",\n value: function handleUtils() {\n // if the request was successful\n if (window.intlTelInputUtils) {\n // if there's an initial value in the input, then format it\n if (this.telInput.value) {\n this._updateValFromNumber(this.telInput.value);\n }\n this._updatePlaceholder();\n }\n this.resolveUtilsScriptPromise();\n }\n }, {\n key: \"destroy\",\n value: function destroy() {\n var form = this.telInput.form;\n if (this.options.allowDropdown) {\n // make sure the dropdown is closed (and unbind listeners)\n this._closeDropdown();\n this.selectedFlag.removeEventListener(\"click\", this._handleClickSelectedFlag);\n this.flagsContainer.removeEventListener(\"keydown\", this._handleFlagsContainerKeydown);\n // label click hack\n var label = this._getClosestLabel();\n if (label) label.removeEventListener(\"click\", this._handleLabelClick);\n }\n // unbind hiddenInput listeners\n if (this.hiddenInput && form) form.removeEventListener(\"submit\", this._handleHiddenInputSubmit);\n // unbind autoHideDialCode listeners\n if (this.options.autoHideDialCode) {\n if (form) form.removeEventListener(\"submit\", this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent);\n this.telInput.removeEventListener(\"blur\", this._handleSubmitOrBlurEvent);\n }\n // unbind key events, and cut/paste events\n this.telInput.removeEventListener(\"keyup\", this._handleKeyupEvent);\n this.telInput.removeEventListener(\"cut\", this._handleClipboardEvent);\n this.telInput.removeEventListener(\"paste\", this._handleClipboardEvent);\n // remove attribute of id instance: data-intl-tel-input-id\n this.telInput.removeAttribute(\"data-intl-tel-input-id\");\n // remove markup (but leave the original input)\n var wrapper = this.telInput.parentNode;\n wrapper.parentNode.insertBefore(this.telInput, wrapper);\n wrapper.parentNode.removeChild(wrapper);\n delete window.intlTelInputGlobals.instances[this.id];\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getExtension\",\n value: function getExtension() {\n if (window.intlTelInputUtils) {\n return intlTelInputUtils.getExtension(this._getFullNumber(), this.selectedCountryData.iso2);\n }\n return \"\";\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getNumber\",\n value: function getNumber(format) {\n if (window.intlTelInputUtils) {\n var iso2 = this.selectedCountryData.iso2;\n return intlTelInputUtils.formatNumber(this._getFullNumber(), iso2, format);\n }\n return \"\";\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getNumberType\",\n value: function getNumberType() {\n if (window.intlTelInputUtils) {\n return intlTelInputUtils.getNumberType(this._getFullNumber(), this.selectedCountryData.iso2);\n }\n return -99;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getSelectedCountryData\",\n value: function getSelectedCountryData() {\n return this.selectedCountryData;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"getValidationError\",\n value: function getValidationError() {\n if (window.intlTelInputUtils) {\n var iso2 = this.selectedCountryData.iso2;\n return intlTelInputUtils.getValidationError(this._getFullNumber(), iso2);\n }\n return -99;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"isValidNumber\",\n value: function isValidNumber() {\n var val = this._getFullNumber().trim();\n var countryCode = this.options.nationalMode ? this.selectedCountryData.iso2 : \"\";\n return window.intlTelInputUtils ? intlTelInputUtils.isValidNumber(val, countryCode) : null;\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setCountry\",\n value: function setCountry(originalCountryCode) {\n var countryCode = originalCountryCode.toLowerCase();\n // check if already selected\n if (!this.selectedFlagInner.classList.contains(\"iti__\".concat(countryCode))) {\n this._setFlag(countryCode);\n this._updateDialCode(this.selectedCountryData.dialCode, false);\n this._triggerCountryChange();\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setNumber\",\n value: function setNumber(number) {\n // we must update the flag first, which updates this.selectedCountryData, which is used for\n // formatting the number before displaying it\n var flagChanged = this._updateFlagFromNumber(number);\n this._updateValFromNumber(number);\n if (flagChanged) {\n this._triggerCountryChange();\n }\n }\n }, {\n key: \"setPlaceholderNumberType\",\n value: function setPlaceholderNumberType(type) {\n this.options.placeholderNumberType = type;\n this._updatePlaceholder();\n }\n } ]);\n return Iti;\n }();\n /********************\n * STATIC METHODS\n ********************/\n // get the country data object\n intlTelInputGlobals.getCountryData = function() {\n return allCountries;\n };\n // inject a